posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 01:18 AM
Well, I don't buy into the idea of the NWO as an entity which will try to make a major takeover in one fell swoop, logistically I would think that it
would take massive organization and deployment to be effective against the populous as a whole.
But back on point..
What "they" want to establish is utter control of the "enemy" and my thoughts would lead me to think that it would go down like this:
The first thing that would have to happen is disarmament, a mandatory confiscation of firearms more than likely. It would probably start out on a
minor level similar to
That is where "they" put the hurt to you, food would probably be rationed and only distributed of limited to certain areas after the infrastructure
collapsed. Don't dare to think of showing up there with a gun, and if you do... it will be confiscated. See #1 for that.
In all honestly, that would be the last thing they would need to worry about. It won't be enforced as heavily as the above two. Areas of operation
will be designated prior to, curfews and patrols established... anyone wishing personal survival has to agree with the above two protocols.
They could pull the imminent domain card out of the hat, come into your home and confiscate your guns, make sure you are not stockpiling food and
assign you a number, or they could just drop you into a designated camp to keep you civil and docile.
Interesting paradigm,