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Did Steve Fossett Find a Path to Another Dimension

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posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by Boswell
What bothers me about M's letters are he claims he is not the greatest friends with Forsett, but apparently Foresett's wife calls and tells him about what she saw? Why would his wife bother calling M? I'm sure she would have called a relative, not a stranger. I doubt she'd know very much about M at all.

My thoughts as well.....

Any of our readers know Mrs. Fossett ?? Or some of Mr. F' s other friends and family?? Perhaps that way a polite inquiry could be made as least as to whether they even know this guy or not........

At the rate that interest in this thread is growing, I would think that it could eventually catch the eye of someone more intimately connected to the Fossett's.....??

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by freighttrain
Well their calender is a physical description of the most accurate astrology to date, and their calender ends on Dec 21,2012.

The Microsoft calendar ended in 1999. Look at the needless and expensive panic that little nugget of intel caused at the time.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by Lokey13
Well you seemed to be a genius on the subject from your first two posts, seems you just said you knew something about something

First up, my first two posts deal only with the 4th dimension talk, they make no mention of 2012.

Secondly, my frist two posts were posted out of complete confusion as to why people keep saying we are entering the 4th dimension.

To me, the 4th dimension has always been time. But thanks to BTTF, I have been reading about alternative theories, such as tetraspace.

All I asked for was someone to explain how we can enter the 4th dimension if the 4th dimension is expressed as time. BTTF offered an answer by showing me there are other possibilities for the 4th dimension.

then totally contridicted yourself and said 2012 categories aren't something that interests you? Hmmm think you need to figure out what direction your going in.

I think you need to practise your comprehension skills. Nowhere in my first two posts is there a mention of 2012. In fact, it doesnt come up untill my fourth post. Even so, nowhere do I claim to be an expert; all I said was

The myans did not predict the end of the world. Even if they did, what makes them so credible to predict such a thing?

That much has come up numerous times on ATS.

All of your other questions were nulled because they didn't offer any factual information again,

How are my questions 'nulled' because they have no facts? If im asking the question, clearly im looking for the facts.

Which questions are you talking about and how are they null?

and by the way there are many theories supporting multiple dimensions, ,

I never said I dont believe in alternate dimensions, higher dimensions, or anything else like that. What I did say was I dont understand how you can entere the 4th, or how we are entering the 4th.

that refers to string theory and also I watched a special on discovery science about the B-Brain theory if I can find more on that I'll get it for you as well.

No need, Ive heard and read about it before, on ATS.

The reason I ask for you to support facts and not opinions is for the simple reason that your doing alot of criticizing an not alot of research.

Im asking questions and stating my opinion, thats all. Criticism is a good thing, so long as it is constructive, and i have yet to badger or belittle anyone for believing what they believe in this thread.

Find me theory's that would state that there are no other dimensions

I have no need to do such a thing because I DO believe in a multi-dimensional universe.

You simply assumed I do not because I do not believe Mr. Fossett went to one. Also, my initial dismissal of the possibility was based on a somewhat outdated model of what the 4th dimension is or could be. but as mentioned , thanks to BTTF, my opinion on what the 4th dimension is or could be is changing.

, and also find me Steve Fossetts plane; then maybe just maybe I'll agree with you.

Rhetorical challenges will recieve rhetorical replies:

Find me the portal to the 4th dimension; then maybe just maybe I'll agree with you.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 10:58 AM
Just as I thought you'd answer, you turned every single question I just asked you back at me; plus you yet again stated no facts. By the way if your going to use so many big words you may want to use a spell check, might make your rant look a little less elementary. Conversation with you is done.

[edit on 4-3-2008 by Lokey13]

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by Lokey13

And again, Im not sure what facts your expecting me to post, considering i believe in a multi-dimensional universe.

Come on, dont give up bud, just clarify what I asked you to and we can move on.

By the by, it seems kinda childish to just halt conversation because you didnt get what you want.

Oh and do forgive me for my poor spelling, im at work and have little time to spell check. Hope you can forgive me.

Edit to add: I just noticed I never asked any questions (except the rhetorical one at the bottom of the post). So im not to sure how i turned all your questions around on you...

[edit on 4-3-2008 by InSpiteOf]

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 11:50 AM
true the 4th "dimension" is time; but all do not fully exist there.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by MrPenny
reply to post by percievedreality

You seem to be making connections that may not have any basis in fact. Yet, you're stating them as fact. That makes real, level-headed discussion impossible. Steve Fossett is on Mars, maybe? Nah..I was just there a couple of weeks ago...didn't see him.

HAHA, these events are indeed fact, I am however speculating as to their possible connections. I will stick to "level-headed discussion" with the two arguments below that I originally posted that are indeed "FACTS".

1. Steve Fossett enjoyed vast wealth including interests in a mining company that owns the vast majority of the land they are searching!

2. Even your "missing 12-yr old boyscout" dosen't warrant the use of our nations armed forces in a "search and rescue" operation! However, stange as it may seem, rich, eccentric, adventurer Steve Fossett does?

Do some research and you will find the above statements as fact, granted taking it to the next step that Fossett is outbound somewhere in space is a stretch, but there are many technologies that many of us still don't comprehend as REAL and still claim to be sci-fi. Not much more of a stretch than say a forth-dimensional wormhole!?

[edit on 4-3-2008 by percievedreality]

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 12:14 PM
Hi I know this is a little late in the discussion, but wouldn't it be maybe the fifth dimension? 3 dimensions are just length, with, height, example a video game could be considered the 3rd dimension. The forth dimension is where we live and thats length, width, height, and time.

So for this to be of significance it would have to be a 5th dimension?

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 12:40 PM
Not giving up on our conversation, offer me some substance, and I'll humor some responses. I've given factual and insighted information on this subject through out my posts, maybe you should go back and take a look at what I put in previous posts on this thread. You on the other hand have offered no facts just criticizm. You've got nothing to offer me in ways of intellect thats why our conversation is done.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 12:40 PM
Not giving up on our conversation, offer me some substance, and I'll humor some responses. I've given factual and insighted information on this subject through out my posts, maybe you should go back and take a look at what I put in previous posts on this thread. You on the other hand have offered no facts just criticizm. You've got nothing to offer me in ways of intellect thats why our conversation is done.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 12:40 PM
Not giving up on our conversation, offer me some substance, and I'll humor some responses. I've given factual and insighted information on this subject through out my posts, maybe you should go back and take a look at what I put in previous posts on this thread. You on the other hand have offered no facts just criticizm. You've got nothing to offer me in ways of intellect thats why our conversation is done.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by Lokey13

What you have offered is theory, not fact.

But thats not the point, what you seem to be missing is this: WE AGREE ON THE MAIN POINT! that this IS a multi-dimensional universe!

What we dont agree on, is whether Mr. Fossett found some gateway into a higher or lower dimension.

Seeing as the only evidence in play is the account of an anonamous figure,"M", there is no need for counter evidence, because nothing this "M" character says can be checked.

So once again, what facts are you looking for? What part of my posts needs backing-up? The possibility that Mr.Fossett did NOT enter another dimension? If so, you are asking me to prove a negative, which is impossible.

Lets get back to the basics, what in my posts, do you feel is in need of a source?

edit: BB code

[edit on 4-3-2008 by InSpiteOf]

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 01:41 PM
Geez Inspiteof, alright fine we agree on a key part of the subject; but if you went into my previous posts you would see I offered alot of information about why it's so strange that they haven't found his plane. Please go back to my previous posts and read the information about how many people and the technology in use to find Mr. Fossett. I'm not saying he slipped into a different dimension either, I am although stating that something very odd and maybe outerworldly happened to him. Please go back to those posts and give me your response on what you think after reading that information, you may find yourself saying the same thing I did which was; how the hell haven't they found the plane? I'm also very sorry if I was rude; I know you didn't say anything about it: but I was and I apologize. Give me your two cents on that subject.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 01:52 PM
Lokey13, no problem. tempers flare, it happens on an opinion based website. All is forgotten.

What I don't understand is how they haven't found him, GPS locaters and other devises were supposably in use by Mr. Fossett.

It is odd, but those devices aren't fool-proof. They could have been damaged on impact or after due to fire.

Do we have any credible sources that say the locator and GPS system we active before he went down? (i think we doconsidering there was a search area established)

Satelite imagery could have been useful, but only while the sat is over the presumed crash area. And considering they found many more previously unknown crash sites, i think its fair to say there are more hidden in that area, and steves could be one of them.

Its hard to say exactly what happenend to him. Its possible he was scooped up for some reason, worldy, other-worldly; accidental or purposeful. But we will probably never know.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 02:29 PM
Agreed, it is a very hard circumstance to understand; and more then likely we will never hear of the truth. I'm not positive on the GPS system and if it was in use but his wife recalled that he was wearing his GPS locating watch(which someone linked to in an earlier post), had his cell phone(also with GPS), and was flying a state of the art aircraft with a GPS locator encased in the planes "black box" which is supposed to with stand extreme conditions. Now those are three different items, you can't shut off the GPS in the watch or the cell phone to my knowledge(but who knows he's a billionaire he could have payed to have things taken off) and the plane has to have these items as part of new laws and regulations(but again hes a billionaire and could have payed to get it taken off). There are many aspects of this flight that make completely no sense, I would agree that one device could fail maybe two, but to have the whole trifecta now thats baffling.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by Lokey13

GPS is a pretty easy technology to interfere with. If his plane crashed into a rock face and slid down into a crevasse, or even if it's under dense foliage, the GPS device won't be able to "see" the sattelites, and so won't know its position. And if it can't "see" the sattelites, then no amount of sattelite imagery will be able to see him.

There's nothing other-worldly about his disappearance. He was flying a small plane in a dangerous area. The number of other crashed planes they saw highlights that very well. The winds in that area are treacherous to small planes, and could have slammed him into the ground in a few seconds - not long enough for a distress call to be made.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 06:50 AM
For my two penneth,
Steve knew weather! be it in a balloon, plane, glider, ship, catamaran, speedboat! He did his preparation first.
He would have known that windshear, downdraught, thermals, all are likely to happen during his flight into the area and would have been well aware and prepared.
S.h.00.t. happens, however, if he did survive the initial impact and was able to crawl away from the impact zone, he had the training and skills to survive.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by Havalon

He was indeed a master at anticipating weather. However, people do make mistakes, and that's the likeliest explanation for his disappearance. Not extra-dimensional wormholes or the such.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by dave420

I agree that could be a likely situation, but what about the homing beacon located in every planes lock box which does not work on satelite positioning. The other thing is the terrain may be highly crevaced but to tell me there is enough quater mile deep holes for this guy to fall into is more then likely false. He would have to go down quite a far ways to be "unseen" by the satelite positioning system; also don't some of these systems transmit other frequences such as radio? I need to dig up a few more facts on his plane and devices, check back for further details.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by Lokey13

All that had to happen for his beacon to not work is, if it survived the crash, for it to be obscured by rock. If he hit the side of a hill and his plane slid down it, under some rocks, then that could be enough to obscure his beacon. Not to mention that his beacon was an old-style one, prone to failing after a crash. His watch, a "Breitling Emergency", has an "emergency locator transmitter", but his wife says he wasn't wearing it that day.

The fact Mr Fossett didn't file a flight plan means no-one knows where he was flying to. The only information anyone has on his location was the radar returns from that day, which people are still going over. Initial reports were that he was looking for a dry lake bed for a world land speed record attempt. If that was the case, he'd have to be flying pretty low to spot a decent area, well within the "slamming" range of the local weather phenomena.

There are still many, many great explanations for this horrible event to hold off on "transdimensional aliens/Elvis" explanations until they've been thoroughly investigated and found false.

The fact they found 8 previously-unknown crash sites emphasises just how remote, dessolate, and dangerous the area in which he was flying is.

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