posted on Mar, 8 2004 @ 03:34 AM
Heres how i learned to lucid dream, and it didn't cost me anything (apart from peaceful sleep).
I practised many reality test during the day until they became habit. When you do these instinctivly during a dream these tests will fail (by doing
something impossible) and you will know that you are dreaming.
The "watch test" has been mentioned here already. But I did it slightly differently. Look closely at your watch and make sure that it is moving
correctly, in a dream it wont. My watch was going backwards in my first lucid dream and another time it was a tattoo on my wrist (but still ticking
The "reading test": Occasionaly when you see a word written down look at it then look away, then look back. In a dream the word will have
The "hands method": Also mentioned in this thread but my version is a little different. All you need to do is every now and then look at your hands,
count your fingers (to make sure there are ten) and basicaly just examine how they look. In a dream your hands will be slightly deformed.
Another method (the most successful for me) is to occasionaly just qustion your reality. Just stop what your doing, look around at everything and ask
your self "is this a dream?". Normaly I dont even need to get that far as soon as I even think about questioning reality I know that im dreaming.
Anyway you should do all these several times a day, once they become habbit you will end up doing them in a dream and becoming lucid.
Even reading about lucid dreams can cause you to have your first.
Also the position you sleep in will effect your success at this. Usually lying on your back will promote OBE, lying on your left will cause dreaming
and lying on you right will cause dreamless sleep (but this may be different for some people, you'll just have to try it).
Its not as great as everyone makes out though (not for me atleast) I regret ever learning how to do it. I no longer practise these reality checks but
that doesnt stop me from having the occasional lucid dream. Once you've started to have them I don't think theres any way of going back.
Hope this helped.