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Did you have special gifts as a child??

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posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by Badge01

what's the point of that???

you dont' believe my word in the original post, but you'll believe it now?

I'll try my best to test this battery thing for you since you've peaked my curiousity too. Like I said I honestly never thought of "testing" this in anyway.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 09:43 PM

i dont think i have had any gifts, but i do remember spending a year on an island with my grandmother ...during the Bosnian war, we hid out there

This is TOTALLY off-topic, for which I apologise, but I was just wondering: were you a refugee in a different country?
(Because I don't remember Bosnia having any islands. There is a stretch of coast in the Herzegovina part - I think, I am really not sure, and I am too lazy to check right now
- but no islands.)

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by thesaint

If you insist...

I wouldn't call it a "gift" or a "power" - and would hate ANYONE calling it that - but I could sense events in my immediate future that had not yet happened (obviously!) in my time-line. (The feeling was that of absolute KNOWLEDGE, not just a vague presentiment.)

I could also deflect at will any teacher's intention of calling me during class (to test and grade my knowledge). I think many people are familiar with this practice of making oneself "invisible" to the teacher...

And there were other things, too - but it would take too much time and effort to accurately describe them - and I'd rather wait for a different opportunity, in a different context. (Or not discuss them at all.)

[edit on 5-3-2008 by Vanitas]

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 11:05 AM
I've never really thought of 'testing' myself. It's never really been a question of validity to the people around me. I've gone through, meaning completely killed, mp3 players of all kinds, fried hard drives that includes the electrical wiring of newer and older cars (radios don't work, lights etc..), and my many cell phones.

As for testing for it, I'll be first in line if that's the case. I would love to know if it's just random chance or something really emanating around me. I'll talk to my dad and see about getting that battery tester!

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 12:18 PM
At the age of 6-7, I could fly down the stairs in our home. I can still clearly remember the sensation. I landed on my feet with a thud each time but found I couldn't do it again after my parents asked me what I was doing and please would I stop.

This was during the time that I was having a recurring 'nightmare' which went on for about a year; I was a witch on a broomstick flying over very tall buildings that were on fire. As a young child, I had never seen 'skyscrapers' but years later, I recognised this scene as the twin towers. I was also having nosebleeds for this year which our doctor could not explain.

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by thesaint

Seeing the aura of people, seeing angels, knowing things from the past without you even learned it, sensing evil can be considered as a gift, right? Somehow these gifts are still with me. And I'm glad for it.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 07:32 AM
I personally believe as children we have more will power than we have as adults. I remember a few times I was able to imagine things so well I would be able to see it. I also convinced myself I could summon wind between the age of 9 & 10. I didn't believe I was able to control the magnitude, just cause wind to appear. However I was most likely just noticing the wind at the given time more than anything else. Although my little sister used to tell us she came from an egg from outer space until she was 3 years old. She used to say it on several occasions. This was without coaxing from any of my family, and she had never seen the show "Mork and Mindy" which was the only place I could think she could of gotten the idea. Perhaps she retained the memory from my mother's cells. I know one of my earliest memories are bits and pieces of my aunt's wedding from a time before I was born. So yeah I believe children might be able to do some of the things you mentioned. I believe our capacity to accept the impossible diminishes as we get older and so these "abilities" are eventually lost.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 08:46 AM
I was the same WorldWatcher, from the ages 12-14, I'd drain a digital watch battery in about and hour from new. It used to really annoy my mum, coz' she'd have to get another. In the end I got a wind up watch given to me.


posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 09:07 AM
Yes, many, but the ability to see spirits, and move objects are the most fun. I also like others here have the ability to hold alot of electrical energy like static electricity in my body and so clocks and electronics can be a problem.

[edit on 7-3-2008 by antar]

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by thesaint

Interesting thread, I'm glad people are participating, some of this is fascinating. I'm particularly intrigued by the notion that merely mentioning or talking to a parent about these abilities makes them go away. What is that all about?

My theory is that the exchange in this situation creates an emotional response that releases an unpleasant endorphin. Perhaps a feeling of shame and/or fear, in seeing their parents (typically negative) responses to what they're saying causes the brain to "shut down" those abilities?

Another theory is that vaccinations that society forces on our young does it for them.

I didn't have any particular "abilities" as a child, but I do remember something I used to spend time doing in my room. I remember trying to tell my mother about it, around age 5, and I know I couldn't have been very articulate (because I know I'm going to have a hard time describing it to you now). Either way, she told me not to, and I must say, I can't really remember ever doing it again.

What I'm going to attempt to describe, I used to think of as "making earthquakes". I would lay in my bed and stare at the wall or ceiling, and I suppose I was putting myself in a trance of some kind, only it would happen within seconds. Suddenly, what I'll describe as my "point of view" would "bounce" back and forth from where I was laying to within centimeters of the wall or ceiling I was staring at. Really fast like... Think of holding a sheet of tin and wiggling it so that it bows back and forth rapidly. I would feel that sensation, and my POV would change correspondingly. I don't know what this was, and I've tried to describe it to people - with no luck, not surprisingly.

I'm all over the place here, but I was also interested in hearing descriptions of the being(s) you conjured as a kid, Saint. Can you remember what they were like?

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 12:20 AM
Special abilities,

I suppose.
Most of my "encounters" happened in my teens, but....
I was very attuned to horses, could encounter the ones others deemed dangerous.
I was very attuned to nature.
I saw extra terrestrial air crafts.
I had horrific night mares.
Had entities wake me up when some thing important was present.
Only later have I experienced static presence and very much so.

An abbreviated account, to me it is boring compared to what I have experienced as I grew older, as an apprenticeship.
Today's reality is much more "full".

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by worldwatcher

In terms of "experimentation": one aspect of conducting an experiment is that you have a "control" -- in this case, you have your husband's cell and Ipod. But you have to consider one major variable: how often does he use these things as compared to you? If you listen to music more and use your cell more, then they would of course run out of juice faster. Also, camera batteries: if you can get another camera of the same model, and let your husband use that one but take the SAME amount of pics with it, then see if there is a difference in how fast the batteries are used up, then it might seem significant.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 06:01 PM
Im glad many people have experienced the same or similar. I clearly remember moving objects and talking and being with other beings. It was not my imagination i know it all happened.

There is definiely something behind all of this without a doubt in my opinion

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 03:02 PM
I bought the battery tester and have batteries, but haven't had the chance to do a controlled experiment and document it yet, but I hope to do it soon, probably after the spring vacation with the family.

I wanted to add in regards to the electrical/battery/magnetic thing that some of us experience... I'm more "grounded" when I wear jewelry so if anyone is trying to test themselves, try conducting the experiment with and without jewelry.

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by worldwatcher

Worldwatcher I was wondering if you have problems with your gold or silver jewelry tarnishing after only a couple of hours or days of wearing it. I realize it's off topic but I wanted to know since we seem to have this 'battery/electro' thing in common. If it's linked in some way to the effect we have on our electronics? I stopped wearing watches all together because it basically became an unending battle of weekly battery replacements and tarnished metal. I always just thought it was my skin having an allergic reaction to metal. There are some days I can wear my favorite necklace and it be ok but come the next day it's turned a bronze hue and I'm shocking people more than usual.
It's been the same since I was a kid.

I on the other hand haven't gotten my tester yet, but when I make time I'll get back to this thread at a later date.

posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 12:22 AM
Since I was a child...things I wanted but may not have needed would happen to me. I have always had this power to project what I want and then get it.

It has grown stronger now with wisdom and I fear using it and try not to wish for anything too hard. It can tear live apart and its not worth it. I have never become rich from it because besides a few "toys" money and power have never meant anything to me.

[edit on 9-4-2008 by LoneGunMan]

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 05:33 PM
Thats good as its nice to see someone who believes they have an ability also realise that they dont need to abuse it to get what they want.

In reply to other posts in this thread. I remember all sorts of beings but oddly could never in my imagination describe them. As for moving objects i can very very very clearly remember this. It was as if inanimate objects could and would take on a life of their own. I could summon things to move and interact with me purely by my will. It was not as if i was always controlling any object as sometimes they would act or move of their own accord. Sometimes it would scare the living hell out of me as everything would be moving all at once and i could sense a force driving it all a force that sometimes made me scared.....Very scared!!!!!!

I also remember being able to concentrate when jumping off my bed and make myself land like a feather as if i was jumping on the moon. I dont know if i was able to make myself float or just slow my perception of time down whilst in the air. Its all a big puzzle to me fnow hence why i am searching for answers

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by thesaint

Special gifts? I don't know if these are ones...but here goes:

1. Gift of Prophrecy
2. The ability to calm a wild animal.
3. Lightbulbs 'popping' around me. Electrical stuffs.
4. Gift of healing - minor things
5. Wisdom

Few others.


posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 05:47 PM
Duckster the popping of light bulbs is very interesting as i think you will see upon this thread others stating they remember meddling with electrical items when younger. Can you still do this and was it a result of if you were upset or in a mood or something?????

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by thesaint

More or less when my moods are 'heightened' somewhat.

I find that when I'm 'ticked off' or 'wary' or 'scared'...crap starts up - lights flicker/pop/don't want to go on.

When I'm happy, everythings works normally; sometimes things glow.

I was explaining this in another thread (be damned if I can find it now), and I went on to explain about when I was falling asleep, the tv channel would change up. Hubby thought I was 'laying on the clicker' or 'bumped it' but then it started to freak him out when he decided to hold the dear ol channel changer beside him one nite, and sho nuff....the channels were flicking around. Happens the odd time, when I pull a snooze on the coach. I wake up when I hear the channels going nuts like that, snd curse his ever-loving hide over it. lololol


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