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I'm calling it, a seizable quake in Cali this week

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posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 04:22 PM
Don't know if this should be posted under "Predictions" ???

This is not MY Prediction, just an observation so I am not claiming any clairvoyance.

To the "Angelinos", "909'ers", "O.C. Elite", "Diegans", etc

Seriously, when was the last noticeable tremor you can remember ?? It seems to have been quite awhile. Nevada just had an earthquake registering 6.0 last Thursday. So I am "calling it". Within the week I would expect somewhere in the 5-6 magnitude range, an earthquake that will make the news.

As a First Responder, my collegues and I agree that we are way overdue and the resources are not quite "up to par" or even available (as the California Firestorm fiasco last October proved).

It just seems like "Earthquake Weather" right now, kind of a gut feeling if you will. Any takers ??

[edit on 27-2-2008 by _DISAVOWED_]

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 04:30 PM
well technically this should be in Member Predictions Forum, or it could have been added as a post in the Quake Watch thread.

While you're calling for it now, I have to say, I did mention this same possibility last week Link prior to the Nevada quake. Since then, my attention has focused to the North Atlantic Ridge and the what seems to be an earthquake swarm in the Puerto Rico region.

imo if it wasn't for the swarms in Cali, there would have been a big one there already.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by worldwatcher

You know Woldwatcher, the more I think of it, the more sense your reply makes. It would be too easy to mark California or any the Pacific states to be on the recieving end of a good shake any time soon. This was just an observation of mine, and kind of a wake up call to the people to get preapared.

The North Atlantic region ? Interesting indeed. Forecasting earthquakes is kind of like playing Keno, you put your chips down, and on one you'll get a "hit". But your theory I would put more credibility in as that area has not seen any seismic activity in ages. With the recent earthquake in England having occured, that might even back it up more.

ALOT of activity in "random" could be on to something.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 04:57 PM
I think generally for there to be good "earthquake weather" in California, the Santa Ana winds also need to be blowing in pretty hard out of the desert, along with unseasonably high temperatures.

The temperatures have gone back up after our recent latest batch of cold winter weather, but I really haven't seen the winds pick up again strong enough to move the ground around.

Not saying that it couldn't happen. Quickest way to go broke is to bet on earthquakes.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by Nohup

I thought this thread would have specific prognostications and predictions. And I came all prepared with mine:

8.3 magnitude to 8.7 -- somewhere between Salinas, CA and San Francisco... within the next two weeks.

I hope I am very, very wrong.

Unfortunately it is about time for something to really shake up the New Madrid.

[edit on 27/2/08 by Pellevoisin]

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 05:18 PM
If/when a big one hits, it's better if it hits California than if it hits at the New Madrid faultline. If another great New Madrid quake hit today (Mag. 8 or similar), it'll be the worst disaster in the US ever...

Threads Tagged With: new madrid, or Similar

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 05:19 PM
here's one website that catches recent earthquakes in california and nevada, and for this week alone there's 642 quakes, including the big 7 in vegas. im not sure about the accuracy of this website but thats pretty much averages 91 shakers per day. but the bet is on DISAVOWED and PELLE, i live in los angeles and i will give you guys a month. and if we get some kind of a big jolt here, i owe you guys 1 week supply of beer

quakewatch website here:

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by Pellevoisin

Your predictions are more than welcome !!!

There was a thread started a week or so ago regarding " Waiting for something"

And with that, yes I think that the many Californias are waiting with an antcipation and an uneasy feeling in their stomachs for the next "Big One" to occur soon.

Unfortunately, the majority of Californian's are either too busy or totally "like, DUH
for sure dude" to put any serious thought into preparation for this. Much like New Orleans "never saw it coming".

But I hope you are wrong Pellevoisin. A blow like that would be catastrphic.

And in response to NoHup, I agree that the Santa Ana winds kind of make for that eerie earthquake weather feeling as well, but it is also something in the air, a sort of stillness. Usually occuring right after a shift in weather patterns.......just rained this weekend in the 50's, now I'm wearing shorts and flip flops this week.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 05:28 PM
Here's a link to the smaller less noticeable quakes in and around the US.

you can see clear evidence of the Cali and possibly Puerto Rico swarms over the past two days.

btw I should mention I do think increase quake activity has some connection to the recent solar and lunar eclipses. We just need a solar flare or some geomagnetic activity and we might see earthquake activity take it up another notch.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by Pellevoisin
8.3 magnitude to 8.7 -- somewhere between Salinas, CA and San Francisco... within the next two weeks.

Those are pretty big. So big, in fact, that I seriously doubt they'll happen in the next two weeks. I know there's nothing scientific or statistical that says it won't happen in the next couple of weeks, or that the magnitude can't be 11 or 12 on the Richter Scale (it doesn't have an upper limit, you know). It just seems unlikely to me personally. And because they happen so infrequently it becomes a good, unfounded bet to say that they won't happen between now and 3/15/08. Not probably. Probabilities have nothing to do with it.

Shake shake
shake shake!

[edit on 27-2-2008 by Nohup]

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 05:31 PM
One more thing. I don't know if it is proven science, but watch the behavior of animals. In my experience with pets past and present, they seem to have a "forewarning" days before.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by _DISAVOWED_

I agree. Watch the animals. Another thing, sometimes earthquakes are preceeded by earthquake lights. Maybe these lights could be mistaken for UFOs? So, UFO reports might actually be a warning of a possible great earthquake? Could be...

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 06:03 PM
I live in San Francisco and have a very strange connexion to earthquakes.

29 February, SOMETHING is going to happen, at three locations across the globe, something seismic either in actuality or symbolically. Something is going to shift and groan.

When it comes my time to go, may it be a quake that takes me. Open up, Mother Earth, I want to go home.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by Current333

I have told friends for weeks that I felt something dreadful was going to happen 29 February. I don't usually announce such feelings, but I told friends and family and asked for their prayers and thoughts for the well being of the people of the Earth as well as the Earth herself.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 07:45 PM
Funny no-one mentioned Jim Berklunds' site---just google it. I can never remember it---amazing amount of hits and some good predicticators on his forums.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 10:02 AM
I posted something in a thread in the past here theorizing that rising ocean levels causing increased pressure on the sub-oceanic plates could cause more earthquake\volcanic activity. I actually heard this mentioned in a show on the History or Discovery channel recently as there is a volcano in the Aleutians I think it is that only erupts at the time of year when the tides are highest. I can't remember the name of the show or the scientist but he stated that they're realizing that the whole tectonic system is way more sensitive to small changes than they previously thought. Add the fact that the mid ocean ridges have supposedly been more volcanically active lately and the 2 sources of stress - vertically from the added water pressure and horizontally from the pressure outward from the ridges - could be what is causing the upward trend in earthquake activity over the past few years.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 10:14 AM
I have been having images of the Oregon coast in my dreams as of the past two weeks.

Personally, I would rather its just my imagination along with my hobby of watching seismic monitors for the past few years.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 03:46 PM
swing and a miss......

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
btw I should mention I do think increase quake activity has some connection to the recent solar and lunar eclipses.

Yep. A study has already proven that the moon does greatly affect the tectonics on this planet.

I'm not sure if the eclipse would indicate anything but I take the eclipse as a portent for all kinds of things (superstitious of course.)

The first thing I thought while observing the eclipse was that this was the first sign to signal the coming of new signs. I fully expect big things to happen this year.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by worldwatcher

I talked to a scientist last week on a radio show locally and asked him whether the eclipse would have any effect seismically. He said they are studying it but that he wasn't sure that they had come to any conclusions about it yet.

NWO, do you have a link to that study? I'd be most interested in reading it.

Oh and I hope all your predictions are wrong and Mother Earth lets off her stress a little at a time.

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