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'Our Sun is a Giant dISK/LIGHTSHIP'

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posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 10:51 AM
interesting thread

I have read through some of mengaurds post. Sounds fasinating yet hard to believe, however i like reading this type of stuff so i hope he continues on..

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 12:11 PM
Twelve Chinese Symbolic Animals (Chinese Horoscope)
Aside from horoscope or zodiac signs believe by many people, there is the so-called Chinese calendar year which corresponds to twelve different animals. They claim and believe that these twelve animals which correspond to one single year give or show a person''s attitude, fortune and future. But using the Bible, should we believe the twelve symbolic animals.

Hebrew Calendar.
The Jewish calendar is a combined moon and sun calendar, unlike the conventional Western (or Gregorian) calendar. It also starts each day in the evening because when God was creating the world he started each day in the evening. Find out more about the Jewish calendar to prove once again the veracity and authenticity of the Bible.

Just Keeping In time and Updated

Mayan Calendar 2012: Are You Prepared? Updated 2/14/08

The Mayan Calendar

The Sun DisK and the Astrological View and Calculation of Time How Did the Mayan people Done that?

Ephesians 5:14

14For this reason it says,
"(A)Awake, sleeper,
And arise from (B)the dead,
And Christ (C)will shine on you."

1 Timothy 5:6

But she who (A)gives herself to wanton pleasure is (B)dead even while she lives.

Matthew 24:24-25

24"For false Christs and (A)false prophets will arise and will show great (B)signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even (C)the elect.

25"Behold, I have told you in advance.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10

9Or (A)do you not know that the unrighteous will not (B)inherit the kingdom of God? (C)Do not be deceived; (D)neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [a]effeminate, nor homosexuals,

10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will (E)inherit the kingdom of God.

1 Corinthians 15:51

51Behold, I tell you a (A)mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be (B)changed,

Hope you all like this Another Video

[edit on 6-3-2008 by johnb1]

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 01:31 PM
I would like to point out before I came to Earth that I viewed it from outside our Earth looking down on it, and I noticed all the different colored souls, going into it, Reds,blues, whites and pinks, maybe what I was seeing aboard that craft was crafts going inside Earth. I was right above the Earth looking at it through a porthole. I was aboard a very large craft that had immeasurable beauty. I was being updated on scenarios.There is a room aboard this craft that has a crystal beaming light onto the walls that you get take your (spacebody) through, its like a big smorugusboard of worlds that are projected onto these Reflective walls that shimmer with light.

These reflective walls feel so wonderfull like warms springs to the physical body. These walls looked like cubicles that would hold light, many different orbs were projecting themselves through this area I was one. I want to say this area is where other (souls/orbs) cast their energy on the walls so others can go into it. All these different energies you get to feel is just wonderful.

It's like you get to experience their soul energy, but the crystal magnifies the souls energies on these walls. These walls are shimmering with some type of sparkles, that help magnify the light, like crystal flakes or diamond flakes. I was shown there were a few orbs/people aboard this craft that were also from Earth or are Earthbound.

And perhaps those souls that come into our Earth are actually souls interfacing with our space and time. Shapeshifting into somebody or vehicle alien to our bodies, but not our Inner Senses. That's why we welcome them because they hold different energy patterns. Things from a higher space and time.

Only the (older souls), the ones that experienced more of lights intensity get to project their soul energy on the walls. Each one of these irridiscent lights get to fold your body into a different space time, it is wonderful.

[edit on 6-3-2008 by menguard]

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 04:32 PM
Also on the compass analogy: The Aztec SunStone
............. North....................................................

.....West (SUN). East.........................................'THE CHRIST CROSS'


Funny how our compass holds a four sided circle that correlates to the Suns degrees. A pyramid holds this same diagram. Four sided walls. But our sun is the DIAMOND IN THE SKY.

The Suns alignment with the Universe.

(OUTSIDE TIME) There is no direction out in space just a feeling on where to be.

That compass wheel should be spinning in circles when we are totally without time.

Twinkle twinkle, little star, LIKE A DIAMOND IN THE SKY.


Children of the SUN.

An atom spinning in all directions but nowhere to be seen.

The rise of khundalina in our Solar system, (Serpent Energy).

It is known that snakes like to travel to places of power. Usually snakes are good for determining the rise in (electrical energy) throughout its territory.

The humans are (energy beings) that like to bathe in the light. We like feeling each others energies, we hoard light.

Everybody here is an Energy Being a being of light.


Siruis (noun)

bright star in constellation Canis Major
a binary star in the constelation Canis Major, the brightest star in the sky.

Spiritual Scientists. eVOLVED SOULS.

SONS OF CHAOS/dark order

I believe we are both the sons of humans and the sons of serpents.

The daughters of Humans and serpents.

[edit on 6-3-2008 by menguard]

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 07:10 PM
The sun is like a step down transformer. It is not hotter than the earth it is cooler. It introduces energy and gravity (via sound) that facilitates the various concentrations such as molecules, atoms, etc.. It is as inhabited as the earth or any of the other planets.

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 08:59 PM
Another One Educational Imformative Video Clips details about the Sun and Stars Hope you all like it.

Planets and stars size in scale

Our real size in the universe / Nosso tamanho no universo

A Star dies in Brightest Supernova

The heavens will be rolled up like a scroll. The stars will fall like leaves ... STARS WILL FALL from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken

Isaiah 34:4

4And (A)all the host of heaven will wear away,
And the (B)sky will be rolled up like a scroll;
All their hosts will also wither away
As a leaf withers from the vine,
Or as one withers from the fig tree.


[edit on 6-3-2008 by johnb1]

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 09:58 PM
WOW!!!, what was that???
Holy crap, something just shot over my head...

Didja see that?
I missed it!

I never get it!

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 10:40 PM
Here Hope you can Bounty this Accidental Nice Trip Footage

Thinking about the Sun Disk Light Ship ?

Psalm 19:1-2

1The heavens are telling of the glory of God;
And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.
2Day to day pours forth speech,
And night to night reveals knowledge.

[edit on 7-3-2008 by johnb1]

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by menguard

The Suns crossing our path is the mark of ETERNITY. The Cross is (symbolic) to meeting manhood in tribes. The death of adolesense into adulthood. The (Sundisk) represents the baptism by light.

The same could be said with mankind. The shift from planetary consciousness to Galactic. From planetary seperation into Galactic order.

Our (sundisks) are a sign of crossing, a Galactic Order shift.

When all of our 'Solar Systems Planets' realign we will have sixteen chakras/planets aligned in our bodies. A lot more information from different planets relaying information back to Earth.

When a planet ASCENDS it becomes a STAR, it looks like to me we are Starbeings.

On the day of Ascension everybody will bare witness to the crowning of life.

By 2014 everybody should be wearing a CROWN OF THORNS, crown chakra(HALO) Symbolic to crossing into the light. Fully active Intertime beings No later then 2017.

By this time everbody would be (Spirtually Mature) enough to handle such a journey because their awareness would be worldwide.

Ufos travel through our sun all the time.

And it is to my knowing that the (Great Pyramid) was used to transport the living through these gates. Think of the pyramids as intertime time travel from one point of existance to another. Only for the initiated.. The Sun Gods would be those that knew how to travel through space and time.

For those that would raise their bodies (light quotient) could catch a ride through the light. Think of the Pyramids as (Cosmic Elevators). They would be traveling through the pyramids space time bender, that is why there is an (arc). You raise your energy in these points and it would shoot you out into another star. The same concept as beaming somebody aboard, it uses light to deflect gravity from the field of matter.

The Pyramids are Cosmic Generators of ENERGY and a Cosmic Transportation system only for the initiated. Those that bare the Halo, could go through it.

[edit on 11-3-2008 by menguard]

posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 05:52 PM
In my understanding, I think you are simply referring to the perception of different energy vibration.
Just like how we perceive our physical bodies forms and how we see others physical bodies forms because we am in a certain same level of vibration. Hence it appears same(which is 3-d) to all of us in this level of vibration.
If we tune up our vibration or down, we will perceive/'see' things differently. Hence, at a higher vibration, we will 'see' the sun as a strong energy(which you use the label of giant disk), so strong that it radiates hence create a physical form image(the so called gas) in my current vibration that make Sun looks 3-D.

[edit on 13-3-2008 by clemonte]

[edit on 13-3-2008 by clemonte]

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 01:00 AM
the Ancient Sun GOD?

Deuteronomy 29:28-30

28 In furious anger and in great wrath the LORD uprooted them from their land and thrust them into another land, as it is now."

29 The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by menguard

the Sphinx represents the male emodiement of FEMALE power.

This will be the destiny of mankind.

The 'Cosmic Initiation' of the son is through Siruis. This is where the people will be initiated. There is a blue light that permits through this underground area. I believe that is Ultraviolet rays coming through. These Catlike Beings are the 'Gods of Old'. The Egyptions immortalized Gods in statues. These beings were in white robes with the leader in a royal purple robe.

Siruis is referred to as the dog star, (God Star). The Sphinx is the Territorial Marker of Egypt. It points to Leo THE LION. The face was originally a Lion, then a womans, then a males face. Plus I could see that
Siruis would represent the female/feminine/felion. The Egyption Goddess ISIS would represent this.
Leo lion Constellation: 5th sign of zodiac= Fifth degree level initiate of SIRUIS

The fifth sign of the zodiac, represented by the lion and lasting from approximentally July 23 to August 22. Leo is classified as a fire sign and is ruled by the sun. These days above tend to be the hottest in the desert where I am from

The fire sign would point to emotions which leads to feelings, which lead to a womans intuition.

Siruis is the Triangle which points to the male and female genitals, the three points to eternal life. the mind, body, and spirit.

The Initiates of the Sun, is one of those initiated through eternal light. Those beings that Transcend Earth go to these locations. Siruis is a 'Cosmic School' of Pure Thought. I Know I went to an Underground Temple of sort where priests were gathered. These priests were of the light. Their form was that of Catlike nature pointing to a feminine Nature. They wore hoods. Their eyes looked like a bluish slate color.

In a 'Lions Pride' the feline is the hunter and gatherer of life. The male is the protector.

It would be only those that could hold the energy of the sun that communicate to the Sirians. Cosmic Communication happens through the body which is the temple. The temple in this case would be the heart.

(The HEART holds the largest electromagnetic field in the body. The heart would represent The Great Pyramid)

Now to Orions Belt:Mythological giant
in Greek mythology, a giant and hunter a constellation near the celestial equator.
which points to the Sphinx The Lioness hunting and Gathering.

Now within ORIONs BELT the belt goes around his waist with three stars. Well these stars represent chakras going up from the navel chakra, solar plexus chakra, and to the heart chakra.

These points are also where three Pyramids align with Orions Belt. The belt could be that represenative of a snake wrapping around his waist which would be the rising of the bodies electrical field the rise of the serpent.

The three pyramids could represent the mind, body and spirit connection to Orion. They could also represent stepping stones of the Gods.

Mind science, body science, and spirit science. Each pyramid representing a different class for each pyramid.

Ankh representing the Sirian crossing, ankh representing the crossing to eternity. The Christian Cross is the same. Symbolic to mans crossing with eternity.

Also Orion Pyramids could point to the male equation. Now the brotherhood of the snake mystery schools were also part of this training.

The Sphinx represents the female/feline body empowering mankind. Jesus represented the balance between male and female presense.

Constellation in Northern hemisphere, 12th sign of the zodiac=3
represented by two fishes. female and male.

I believe there is also a 'Christian symbol' that denotes the infinite marker.

I have also been a porpoise dolphine in another body or life. And maybe with the rising of waters will come the people that monitor us.

Sirian and Syrian may show some similiar trates.
SYRIAN:Republic in southwestern Asia, bounded in the north, Syrian Arab Republic)

A lot of Astronomy came out of Egypt. I have also been a DRAGONKING in another life.

[edit on 17-3-2008 by menguard]

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by menguard

Encarta Dictionary

Anubis, Egyption god: in Egyption mythology, a god represented with the head of a jackel/dog, who leads the dead to judgement. Siruis star system would be a place of this decree they gauge your level of degree. The dogface human would be the masculine. ANUBIS IS
RA: 1.Rear Admiral
2.Regular Army
3.right ascension

RA (1) noun
ra [raa] [ray]
in Egyption mythology, the SUN GOD, creator and controller of the Universe, represented as having a human body and a hawk's head.
When I visited the CatLike beings the2nd time I OPENED MY OWN PORTAL TO THEIR REALM, I WENT IN AND TOLD THEM TO WATCH THEMSELVES. I had a Birdlike face and a blue robe on. These Kantarians were caught off guard. I didn't know my own role until I visited them the second time and that's when I knew I was their commanding officer I can open and close STARGATES, I can lock systems so others can't come in. I am a Stargate Designer.

Ra (2) (symbol)
Chemical elements.

If I were to give my full name on the net they would see that RA repeats more then once in my full name And son is in there also.

If you were to decode my name it would look something like this:
Ancient Mans Son of the Golden Age.

My Whole name together sounds like a 'BUDDIHIST MONK TONE'.

All the consonants in my full name equal seven tones, which equals the Crown Chakra. Yes your very names in this life hold much existance, learn to decode them.

My first name repeats RA like this 'ARA' Spelled backwards and forwards, and my middle name holds Ra one more time. The Power of THREE. The mind, the body and spirit. The Holy affinity of Christianity, THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT.

My Life as ELIAS=Elijah

I can tell you before I even cared about looking into biblical matters, which was around twenty years old, that I had viewed one of my Previous LIVes and my name in that time was Elias=Which I found out to be that of the Elijah And the secret lover was Elisha. These two were part of a Secret Society of Light.

I viewed what appeared to be on Egyption/roman steps up a Temple that had huge steps going up. Their was a female and male having a secret love affair that one party did not agree with Elisha got carried away by roman chariots, horses and men. I believe this is depicting the people of Siruis and the people of Orion were to come together without fornication when with a Society of Light.

I am sure people will find many simularities between RA and Elijah.

If you are unsure about what I am telling you ASK YOUR GOD!

[edit on 18-3-2008 by menguard]

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 01:08 PM
These pyramids were for Spiritual Cleansings, atonement, resonance, raising frequencies. Connecting with outside parties. Inside these chambers was free energy. The energy from another dimension transporting people through these Temples. A person could learn a lot just by being inside these conduits of light energy.

Only those that knew the body delt with the light ratio, knew they could utilize its energy. Those that couldn't hold the energy were permitted to stay out. If a body is not attuned to these frequencies, vibrations, and tones it could rip the body apart by the molecules that hold it into place.

Each living cell in our body contains light..

The light in our cells vibrate until we reach the Spiritual Passage.

These Pyramids were also for short circuiting other places. They would beam energy and focalize it at certain points for BALANCE.

When being inside these Pyramids one could pick up Ideas from Another world or dimension, a Gateway to connect to the GODS.

A person could learn to Unfold the secrets of the Universe in these hidden chambers. They could also learn to make some very interesting inventions.

[edit on 24-3-2008 by menguard]

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 07:39 PM
Here is something that is interesting the Sphinx itself was actually once covered in White Limestone.

It was done for traditional purposes.
For seizing power.
Decorative ornament.

I am getting it would reflect the moonlight also. I could only imagine the night sky with a brilliant sparkle from a distance it was probably bedazzling.

[edit on 26-3-2008 by menguard]

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 02:00 PM
I have had dreams in a moments memory of mine, where I have seen  a huge dark grey craft emitting a brillant eerie green light, from a space craft that had emerged from a mountainside. This mountainside was actually a craft holographically projecting itself as something else.

I have seen myself in a field where there is a Crop Circle and it is a landing pad for a craft I get, there are trees dancing in the wind all around me, this circle that I am in is huge, there are Spruce trees all around me, this place is of beauty. and I am here with three beings, one is holding my right shoulder, the other is holding my left shoulder, they look humanoid or caucasasian, and they are seven feet tall, the tallest one is right behind me, and I am being given some type of energetical treatment to my temporal lobe areas, its as if this being behind me is increasing the voltage that runs through my brain so it will process faster. These beings were in silver light suits. They were all bald and slender.

If anybody wants to hear the sound the sun makes, all you need to do is put your hands over your ears real tight, and what you are actually hearing is solar emissions from your body. This is exactly what the sun sounds like up close.

[edit on 4-4-2008 by menguard]

posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 11:20 AM
Its a hole in our space to heaven

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 12:29 AM
If seasons, time and weather patterns determine our alignment with the Universe, and we are to experience a void of time, I would say that we would have nothing but Summer. Or something void of difference, there would have to be only light. Maybe the darkness will be no more or maybe the sun will be no more. It is one or the other.

I have seen what happens when enlightment comes for the world, it will be ufos coming in forming a ring around our Earth, and the charge from them will be like experiencing yourself in spirit body or inside out while your light bodies are charged. You will experience a euphoric feeling what it is to be inside and outside your body at once. Your body will most likely be on auto-pilot when your spirit is in Gods Cloud.

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 01:51 AM
hey menguards, glad you are always sharing your insights. Any idea or time frame on when the enlightenment you visioned will arrive?

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by clemonte

Here is more information that I think some will find interesting, when I wanted to see where I will go to when I leave this Earth plane I was shown what was our sun. But what I saw was the sun being covered or eclipsed by something, the sun was being blocked out.

The Stargate would be this sun, the light polarity is for the physical and the dark polarity must be for the spirit/energy body to travel through.

Traveling through the BLACK SUN/BLACK HOLE

Also I would like to point out that astronauts that have been out in space, do not eat as much and I believe this is do to the effect gravity has on the body. You would use less energy when you are free floating around space.

'We can't change the world but we can sure piece it together'

[edit on 7-4-2008 by menguard]

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