posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 06:22 AM
Originally posted by timelike
You true belivers do yourself a great diservice by quickly leaping on anyone who doesn't agree (even if it is provoking!). It just looks like your
desperate to belive...
Speaking personally, I wasn't 'jumping on' the OP for his opinion that there's nothing to the whole UFO thing. I was reacting to his rude
'you're all gullible idiots for believing this stuff' attitude that permeated his post
I'm actually annoyed with myself for reacting to the post... I really should know better by now (and usually do), but occasionally I succumb to my
baser instincts.
There is a wealth of information out there by serious researchers like Timothy Good, who have demonstrated time and again that Governments are
secretly not as dismissive of the whole UFO/alien subject as they've encouraged the rest of the population to be.
Whenever I hear people dismissing the whole subject, and particularly in a rude and ridicule-injected-venom-like manner, I try and remember that it's
an attitude that has been deliberately fostered and encouraged over many years... so I've learned to ignore it for the most part. Just occasionally,
though, it does get to me and I react. The OP was one of those occasions.
Skepticism is good... as long as it's open-minded skepticism. Unfortunately much of what passes for skepticism around here is as entrenched and
close-minded as those who believe without enquiry or rational.
I'm not going to win many friends by saying this... but I wish more people would be open-mindedly skeptical and allow for all possibilities, rather
than proudly display their 'Proud to be the first to dismiss & ridicule this case' Debunker's badge.
Enough waffle from me I think