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Earth Under Quarintine By ET's

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posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 04:28 AM
I think this is a very interesting thread! Star and Flag!

But however i have my own ideas.
This 'quarintine' you speak of i would rather not think this is a way for the ET's to protect themself.
I believe they do this do protect 'us' from other outside interference.

I dont think that species evolves into being only 'good' i think there might be several ways of seeing this.

There are probably both good and bad 'aliens' however this might be seen differently depending on the situation they are in.
The 'good alien' always use a peacefull solution to first contact, the 'bad aliens' however take over with force and gives us new laws and rules to live under.

Both of these scenarios have their own merits.

I think that classifying them into 'good' 'bad' aliens is a bit wrong though.
The 'good' way might be alot worse than the 'bad' way of doing things which ofcourse depends on what happens.

Just my .2c

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 08:58 PM
i don't think we're being quarantined as much as basically put under an intergalactic microscope because haven't there have been many different alien species come to our planet and some of them don't seem to be under any type of contract because they just took what they wanted and if it had to be by force then they didn't hesitate to do so but consider this maybe the quarantine is more like a training school, so as to be conditioned not to be war crazed and hell bent on declaring war on every thing and by doing this we might be allowed into the Alliance without worry that we will send a suicide bomber to kill the council kinda like how you would send a vicious dog to a school before taking him to like a fancy party or something

but any way great thread

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by Balez

Yes, good points- Both can be true-to protect us from outside influences-like the
chlorophyll patch on one of Jupiter's moons -in the movie 2010.
If you saw movie - you may remember that the joint American/ Russian team
sent a probe down to the moon (pre-planetoid) then it was intercepted by the ET monolith
builders and flung like a flaming baseball past the ship.

Regarding the good and bad dichotomy-it reminds me of the saying,
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
I don't think that ET's are intergalactic missionaries.
They have a reverence for culture and aren't so insecure that they need
everyone to think like them and create mono-McCultures. Whereas many corporate
earthlings would want to put a McDonalds, Burger King and Starbucks on every
planet. (Though an orbiting Starbucks-5-Star Hilton Space Station is all right for the
weary traveler.)

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by chupacabraboy

Yes we are definitely under the microscope by the Intergalactic Alliance.
You are onto something that is actually very sophisticated with your theory
about them setting up a training school. It could be done in very subtle increments.
However most earthlings have yet to get past kindergarten.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by TroyB

You are 100 per-cent correct -Nukes were the wake-up call for the Alliance.
ET's have changed the launch codes rendering nukes useless. That's a fact.
We are the stewards of the planet but unlike Chief Seattle and few others
most lack a reverence for life. Perhaps you are right and the ET Alliance will
be forced to drag destructive earthlings kicking and screaming into wisdom,
compassion and creativity. Like a protective mother who snatches her child from
playing in the middle of a road when a truck is bearing down and pulls them to
But an ant's consciousness is too limited for me.
I need Einstein, Tesla, Beethoven, rock and rollers and individual creativity.
Consciousness is like light in that it has a non-dual -duality as J Allen Hynek the
Ufologist/astronomer has said. Light is both simultaneously a wave and particle.
The ant is too much in the wave and doesn't have enough particle/individuality
to get creative.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by GoldenGalaxy
It's a given that once you have the technology to go interstellar your planet is contacted by the Alliance of Planets
(similar to Star Trek's Federation) and given an opportunity to join.

Can you please point me towards the information that backs this up? I'd like to see it for myself if you don't mind.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by GoldenGalaxy
reply to post by WEOPPOSEDECEPTION

They would quarantine us because we might exploit and pillage pre-industrial
planets or in other ways due to lower motivations like greed we may interfere with planets of new lifeforms just starting to evolve.

Yeah right, don't flatter yourself.

"The reason why you are under quarantine is because the aryan race just keep dying without it"

Seriously, and if there will be a disclosure, it'll be an evolution rather than a revolution, unless it's an emergency of course.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by GoldenGalaxy

i agree with you completely. most people on earth approach something new with a rifle in one hand and a grenade in the other

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by TroyB

Hey TroyB,

Your comments about a colony of ants has me thinking, Yes they all work for the good of the colony, but all you need to do is check my sig line, that right there tells you all you need to know about us as a species. Money, money, money. People don't work for the good of the people anymore, it's all money and greed. When is the last time a disease was cured? the 60's? Why? money, that's why. more profits in controlling disease, than curing them. Sorry to go off topic there, but it was the best way for me to comment on your post. Still, a good post though.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by TroyB
Should it be then, that we as the human race, must understand this planet we inhabit is not OURS,we are merely tennants and the landlord is absoultely PISSED about what we've done to the place?!

Doubtful. We haven't really made that much of a mark on the planet as a whole (although we like to think so). And if they were that angry at us, they'd let us know in a much more obvious way.

Quarantine for their good? No. We're no threat to anybody.
Quarantine for our own good? How would we know?

P.S. -- Also, considering how many UFOs are seen and how many people are supposedly abducted, if it's a "quarantine" it's a pretty lousy one.

[edit on 5-3-2008 by Nohup]

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by GoldenGalaxy

uhhhh are you crazy? I mean that in the nicest way possible. ATS should seriously start considering whether its in the best interest of the site to allow posts that border on insanity.


posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 03:23 PM
Heh so in other words humans are the herpes of the universe? We flare up, get treatment, subside, wait, flare up again...Naw not buying it. Our attempts at space exploration are to feeble to attract attention from anyone imho.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 03:49 PM
I read on the internet around two years ago. About some aliens that been chase to the Earth and was put under quarintine by those that were chasing them.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 03:54 PM
If earth was under quarantine (As if we can go anywhere anyway :lol
Why don't they just step in and correct the problem? I know a few people will say free will or what not, but its always the same. A select few individuals are granted permission to see these advanced races, while the others (Who may be more enlightened) Are given nothing.

Also your story clashes with other stories, especially the one about the andromedias or something who stated that the greys were a byproduct of breeding done by the draconians. I don't know much about what’s going on in the UFO/Alien field, but I remember seeing that.
I just can't see why someone would Quarantine little 'ol us. We ain't hurt nobody...yet

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by Leviatano

In answer to your question, "Why don't they just step in and correct the problem?"
I would say two things-(1.) Karma-the law of cause and effect. If you lived on a planet
where everyone was fed, had their own personal starship, and had freedom to
evolve spiritually-why would you risk being dragged into the karmic cycle of lower
planets such as earth? You mentioned enlightened beings, if you study Buddha
he clearly explains that even if you act in self-defense and kill someone the karma
can be quite heavy and you can be dragged into a cyclic pattern with that being
that was killed. Alliance beings would most likely be spiritually evolved to have
had this realization.
(2.) You can't just take beings who may be at a kindergarten level in terms of
moral evolution and spirituality and stick them in the Post-Graduate School of the
ET Alliance. The kindergarten earthling would lack the basic capacity for
understanding how to deal with all the diverse and hyper-evolved faculties
of all the various types of beings.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by 1Angrylightbulb

Just call up Steven Spielberg and ask him.
He's making a new movie called 'Interstellar'.
Just kidding . My information is an extrapolation of a universal.
The universal is that when beings evolve they become more compassionate,
and open toward other beings. When beings devolve they become more
hateful and closed-minded. Such universals are even within our language
for instance take the word miserable-this means extremely unhappy and
is a word that comes from combining able to be a miser-a greedy unhappy person.
Why is a miser considered greedy and this results in unhappiness? I can only
base my perceptions on what occurs in actual time and space. When I've
experienced miserly people they are indeed unhappy. pathetic people. When
I've experienced generous people (the opposite of miserly) they are happy, open people.
It's the way the universe works. It's why the story by Dickens "A Christmas Carol' holds up
for so many decades. It's why people who sacrifice are called heroes.
Generous people have integrity-miserly people lack integrity.
I feel this would be as universal as the spherical shape of planets.
The capacity to understand such universals is called wisdom.

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