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laptop freeze when playing dvd/cd

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posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 05:04 AM
laptop freeze when playing dvd/cd

I have a laptop and its 4 year old Toshiba 2005. My problem with the laptop is for the last 2 years i couldn't use my dvd/cd player/burner because if i do use it, it freezes up the laptop and i have to shutdown manualy. however, for some reason i can burn with it.

why would it do that? and how can i fix it? :bnghd:


posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 08:45 AM
At the risk of stating the painfully obvious, one of two things is happening.

One, you are having a partial failure of your drive-I don't think this is the case.

I suspect, it plays music cd/dvd's just fine.

I believe your dvd playing software is corrupted.
Try uninstalling it, reboot and reinstall the software and reboot.
now try playing a should work

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by mrmonsoon

thanks mrmonsoon i'll give it a try!

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