posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 08:51 PM
Yeah, it's out of control. Society is more or less broken... I've got a childhood friend who hung himself at 19. We were pulled into two completely
different life paths.
If you come from a broken home or are in dire straits, life sometimes becomes so difficult that you really need someone or something to stabilise you.
Or sometimes, everything is 'fine' and a person is emotionally dead and spiritually numb, they need proper stimulation but never get it.
Unfortunately, we live in a luciferic society where we are encouraged to look to poison, carnal sex or violence as a quick-fix. So many people are
un-happy with life that they must seek unhealthy things to get a 'quick-fix' of semi-happiness, usually caused by a surge of endorphins or dopamine.
If they destroy those synapses through drug abuse, or simply go numb, they are more likely to commit suicide.
Countless people are burnt out on life, prescription drugs, and have no support, spiritual or economic. Suicide is not a 'last option' but something
that is pressed into them subconsciously by luciferic society.
ALSO: We modern humans are incredibly unhealthy. Even if we aren't abusing drugs, we so rarely get proper exercise or mental relaxation. We don't
sleep the right hours, breathe enough fresh air, see enough sunlight... alot of people are just broken and don't know it. It's extremely easy for
suicidal thoughts to arise in a person who has no testosterone or 'drive'. (Even women require small amounts of testosterone to motivate their
I really believe luciferic society was designed to make us unhealthy and unhappy people. Suicide rates are just a symptom, not a cause.
[edit on 5-3-2008 by NewWorldOver]