How would the New World Order be able to control the world when the U.S. can't even control Iraq and it's people.
It's all about spreading fear and hate through Psychological manipulation.
Hate has been an issue countries have dealt with since the beginning of time. People hated one another because of land disputes or because they were
not a member of the same clan. In today�s society with the Internet and human cloning, people are finding new reasons to hate.
People now use gender, disabilities and sexual preferences as excuses to hate their neighbor. These new issues, the next generation of hate, also lead
to additional problems. Women are fighting for equal footing in the political realm. People with disabilities battle ignorance and misunderstanding.
Homosexuals face imprisonment in some countries for consensual relationships where the punishments could lead to whippings and even death.
These are the new faces of hate.
If aggression is environmentally influenced or learned, then what factors leads to outbursts of aggression like hate crimes?
Psychologists have identified four general categories as potential influences of aggression, the following is the most important:
Group context can amplify aggressive reactions by diffusing responsibility of individuals and by making socially acceptable actions seem
In short, if Gay marriages are deemed unacceptable, the stage is set for "Acceptable Aggretion". That way the christian right have their hands
In a group, the aggressive actions of one antagonistic person may cause the moral inhibitions of others to fall away. An individual's self-identity
may also diminish as she gives herself over to the group mentality. For example, during the Holocaust Nazi followers were more likely to express hate
against Jews once it became popularly accepted. And that�s how the holocaust started was with Persons with disabilities and Homosexuals.
In some countries, consensual sex between adults of the same sex is outlawed as sodomy, crimes against nature or unnatural acts. In others, vague
phrases such as immoral acts or public scandal are used to criminalize different expressions of homosexual identity.
Pakistan it�s Illegal with a punishment of Death
Afghanistan it�s Illegal with a punishment of Death
Saudi Arabia it�s Illegal with a punishment of Death
In Iraq it�s legal but taboo.
Rabbi David Batzri told the Israeli Ma�ariv newspaper that homosexuals should be "put to death" according to Jewish religious law.
I named those countries because of the admins. �special� relationship towards those nations.
Oh The irony.
This information can be found at the following sites:
College of Journalism and Communications
Rainbow Network,
With the way Dubya is dismantling the Americans with Disabilities Act and creating social division with Gays and others, no doubt in my mind that
the NWO has already arrived.