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when it comes to 9/11 what is comfortable for you to discuss?

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posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 08:46 PM
This i believe is a question i have to ask,

I have seen so many topics on ATS covering the 9/11 conspiracy, and a lot of them are offensive, you can see that in responces ETC,

A lot of the claims are it seems way outlandish and impossible to even consider, IE when someone thought they had discovered footage of UFO's on the day, to the no planes theory,

Every militant or terrorist group it seems has had a hand in it somwhere, from Al Queda, to Mosad, from an inside job for the insurance claims, to the future of the USA, with this attack being the first step in the end of the Constitutional part of the American dream, and orchestrated by the shadow Government.

The list is endless, everyday something new, connected to something old, and a hell of a lot of it terrifying to say the least.

When reading these threads, what makes you read more, what makes to click the back button to avoid it?

What would you consider a reasonable discussion with the one purpose of discovering the truth, without scaring the crap out of people already paranoid and afraid for their sanity.

where would you begin? if you have thought about it but never placed your thoughts here, what would help you do that?

Now we have claims of israel being responcible, with a small amount of evidence to back it up, but to some it will be unthinkable.

so what topics regarding this do you avoid? and which do you participate in..

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 05:02 AM
Some of my friends in the world wont discuss certain aspects of 9/11 because they think there are to many ears and eyes out there waiting to pounce and give them a hard time.

I dont agree that they the powers that be would waste their effort over something like this when it has gone to the point of being absurd, which was their goal since day 1.

And with all the unbelivable stories and theories that came about afterwards, i think the people trying to bring attention to the rel facts have had their job made impossible by silly claims.

Is it to late to drag these events back into the public eye enough to make some at least think harder about it and discuss it without fear of ridicule.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 05:40 AM
I think it is about attitude. Many of those who has attitude that 'government did it' cannot reasonably talk with those who think 'terrorists did it', and other way around

I personally don't mind about the talk and attitudes, I am open to any suggestions and speculations. I have no prejudices about who did it, I just live on and see what is presented. Now however, I am inclined to think that it was inside job at least to some extent.

Well, I guess I have personal memories about WTC too, and I guess it is the reason I feel that the issue is somehow close to me. No, I didn't lose anybody dear on that day, but I was visiting NY exactly half year before WTC's collapsed. During that visit, we took a luxury cap and drove along manhattan; we visited ESB (of course, every tourist goes there) and also drove by the WTC's which we photographed and stared for a few moments.

It was first time when I heard about ยด93 bombings. Our taxi driver told us about it. He said also that he suspect that those building are gonna come down one day, he also seemed to believe that government was behind the 93 attacks. I guess he was eventually correct (about those buildings collapse).

Here's a few photo from that visit:

[edit on 28-2-2008 by v01i0]

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