posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 10:58 PM
As I kid, I was diagnosed with Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome with a hyper-active thyroid. They had me on pills to regulate my thyroid.
I stopped taking them when I was 15 or so (against Dr's orders) and all of a sudden, I had a metabolism! I ate more, exercised more, socialised
more, worked out and made myself an awesome body, joined gymnastics and the swim team and learned to play bass and keyboards and joined a band. I
rocked, partied, competed and generally thanked my lucky stars that I quit taking those stupid pills!
At 15 years old, I looked at my so-called illnesses and the "cure" and I've hated doctors ever since. I tend to look at "M.D." as "Medicinal
Distributor" and have no qualms at saying that M.D's are, by NO means, healers. They are taught that chemicals and a steep price are the name of the
game. Getting the Cadillac, North Shore-lakefront home and 3 or 4 spoiled, rotten kids is the "Medical Dream", not making people healthy. Healthy
people don't pay the bills!
But, that's just me.
I'm jaded.