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California Man Faces Life in Prison for Stealing Pack of Donuts

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posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by zerotime

Originally posted by 2 cents
Again, why is he being punished for crimes he already committed and served time for?

Because he wasn't punished. If you watch the video the DA says they gave him breaks because of the three strike rule and because his felony convictions were more than 10 years apart. In 1999 he was convicted of felony burglary. Even with this conviction there is no automatic sentence of life in prison. He is looking at 25 years to life for his third conviction.

This whole case shows why the three strike rule is wrong.
If he was convicted of prior crimes and properly punished with something resembling justice and he served his time then stealing doughnuts is just that - stealing doughtnuts.

[edit on 7-3-2008 by 2 cents]

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 11:52 AM
So the people now have to pay taxes for this man to stay in prison all his life over some donuts? Are they mad? In England we have similar probation as it's called but it's not a life sentence. What a waste of Prison officers time having to look out for someone for stealing donuts for years in prison, a waste of time if that was the case. I don't see Americans doing that to illegal Mexicans, I bet they give them benifits and say vote for me.

[edit on 7-3-2008 by The time lord]

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by The time lord
So the people now have to pay taxes for this man to stay in prison all his life over some donuts? Are they mad? In England we have similar probation as it's called but it's not a life sentence. What a waste of Prison officers time having to look out for someone for stealing donuts for years in prison, a waste of time if that was the case. I don't see Americans doing that to illegal Mexicans, I bet they give them benifits and say vote for me.

I think you have to understand the topic title is a bit misleading. The current title is meant to get an extreme emotional reaction out of readers.

Current Title: California Man Faces Life in Prison for Stealing Pack of Donuts

An Accurate Title: California Man Faces Faces 25 Years to Life for Third Criminal Conviction - Two of which were Criminal Felony Charges.

Which title is more likely to get readers panties up in a bunch?

The guy wouldn't be stealing any donuts if he was serving 10 to 20 years for his second felony burglary conviction from 1999. But apparently CA can't do that because they already have too many criminals in the system so they keep smacking these criminals on the wrist and telling them not to commit three crimes instead.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by zerotime

But it was still stealing a pack of donuts... It's not even worth the expense. We're talking tens of thousands of dollars to try, convict, and hold a guy for stealing a pack of donuts.

3rd conviction or not, this isn't even a felony. It's barely a misdemeanor. It's so petty, it's barely worth calling the cops over.

**edit to add:

Why are you even bothering to argue? Apparently the justice system agreed. It's just amazing it even got that far to be considered.

[edit on 7-3-2008 by Sublime620]

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by Sublime620
But it was still stealing a pack of donuts... It's not even worth the expense. We're talking tens of thousands of dollars to try, convict, and hold a guy for stealing a pack of donuts.

3rd conviction or not, this isn't even a felony. It's barely a misdemeanor. It's so petty, it's barely worth calling the cops over.

**edit to add:

Why are you even bothering to argue? Apparently the justice system agreed. It's just amazing it even got that far to be considered.

I'm not 100% sure this guy will get any serious jail time. I do not believe this case has had a trial or sentencing phase yet.

I guess I could feel bad if this man was stealing something that made sense. If he had a sick mother, or spouse or child and he was stealing some food or medicine. Something that makes me feel bad about the nature of this guys circumstances. But no, he is stealing a worthless pack of donuts for himself. This guy obviously has big problems. While this guy is a terrible thief I am willing to bet that he has committed a lot more thefts than just the three that he got caught.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by zerotime

It got dismissed according to a previous post. Obviously someone in the legal system agreed that jail time was excessive. The fact that someone even threatened jail time, especially life, is just crazy.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by zerotime

The guy wouldn't be stealing any donuts if he was serving 10 to 20 years for his second felony burglary conviction from 1999. But apparently CA can't do that because they already have too many criminals in the system so they keep smacking these criminals on the wrist and telling them not to commit three crimes instead.

Exactly the point. Why clutter up the prison system with doughnutt stealers and pot smokers and force the "system" to let violent offenders out early or walk altogether? You are right, he did commit another offense. However, this offense is akin to swiping a pen or some post-its from the workplace. NOT life sentence worthy. Why should we the tax payers pay some $30, 000 a year for the next 25+ years, (by the look of him) for a 50 cent pack of doughnuts?

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by bravocomp

Why are you posting this on March the 6th when the case was dismissed on February the 8th??

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