posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 12:38 AM
Id just like to add my experience with number phenomenon. it started like 5 years ago, and today, the numbers are my best friends.
My strange number that haunts is 240. I assumed I was just looking for it subconsciously, so I tried a little test, I purposely started looking for
420, and I saw it once in a while, but the ways that 240 popped up, it seemed like someone was playing a game with me, trying to mess with my head or
more likely tell me something. I would go weeks not looking at license plates or clocks, and 240 would come up in conversation at least twice a day.
So I surrendered to it having some meaning. So I started taking note on what my feelings and or thoughts were at the time of the occurrences, and low
and behold, 240 would pop up during spiritually charged mental activity.
So I did another test. I started watching TV and getting into material things, and basically all together trying to forget about spirituality, trying
to get the numbers to leave me alone or at least debunk them.
Nope, now its 241 in a more intense fashion, so I just went back to surrendering to spirituality completely. 241 now only appears when I'm indulging
in or over materialistic activities, and or during a decision that will decide a material VS spiritual outcome, and 240 pops up like clockwork, (ya
think!?)(no, not on the clock, clock occurrences are always disregarded) when things are going smoothly and I just go with the flow.
241 is there to keep me in check.
if anything is to be gathered from these experiences, I think it is to go with the flow, and or find that flow and know how to identify it.
[edit on 9-3-2008 by psychedeliack]