I'm baaaaak, (Like anyone should notice, the threads already archived by now.)
I spent way too much time today between tasks (like filling coffee cup) gathering images from just my current archive. I have close to 10 years of
digital photos in categories, but most archived on DL-DVD now. Most of these where 6MP raw images so I had to strip them down quite a lot to fit here.
Some I am saving to have a couple of the hot shot debunkers here do their best with. If anyone wants originals with metadata (IPTC) intact U2U
To preface this, I live in the south San Francisco Bay area and several times a week ride out on my MT bike with a chest mounted Digital SLR and
photograph anything of interest. That I travel toward sunsets usually affords great skies and some interesting effects also. My rout location is
also smack dab on the approach to major airports like SFO and Oakland, and south of me San Jose. So I see at any time aircraft from all directions,
altitudes and in any lighting and weather conditions. My studio windo faces Sacramento approach, so I see all the aircraft coming in to the bay area
and can listen on my digital scanner to Air Control to Pilot also.
I have studied the sky most of my life for the beauty as we all do and two technical reasons. As an illustrator doing hundreds of images with
realistic skies, and two as an amateur astronomer and science interested person. So I look at weather and optical effects. That’s one of the
reasons I was asked to do some MUFON work. Besides the fact they are swamped. So for all these years, at least 35, I look, read, photograph, paint
and illustrate sky. I also model in 3D skies with off the shelf software like Bryce and Photoshop, both have a sky generator. I want to show you
just a few of the weired things I have caught and can explain with current science and meteorological knowledge.
This is either a cloud or a leftover contrail segment I shot. It was probably many thousands of feet and many miles out to sea, and because it was so
high it is still being lit by the sun setting in the west.(in back of this view)
There are flights going north and south, east and west as this area and in fact from Seattle to San Diego. They routinely go out over the water for
fast and stable air. San Francisco with Oakland and San Jose is one of the busiest areas in the west.
Here is a more dynamic scene I shot demonstrating many elements being lit by the sun set in the direction of view. See the "Sun Pillar" as it is
called which is the sun reflecting off high water vapor between the sun and the viewer. This can be very pronounced. I have very dramatic examples in
my archive, but this should suffice. See this link to understand more about this natural effect. They are also called "Light Pillars"
Light or Sun Pillar
Heres an example of how strange such an effect can look. The trick is to continue to look and watch it change. I have 12 frames of this in
transition. It is nothing more than a contrail being cut off by a dryer mass of air abruptly. The bright patch might be an effect of the particular
condensation in the border zone. See the jet in the picture heading north toward Seattle leaving SFO.
Hear are some other effects for fun. Like I said, these are handy.
Obviously the Sun distorted and shaped by foreground weather. Many see these every day anywhere on the planet. Some goofballs think it is funny to
try and fool us with images like this and a contrived story. Well, who's the real fool in that case? Still others forget they took such an image,
and, while going through their files think they have a UFO, but actually it is a picture they shot while not actually sober. The story will sometimes
reveal such a scenario. Pay attention to the image AND the story. see the threat for the
Thames UFO No story just a mistaken image there.
Here is an inbound passenger jet coming in from Hawaii at extreme telephoto. It is over the pacific with landing lights. A photo like this at dusk
is hard to identify for anything.
This is a contrail emerging from behind coastal fog clouds. Note the star just to the top left of the contrail. At only six megapixels I find many
stars in dusk shots.
So unless we can get video and/or more accurate descriptions of what people are seeing at the beginning of the thread we cannot assume anything
really. people see things every day they cannot explain, and if you say there are weird things in the sky many will say they saw something. Maybe
they did, but in this case someone likely misidentified and embellished with their enthusiasm.
I promised some education on Sun Dogs. So here goes. First, see the description here for the science.
I have good books on the subject, but copyrights prohibit my scanning and posting, so this will have to do. Good images there too.
Sundogs are an effect of refracted light through very high ice clouds that form above 26000 feet (6000m) where the air is thin and very cold. Imagine
a blanket of microscopic Diamonds and you have an idea of what these clouds are like. Another example for you people in the cold eastern and northern
areas is when your windshield or window ices up. Look at what a point light or even the sun does when you look through that. You will see refraction
through the ice crystal doing interesting things similarly.
Here is a Sundog on the beach at Carmel I got last June.
As you can see, these things can get quite bright as per the reflection in the wet sand demonstrates. Sometimes Sun dogs will also happen higher in
the sky, and not always at sunset. Then you can see much more structure depending on conditions.
What these bright spots are are duplicates of the sun in the refraction through billions of ice crystals.
Here is a close up of a sun dog I got a few years ago.
Now here is something that got me by surprise. When I was going through the images from my Carmel shoot a day or so later at home I noticed what I
thought was lens dust on the image. I looked closer and realized it was something solid in the air. I could tell this was not on the lens or
airborne dust. It was solid and at the right focal for the air in front of me. Very strange.
I have many photos of what I call "probe" sphere images I have photographed from my own yard to parking lots around town. Even friends across town
has seen them the same times I have. They seem to follow me almost. So I did not see this when I was photographing it. If anyone wants to look at
the original 6MP image U2U me and provide an FTP or equivalent drop and see what you can do with it.
That's enough for now. I have many more UFO-like illusions from my work and many more Sun Dog and Sun Pillar images. I also have UFO images, but no
time to post and "publish" right away. So if they do not kick me off for such long posts, I'll try and afford some time in the future to share the
many interesting images I have compiled.
Keep Looking UP!