posted on Feb, 19 2004 @ 11:53 AM
"Strange flashing lights above the sky in Worcestershire has caused speculation the county was visited by aliens.
A BBC cameraman spotted three bright lights in the sky over the Malverns near the village of Hanbury on Tuesday and filmed them with a video
Some thought it could have been flares.
But cameraman Tom Hines, who works on the BBC drama series Doctors, said he is convinced it was a UFO.
'Disappearing lights'
"I kind of saw two bright lights and thought they were stars at first," he said.
"I pointed out where they were and started filming. They started disappearing and reappearing and at one point there was three bright lights.
"They kept appearing very randomly in different areas of the sky."
John Dawson, who lives in Hanbury, also saw the lights.
"We went through all kinds of evaluations, like could they be fireworks, could they be flares and to be honest with you we couldn't come to any
decision as to what they were."
BBC Midlands Today's science correspondent David Gregory has examined the tape and has spoken to local UFO experts.
He said: "It could have been the Hanbury Orbs, which are a series of lights which are known to hover above the landscape in this area.
"But nobody knows for sure."