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Pay your taxes with pennies?

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posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 03:51 PM
In my foraging for copper pennies I have amassed a healthy pile of relatively worthless zincs. So what's a good use for this wasted legal tender? Taxes!

I'm sure I've heard of people doing this before but can't find any references. I got the motivation after the recent student penny protest.

I'm thinking paying my Federal income tax in pennies would rapidly result in a vengeful audit, so I want to start small. Local property taxes. I can deliver that bucket in person.

So how about it? Anyone ever done it or known someone who has?

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 07:37 PM
Stamps. Legal tender.

Make postage pay for Iraq. (not that we do, China does.)


posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 08:14 PM
Hah! I could use Forever stamps!
Just tell them to take the stamps at their value in 2015.

I did find this other posting on another forum about pennies.

Presumably, a debt, large or small, can be paid in any sort of Congressionally-authorized currency (or money or coinage or whatever term you like). There used to be, more than 20 years ago, a law that said that payments above a certain amount (like $20) could not be paid "in minor coins" -- this was deliberately concocted to prevent those spiteful payments of taxes or alimony with tons of pennies; but this provision no longer appears in the US Code.

Arguably you could, now, pay your taxes in pennies. But there are machines that can sort and count bushels of coins in a minute, and in return you'd have to lug around hundreds of pounds of coins at considerable trouble and expense to yourself.

I still figure if I just pay my property rent^H^H^H^Htaxes with them it will be well worth the personal inconvenience.


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