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The Ron Paul conspiracy.

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posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 01:35 AM
Ron just isnt the man. They need change. (even if its surface level.)

People dont equate an old white man with change.
He has some pretty cool ideas, yet at the same time - some of them are stuck in ideas of yesterday. (in this case, the lack of progression isnt cool.) But in other areas, such when he said a people will get "the leadership they deserve" is very true.

Mass consciousness gets what mass consciousness gets.

I think we are safe to say that we have Obama/Hillary or Hillary/Obama 2008.

On a surface level this is big change.
A woman president/vice president.
A half black half white president/vice president. (despite that he is related to Dick Cheney, and this isnt even a where is the change here. Out of all the Americans you still have only relatives running for office?)

People want change, big change...but only on a surface level.
Mass consciousness just isnt ready.

"You have the gift...but looks like your waiting for something" - oracle
"What" - Neo
"Next life perhaps, who knows..." - oracle

Yep, thats America...they have the gift...there is a desire sparked for change, but they dont even have a true comprehension of what that would entail.

A hint: It has nothing to do with this back and forth polarity.
None of this "us vs. them"

When corporations start to work together, they will indeed help the development cycle of this planet...instead of working against each other. (They become collaborative and not competitive..."Eckhart Tolle")



posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by cashlink
reply to post by RUFFREADY

that is not controled by big corporations or our Goverment.

Ron Paul does not get more coverage because he only has the support of a vocal monrtiy about 5%. Sorry. That is the way it is. If there was really a ground swell of support then they would not be able to ignore him. As far as "being controlled by go anc large corpertaions, here is a donor list to Ron Paul:

US Army
US Navy
Google Inc
Microsoft Corp
US Air Force
US Postal Service
Lockheed Martin
Boeing Co
Cisco Systems
Verizon Communications
AT&T Inc
General Dynamics
Northrop Grumman
US Dept of Defense
Apple Inc
Ibm Corp
Wachovia Corp
Raytheon Co

And these are only reported PAC contributions, who knows how much individuals associated with the companies donated to him?

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by Maverickhunter

Conspiracy theories or not, bottom line is that his campaign cannot raise the money it needs to run a nationwide ad blitz. He would need at least 20 million per month. I'm pretty sure the networks would take his money and run his ads if he had the money to start with, but he doesn't. It has become insane with how much money it takes to run for pres. That is his campaign's biggest problem, no money. An apparent lack of mass appeal is yet another topic in itself.

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