posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 09:02 PM
Kill your TV - drum recording
A Darbuka solo performed by me.
Unplug them or trash them.
"Darbukas are made in the tradition of the original, esoteric goblet-shaped drums found in music from Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Southern
Asia. Light yet powerful, the darbukas have a deep full bass. They are well suited for high-pitched snapping sounds as well as a wide range of
articulated “doum” and “tak” strokes."
length: 03:49
size: 4296k
status: live (at time of posting)
EDIT: I fouled up somehow and uploaded a shortened version. If I can fix it I will, if I can't, oh well.
[edit on 26-2-2008 by depth om]