reply to post by menguard
the Sphinx represents the male emodiement of FEMALE power.
This will be the destiny of mankind.
The 'Cosmic Initiation' of the son is through Siruis. This is where the people will be initiated. There is a blue light that permits through this
underground area. I believe that is Ultraviolet rays coming through. These Catlike Beings are the 'Gods of Old'. The Egyptions
immortalized Gods
in statues. These beings were in white robes with the leader in a royal purple robe.
Siruis is referred to as the dog star, (God Star). The Sphinx is the
Territorial Marker of Egypt. It points to Leo THE LION. The face was
originally a Lion, then a womans, then a males face. Plus I could see that
Siruis would represent the female/feminine/felion. The Egyption Goddess ISIS would represent this.
Leo lion Constellation:
5th sign of zodiac=
Fifth degree level initiate of SIRUIS
The fifth sign of the zodiac, represented by
the lion and lasting from approximentally July 23 to August 22.
Leo is classified as a
fire sign and is ruled by the sun. These days above tend to be the hottest in the desert where I am from
The fire sign would point to emotions which leads to feelings, which lead to a womans
Siruis is the Triangle which points to the male and female genitals, the three points to eternal life. the mind, body, and spirit.
The Initiates of the Sun, is one of those initiated through eternal light. Those beings that
Transcend Earth go to these locations.
Siruis is a 'Cosmic School' of Pure Thought. I Know I went to an Underground Temple of sort where priests were gathered. These priests were of the
light. Their form was that of Catlike nature pointing to a feminine Nature. They wore hoods. Their eyes looked like a bluish slate color.
In a 'Lions Pride' the feline is the hunter and gatherer of life. The male is the protector.
It would be only those that could hold the energy of the sun that communicate to the Sirians. Cosmic Communication happens through the body which is
the temple. The temple in this case would be the heart.
(The HEART holds the largest electromagnetic field in the body. The heart would represent The Great Pyramid)
Now to Orions Belt:
Mythological giant
in Greek mythology,
a giant and hunter a constellation near the celestial equator.
which points to the Sphinx The Lioness hunting and Gathering.
Now within
ORIONs BELT the belt goes around his waist with three stars. Well these stars represent chakras going up from the navel chakra,
solar plexus chakra, and to the heart chakra.
These points are also where three Pyramids align with Orions Belt. The belt could be that represenative of a snake wrapping around his waist which
would be the rising of the bodies electrical field the rise of the serpent.
The three pyramids could represent the mind, body and spirit connection to Orion. They could also represent stepping stones of the Gods.
Mind science, body science, and spirit science. Each pyramid representing a different class for each pyramid.
Ankh representing the Sirian crossing, ankh representing the crossing to eternity. The Christian Cross is the same. Symbolic to mans crossing with
Also Orion Pyramids could point to the male equation. Now the brotherhood of the snake mystery schools were also part of this training.
The Sphinx represents the female/feline body empowering mankind. Jesus represented the balance between male and female presense.
Constellation in Northern hemisphere, 12th sign of the zodiac=3
represented by two fishes. female and male.
I believe there is also a 'Christian symbol' that denotes the infinite marker.
I have also been a porpoise dolphine in another body or life. And maybe with the rising of waters will come the people that monitor us.
Sirian and Syrian may show some similiar trates.
SYRIAN:Republic in southwestern Asia, bounded in the north, Syrian Arab Republic)
A lot of Astronomy came out of Egypt. I have also been a DRAGONKING in another life.
[edit on 17-3-2008 by menguard]