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MSNBC Reporter: "I hope there is a secret prison for all 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists"

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posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by jthomas

Originally posted by gottago
The protester was arrested. So much for free speech.

He wasn't arrested for free speech. He was arrested for disorderly conduct. Why don't you know that?

I did. That's why I answered as above. Read it carefully.

Point being, Al Capone was finally jailed for tax evasion. Getting the undesirables by whatever means has a long history.

The "newscaster" (and here I'm being kind) has a professional and moral obligation to be objective. He is there to present the news, not give his personal opinion of it. Also, there are limits to inciting or provocative speech by people in his position, and considering that over 1/3 of the population believes as the protester does, that "journalist's" personal comments fall squarely within the bounds of such incitement.

Again, you illustrate my point that 9/11 Truthers choose to live behind high walls, never bothering to do any research, just believing what they want to believe, ears covered, and eyes shut.

This a segment of Joe Scarborough's morning show. The segment is called"News You Can't Use". It is humor. Of course, as with 9/11, you Truthers don't even bother to check out the facts.

I saw the segment. I do admit to vast ignorance of TV, because thankfully I do not watch it. It is a wasteland of tawdry, grotesque infotainment, and this program could be the poster child for its utter debasement.

Blurring the lines between news and enterntainment to the point that you can rationalize such cretinous, outrageous behavior in the name of "but look, it's only a news circus! It's just there to make people laugh!" just shows the tragically degraded state of American popular culture, that this sort of utter garbage can flourish. It in no way excuses the inexcusable.

Many people did indeed "go ballistic" and this is exactly why the guy from MSNBC is deeply in the wrong.

Iran noticed you going ballistic. You played right into its hands:

Isn't this just what BushCo wants us all to do? Isn't this just the very rationalization they are using to trash the Constitution and destroy our basic freedoms and rights? Who cares if Iran uses this for propaganda? This is supposed to shut me up? We are supposed to care more about what some Iranian says and thinks than about our own society and its founding principles?

You are deep through the national-security-state-bs looking glass there, jthomas. I feel sorry for you if you are so paranoid of Iran, and if you truly believe that tired administration meme that we have to destroy our own freedoms for security. That is not patriotism, it is cowardice and an illegitimate means of control. And it is extremely dangerous.

Tear down your wall, Mr. gottago.

If you're referring to the wall being built by these Neocon thugs, you betcha, I'll do my damnedest. The Constitution is not "some goddamned piece of paper." This country is in crisis. We have to wake up from this media/gov't induced web of paranoia and fear and get our act together before it all goes to hell. So yes, I agree with you. Tear down the walls, Mr. jthomas, tear down those walls!

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 07:08 PM
i wouldnt go as far as saying they should be imprisoned but "truther" are not the brightest people out there. actually theyre not bright. 9/11 was a terrorist attack. not a US attack on its own soil. why would they want to do that?

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by gottago

Point being, Al Capone was finally jailed for tax evasion. Getting the undesirables by whatever means has a long history.

That is a red herring. Your point is certainly invalidated by the fact that you all are claiming that the Truth Movement is growing by leaps and bounds because of its freedom of speech on the Internet, at Ground Zero, and all over the country in films, protests, and on and on.

I saw the segment. I do admit to vast ignorance of TV, because thankfully I do not watch it. It is a wasteland of tawdry, grotesque infotainment, and this program could be the poster child for its utter debasement.

I agree but the subject matter has nothing to with TV.

Blurring the lines between news and enterntainment to the point that you can rationalize such cretinous, outrageous behavior in the name of "but look, it's only a news circus! It's just there to make people laugh!" just shows the tragically degraded state of American popular culture, that this sort of utter garbage can flourish. It in no way excuses the inexcusable.

There is no blurring of the line on a segment intentionally designed as a humorous comment on current news items. As much as you don't like it, journalists have the right to free speech and may do so in the context plainly spelled out as humor.

Many people did indeed "go ballistic" and this is exactly why the guy from MSNBC is deeply in the wrong.

Isn't this just what BushCo wants us all to do? Isn't this just the very rationalization they are using to trash the Constitution and destroy our basic freedoms and rights? Who cares if Iran uses this for propaganda? This is supposed to shut me up?

Ridiculous assertion. You've been right here exercising your right to free speech and trash Bush all you want. You and the 9/11 Truth Movement have exercised your right to free speech to write the most ridiculous absurdities about 9/11 for the last six years without consequence. Nor with any regard to facts and evidence. You've been able to claim anything you want to suit your political objectives.


We are supposed to care more about what some Iranian says and thinks than about our own society and its founding principles?

You are deep through the national-security-state-bs looking glass there, jthomas. I feel sorry for you if you are so paranoid of Iran, and if you truly believe that tired administration meme that we have to destroy our own freedoms for security. That is not patriotism, it is cowardice and an illegitimate means of control. And it is extremely dangerous.

I'm not paranoid of Iran or anyone or any country. It's quite obvious you are paranoid about our government to the point where your actions clearly contradict your claims.


Tear down your wall, Mr. gottago.

If you're referring to the wall being built by these Neocon thugs, you betcha, I'll do my damnedest. The Constitution is not "some goddamned piece of paper." This country is in crisis. We have to wake up from this media/gov't induced web of paranoia and fear and get our act together before it all goes to hell. So yes, I agree with you. Tear down the walls, Mr. jthomas, tear down those walls!

I was clearly referring to the walls previously discussed that you and the 9/11 Truth Movement have built around yourselves to keep the real world out and to protect your absurd claims. Your post here is just another good illustration of my case.

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by PureET
So basicly, Jthomasaa,

What your telling us here is this;

The government is always right, and if we do not agree, it's disorderly conduct and adopting extreme measures toward anyone who dares question the publicized account of the events of September 11.

That's what you're claiming. Too bad you can't demonstrate it, isn't it?

This means we have to Build a wall around us, shut our eyes from all that has to do with 9/11 conspiracies and listen only to you, Jthomas? behind high walls ofcourse....

I actually told you to tear down the walls you constructed around you to protect yourself from evidence and reality.

Please Jthomasa do not go that way. Basicly you are telling us we need to believe you because you are always right and everbody else is wrong. Cause you are right... right?

Wrong. I've told everyone all along that they need to support their own claims with evidence

Including you. Tear down your wall PureET.

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by jthomas

Originally posted by gottago

Point being, Al Capone was finally jailed for tax evasion. Getting the undesirables by whatever means has a long history.

That is a red herring. Your point is certainly invalidated by the fact that you all are claiming that the Truth Movement is growing by leaps and bounds because of its freedom of speech on the Internet, at Ground Zero, and all over the country in films, protests, and on and on.

By what logic? Yes, it's true over 1/3 of the population believe LIHOP/MIHOP, but what does that do with this one getting arrested?

I saw the segment. I do admit to vast ignorance of TV, because thankfully I do not watch it. It is a wasteland of tawdry, grotesque infotainment, and this program could be the poster child for its utter debasement.

I agree but the subject matter has nothing to with TV.

Well at least we agree on something.

Many people did indeed "go ballistic" and this is exactly why the guy from MSNBC is deeply in the wrong.

Isn't this just what BushCo wants us all to do? Isn't this just the very rationalization they are using to trash the Constitution and destroy our basic freedoms and rights? Who cares if Iran uses this for propaganda? This is supposed to shut me up?

Ridiculous assertion. You've been right here exercising your right to free speech and trash Bush all you want. You and the 9/11 Truth Movement have exercised your right to free speech to write the most ridiculous absurdities about 9/11 for the last six years without consequence. Nor with any regard to facts and evidence. You've been able to claim anything you want to suit your political objectives.

No, my point was that you brought up Iran, that they were using it for propaganda, and that this was playing into their hands. Don't change the subject for your political objectives. You won't slip away so easily.

I'm not paranoid of Iran or anyone or any country. It's quite obvious you are paranoid about our government to the point where your actions clearly contradict your claims.

Then what was that Iran interlude for exactly? Explain, please.

Amazing indeed.

I was clearly referring to the walls previously discussed that you and the 9/11 Truth Movement have built around yourselves to keep the real world out and to protect your absurd claims. Your post here is just another good illustration of my case.

Sound and fury, signifying nothing. Get out of your bunker, jthomas!

[edit on 8-3-2008 by gottago]

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