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Let me talk about "free energy", too.

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posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 04:24 AM
Thanks Fuelcell. I have to ask though, how long was the water treated for and how much water was there?

The reason I would risk it, is because lead acid batteries are way too heavy and are way too fussy (the cheap small ones). Gas makes "engine" noises, "engine powered" home built things are illegal where I live.

I'm 28 BTW.

On topic, in my opinion the energy problem is not getting the energy, its storing the energy and using it the right way. For alot of people driving to work, the amount of gas they use for one round trip could probably power thier house for a few days. If drivers had a light vehical lane with a big divider wall and could use a vehical under 300lbs with a 120kph top speed, gas prices would not be an issue for many reasons.

posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 08:57 AM
Right, everyone seems to think engines are the culprit for poor fuel economy but there is more to it than that. Weight plays a part and aerodynamics plays an even bigger part.

An easy example of this is comparing the corvette to the chevy tahoe. The corvette actually has a bigger, more powerful motor. But because its lighter and more aerodynamic. It gets around 18 city 29 highway. The tahoe is something like 12/18 I think.

You are also right about us "wasting" energy. Our gasoline engines lose most of their energy as heat. I forget the exact percentage that is actually converted to work, but its something amazingly small

posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by dascro62

This is very true. The maximum efficiency that can be obtained by a heat engine is described by the Carnot cycle. It is a heat engine. That is an engine that runs on heat like the Sterling engine. Heat engines are more efficient than both combustion or steam. I forget the exact maximum efficiency for a heat engine but I am pretty sure it is less than 50%.

It is my understanding, and I could be wrong, that any engine involving thermal processes cannot have an efficiency more or greater than what the Carnot cycle or engine describes.

[edit on 13-3-2008 by 2 cents]

[edit on 13-3-2008 by 2 cents]


posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by 2 cents

The theoretical max efficiency of a Sterling engine is 50%. It's a little more efficient than the best diesel engines.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by XL5

You know, we sometimes use ozone in solutions to oxidize some pharmaceutical products. That ozone in water and organics emulsion is like a oily liquid, with ozone concentration over 10%. Still, it is not hydrogen peroxide.

You can actually get some 50% hydrogen peroxide, as I checked again. If you need more concentrated ones, you can distill the solution, with great care to distll off more water out of the 50% commercial products. You don't need to make hydrogen perioxide in the first place.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 11:01 AM
I agree that saving energy via raising the energy efficiency is very important. To save a penny is to earn a penny. To save a thermo is even better than to exploit a thermo.

As for thermo engine, the thermal efficiency is govern by the processes. But the ideal, or best efficiency is governed by the Carnot cycle:

efficiency = 100%*(1 - (T low/T high))

If the temperature of the "hot" source is very high as compared to the temp of the "cold'source, you could get high efficicney, such as in airplane turbo engine. For real engine, say, as in most auto using Otto cycle, the efficiency is just below 25%.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 11:42 AM
Free energy exists, the general public is far from the actual usable technology. Unfortunately this is mostly due to lack of proper funding. Here are several examples of currently working tech. from the Bearden site:

I know, there's a pic of Bedini, and Mythbuster's debunked his theory.

Yeah, I consider the Discovery channel a totally credible and objective scientific outlet.

What corporation owns the Discovery channel anyway?

That's a whole other can of worms for a wholly different thread.

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 02:43 PM
Free energy is not hydrogen fusion or whatever,f you know so much about physics you should know this(to the op)free energy refers to the aquiring or energy through a sub-space medium,it is not solar,hydrogen,or ANYTHING else!So please get your physics right before you post!

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 02:45 PM
Oh I almost forgot its not hydro power or nuclear power or anything like that,free enrgy means by defininition energy obtained without using enrgy to create it!

posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 03:55 AM

Originally posted by jkrog08
free enrgy means by defininition energy obtained without using enrgy to create it!


Originally posted by jkrog08So please get your physics right before you post!

sorry coulnt let that nice one go... (read first post of this thread)

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