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Why do we exist?

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posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 02:29 PM
Well... I understand Christianity and Jesus, and probably all religions for that matter, started with a group of people that realized the universal consciousness, and realized that everyone being kind and in service to others is the easiest way to make this skin bearable.

I don't blame the founders of ideas in which became religions, but whoever decided to turn these ideals into an institution. So yes, I blame the Church, because these ideas are not an institution, and to have a Church in the first place to worship these ideas kind of makes the point of those original gnostic concepts irrelevent. Once you make an idea into a God, you've already lost the point.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by sumperson

There was a time when I would say that I don’t believe in God. Then later I would qualify that with portrayed in the Bible. I used to have a firm belief in Darwinian theory, in that we began as tiny single celled creatures and very slowly evolved into what we are now.

Decades later, a slightly improved knowledge of human biology, leads me to realise that without doubt, we are here by ‘intelligent design’ (90% redundant DNA, unused areas of the brain, lack of time required to evolve etc). It appears that we are a Chimera placed here for some as yet, unknown reason. As Beta humans we are what survives of the Cro-Magnon/Homo Australasis/Homo Sapien trial. Perhaps, based on new evidence in the future, I will once more change my mind. However, you are looking for current opinions.

I have previously mentioned that in order to find the right answer, you first have to ask the right question. ‘Why do we Exist?’. Are you sure that you do exist? Does ‘I think therefore I am’ work for you? Personally, these days, I feel the foundation for that particular piece of philosophy is built on shifting sand. Perhaps you are a ‘figment’ of a very powerful imagination. Perhaps you and everything around you is a figment of your own imagination. Maybe as has been speculated, we are the creation of some tremendously powerful supercomputer.

‘Why’ do we exist?

I recall hearing a story of a school visit to Pompeii, where two children at a time were allowed to walk over a six inch thick suspended sulphur crust that lay over some of the ruins. Someone decided to tell the children not to jump up and down on the crust. Not a good idea.

Here’s another one. Please don’t quote me, but it goes something like ‘You may eat of all the fruit of every tree in the garden bar one etc’ Sure enough.

You set someone up to fail and then tell them how they can do it. Most will eventually follow that path at some stage. More often than not, simply to test those that issue the commandment. Talking of which, we tend to break all of those that Moses delivered on a regular basis.

I don’t know if any of you have read ‘Aceldama’, but it speculates that we were put here to demonstrate War, and that is our sole reason for existing. It states that ‘War’ no longer exists, anywhere, and that we are a kind of museum exhibit. Spookily enough, it also mentions that our planet is about to be destroyed by the return of a remnant rogue planet on an enormous elliptical orbit. Though the author claims Aceldama is no more than a science-fiction story.

Logic would dictate that as any other life form, our sole purpose is to multiply. Everything we do leads to the act of procreation. This is our objective. However, if we were put here by another intelligence then that would simply be a kind of self-maintenance program. What could be their reason for our existence?

Religion would have us believe that we were put here to worship God. Evolutionists would say that we are here by pure chance. Others have hypothesised that we are a gene pool for the propagation of new species.

I would say that we are no more special than any other form of life on this beautiful planet. We are part of Earth’s nature. Those that planted the seeds may return to harvest the fruit at some point. Though I would suggest that time has little relevance to our creators and that we have always been observed as goldfish in our lovely pond. Of course, we think we are far more special than that. We would wouldn’t we. It’s in our nature. Though I shudder when I think of what else seems to come so naturally to us.

Why does the elephant exist? Does the elephant ask itself this question? Is the question less relevant for an elephant? Perhaps he already knows the answer. (continued below)

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 03:11 PM
(continued from above)
Out of the whole of space and time that is spread before you. Of all the countless number of stars and worlds that have or will have ever existed. Of all the billions of people who have or ever will exist on this planet alone, against all the odds, you were born of your parents and are here on Earth now, living your life. Now that really is a miracle!!

Whatever you decide to believe, you only get one chance. Make it count.

Best regards


[edit on 29-2-2008 by Myrdyn]

[edit on 29-2-2008 by Myrdyn]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 09:15 PM
I mean why do we exist in this higher beings world. We are so primitive yet noone sees it. Nobody has the answer to my question and nobody knows when the world will end. Jesus said no man not even himself could foresee the end of mankind.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by runetang

Reincarnation may in fact be real. I am not too prude to consider it.

But if it is, "Hell" is the next life, simply put.

The only hell you can imagine is nothing got it.
Nothing, not any more thoughts not black or white, simply put Nothing.

The fact is.
We are in "hell".
The aliens have came here to help prevent us from destroying this beautiful planet.
some of these aliens DO NOT HAVE EMOTION, as they coexist as a purely intellectual being

If you we're too read, and stop trying to preach, Man wasn't oh dooti doo i'm here now and trying to get shelter and food.

No no no no no no.
Pro-magnon man never evolved into a bipedal insanely intellegent being as ourselves.
No no no no no no no.
Otherwise we'd still be flinging poop at eachother.

Anyways, read the book of Enoch if you wan't to know why we are here.

Read about the Deep Sea Scrolls.

An oblivious amount of people on this forum are blind too the truth and looking for it and it can be seen in this post, untouchable by anyother viewpoint.

A 12th planet was depicted before the birth of christ.
How did we know what a planet was before christ, we didn't even know what a telescope was practically.

How did we sucessfully make a correct spacemap some 4000 years ago.

How? Why are we here?

We are here because an alien race genetically engineered pro-magnon man into humans as their slave race.

And these aliens exist all over planet earth living underground.

These aliens, the "Annunaki" came too Earth trying too proclaim eternity - as nothing can exist forever and this physical reality we know is just a plastic reality as really this world wasn't as physically attached as it is now.

The annunaki pleaded too the Atlanteans(yes thats why the myth of atlanteans exists), too be able to bring their race here too try and sustain life because their planet had ran out of resources. And they created slaves too do there dirty work for them, like the egyptians harvesting all that gold and etc etc. That's why the kings we're buried with gold in their tombs as "Gold" not as we know it today gave the closest idea of eternity these Annunaki could possibly compromise.

If you don't believe you'll see your loved ones when you die, you will. And i'm happy too present too you why, it took me 18 years too figure it out.

Here is an excerpt from one of my theories.
The sun will die one day as so will this universe,
Sol's System with the rest of this universe will one day be imploded forth,
All life will seize too exist as we know,
and a ancient unique force will combine the true unconformed puritans,
Not of an 18th century dialect,
But of a untainted peaceful commune,
Not tainted by evil and what it bestow,
Of our purest inhabitants of this cosmos will conjurn in the center,
And bring forth a new life.

That is my two cents on heaven, and that is my opinion of this entirity and heavens. I see it impossible for their too be infinity without a stop, as there is atleast a new beggining, and a new death. A old start dies, but yet a new one is born. Why did the old start have too die? But the real question, is how in our knowledge of this hell, _is a new start created_? Where did the first start originate? Why was there a big bang? Why is there anything too begin with?????

Point being.

Out of nothing something was created.

Undoubtedly, this cycle will repeat itself for eternity, and the universe will hold the same scientifical principles, planets will never be square, objects will fall according to speed by the pulls of the planet, time will create life through water, etc.

But basically, not why are we here.
How are we here.

That's the question that answers itself.
Don't worry about it, we just are, and everything is meant to be the way it is.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 10:52 PM
Why do we exist?

Well sumperson, that is a question that just by asking shows intelligence. The fact is that the conditions that led up to the evolution of a species being intelligent enough to ask this question, some may call a miracle or had to be divine intervention, but actually was inevitable. It was bound to happen, so here we are. I'm sure there are others in this universe asking the same question. Maybe we shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth and just accept what life has to offer. If there was a God that created us I think he would want us to make the most of the gift we have been given.

My advise is to not waste time asking questions like this and get the most out of this life that you can. Regardless of what others may tell you, we are here only once in the entire lifetime of our universe, so make the best of it.

[edit on 2/29/2008 by Hal9000]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 11:00 PM
Elegant view in the post above, extrodinary.

I just wonder if our universe has got 99 lives yet?

if so, we gotta work on getting 1UPs people!!!!!


posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 01:14 AM
Ok Hal9000 I will end this discussion.

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 01:16 AM
In theory we should not be wasting our times with this web site. What should we be doing? Should we be sleeping out in nature throwing rocks at rabits and spears at deer? I don't know what to beleive and nobody can give me advice but thats ok.

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 01:59 AM
no we should be flying with the aliens and helping other civilizations like the aliens have us.

we should be colonizing another earth-like planet by now considering the fact that we can exist under some of the harshest microbiological entities.

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 02:04 AM
I don't buy the "you only live once" line.

I've never been the most fortunate person. I'm not unhappy or anything, but I am no prize winner, not that smart, not that clever, not attractive to women, not financially successful and I doubt I ever will be because money means nothing to me, other than means to a temporary end....

The point is this... with that kind of theory about existence, you could say that some people obviously don't deserve to have a chance at life. What about severely crippled or deformed or mentally challenged people? This would be their only chance at life, however unfortunately, things in which they cannot change have permanently caused lots of those people to barely even lead fruitful and meaningful lives. It's still completely okay and tolerated by mainstream stupid America to completely make the lives of these people miserable, to take advantage of them, to mislead them and treat them subhuman. Where's the justice in that? If this is their only chance, how is this fair?

Sometimes I laugh when I ask "Where's the justice in...." something, because my own theories and knowledge have lately tended to make me think that justice is just another illusion that we create to give things meaning. Justice is not something that must prevail. Justice must fail as much as it prevails, in order for the concept of good vs bad to exist, it must exist in balance...

At least this is what my logic says. Intuition and the fact that I am a human with feelings makes me feel that it would be unfair, and even UNBALANCED to let one being be born into good fortune where they have a great life filled with beautiful things and not a care in the world, but to let another be born into a dismal existence filled with pain and fear, and not let either one of them ever have the opportunity to try it again with different circumstances.

I think, also, that our consciousness is too powerful of a force to just extinguish so suddenly into obvlivion.

Someone was conscious and had a thought to build a great pyramid. That great pyramid still exists, thousands of years later. Are you saying something with the power to make a creation that lasts for thousands of years is so easily defeated?

I'm positive that we get as many chances as we want. Why we exist surely cannot be to die.

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 02:10 AM
In other words, "you only live once, so make the most out of it." is not the reason for our existence, because if it were that way, somehow, random chaotic nature has decided to play favorites.

So, either way, there is something beyond this... and if you're supposed to make the most out of life, someday I'd like to make the most out of life by always living.

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 02:10 AM
Conciouss is an undermining statement of an REAL and DOCUMENTED phenomena called OBE.

Out of Body Expierence,

And the only reason you'd have an outer body expierence is if you weren't suppose too be in the body in the first place and then you wouldn't be having this out of body problem. You'd just be one.

The truth is materialization as we know and see is highly manipulated in other portions of our galaxy.

I've done too much scientific research too acknowledge this.

For instance, wikipedia cosmology it's the study of everything being one and a "multiverse".

Destiny is real too, which is a outlying factor in my small pyschic abilities which in a rare occasion I have Deja Vu I can see my choices I've made to have the best life I possibly could have today.

[edit on 1-3-2008 by Prophet-Ezekiel]

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by Hal9000
Why do we exist?
we are here only once in the entire lifetime of our universe, so make the best of it.

[edit on 2/29/2008 by Hal9000]

I believe you misunderstood him.

in the entire lifetime of our universe

We as in OUR THOUGHTS and FEELINGS and INTERPRETATION OF WHO WE ARE, only live ONCE within the ENTIRE lifetime of our UNIVERSE.

And our universe is alot older than grandpa =)

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 02:22 AM

Originally posted by Prophet-Ezekiel

Originally posted by Hal9000
Why do we exist?
we are here only once in the entire lifetime of our universe, so make the best of it.

[edit on 2/29/2008 by Hal9000]

I believe you misunderstood him.

in the entire lifetime of our universe

We as in OUR THOUGHTS and FEELINGS and INTERPRETATION OF WHO WE ARE, only live ONCE within the ENTIRE lifetime of our UNIVERSE.

And our universe is alot older than grandpa =)

I thought it was possible that he may have been referring to that.

Even so, how is he completely sure that we don't live the same life over again? I'd love to live my life over again and do better in school, make more positive social and personal choices, start meditating earlier, just refine the things I've been any lackluster about at any point.

I'm tired. Good night, and good morning.

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 02:25 AM
Because that involves altering the space time contiuum.

You must look at this in a scientifical principle.

The universe is not an episode of simpsons being reran.

It is uncontrollable.

Yes you can go back and forth in time, to a degree, before you just end up dead. and everything else you thought was real is dead.

Let me state.

I have a GED.

But I also have a document stateing I'm a graduate of the CCNA.

Which instantly gets me a job in the computer field.

However I'm an electrical apprentice, so there isnt too much to do.

I'd never live my life over again I'd shoot my self in the head. I can guarantee you bud, I've had a hard life.

Done the gangster thing, Drugs, Done the alcohol thing, Slept on the beach, Been homeless, Tried going to Social Services and they told me I could eat Bushes Balls, yeah.


[edit on 1-3-2008 by Prophet-Ezekiel]

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 02:35 AM
hmmm well that is if we can even begin to comprehend what exactly a space time contiuum is.... we have ideas and some research which we could fit into supporting our theories, but we can't say for sure that any of our scientific principles apply anywhere else but on our current plane of existence. I think to answer the original OPs question, you have to stare straight through reality to the faint echo of that next plane of existence to find out why we exist here. Nobody knows why we exist, in my opinion. Once we know why we exist, we'll stop existing. If anybody really does know, they might actually be wise to keep it secret from us.

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 02:38 AM
I know why I exist.

I exist too one day die.

My everything.

Everything I have ever remembered as a member of our cosmos.

And then, I exist, too one day be reborn in the womb of the universe, because that is where it all started at, and the womb of this universe is growing old and hurting now, and she isnt happy.....

[edit on 1-3-2008 by Prophet-Ezekiel]

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 04:24 AM
Wishful thinking doesn't necessarily make it so. We tend to believe our religious doctrine because it makes us feel comfortable, binds us together in groups and creates a safe environment. Unfortunately, due to human nature, it is also leads to 'gang warfare'.

A point was made earlier that someone could be severely disabled, another said that he wasn't everything he would like to be (highly successful, attractive to women, good looking etc). We have all fallen into the trap of consumerism. TV tells us that if we have a really smart phone, drive the best car, wear designer clothes and paint our bald spot black, we will be 'the best'.

Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs demonstrates that you can achieve complete fulfillment without any of these.

Regarding a disabled person only having one chance at life. I know many 'disabled' people who are perfectly happy. I know an awful lot of people who aren't disabled who are unhappy with their lives. I guess it's got something to do with how you use what you've been given. Some might consider good looks and a smart car to be valuable assets, personally I value my dignity, self respect and independence far more. Don't impose your own set of values on others.

If you want to change the world, first change yourself.

By the way, it has been suggested that it would be nice to achieve immortality. It has also been mentioned that it is 'better to burn out than fade away' (though not on this thred). Immortality is an awful lot of fading away.

I'm reminded of an old joke: Why do men die before women? - Because they want to.

The question was 'Why do we exist'. I'm guessing that no-one feels this has been satisfactorily answered. Referring to my earlier post. Let's tell the elephant why he exists. Now that we have told him, does he feel better? Does he now have a greater understanding of why he is here?

The point is, even if we knew, we still wouldn't understand. However, I'm going to put you all out of your misery and tell you the answer.

The answer is.. 42.

Best regards


[edit on 1-3-2008 by Myrdyn]

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 04:34 AM
Further to above. A few years back, my youngest son asked me a very similar question. Since then he has travelled the world, changed his job, has a new set of goals and is much happier about himself.

What was the answer I gave him? I told him to search for the answer himself.

He still doen't know the answer to his question, but he has learned to search and ask the right questions. He has learned to look after himself, he has self respect, dignity and independence. He has grown up.

He found his 'Holy Grail'.

Don't ever stop asking questions. The only dumb one is that which doesn't get asked. Just don't expect all the answers on a plate. It's the search that is important.

All the best


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