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posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by jbondo

I think you are to hard on yourself. A rant is anger flavored. You have arguments, thats all I see. It's part of a discussion to check for flaws and seams in the subject.

The open eyes method is quite valid.
That's why I avoid posting just before sleep now. That's gotten me in to trouble before. The rule now for me is if you can't keep your eyes open, neither can you keep your heart and your mind open. Mr. Stupid comes out when the Sandman is at bay.

As far as skimming, I do that as many I suspect. You can see in the first few lines where the post is going. A bit harder with long posts. I'm a horribly fat post criminal here. It just seems I need more words (colors) to define the picture (concept) in my thoughts. My own personal excuse is that as an illustrator, I don't want to be vague. I write like I illustrate, with detail and overall design. I spend too much time on that because of obsessive-compulsive artist syndrome
Now if I can find a way of making a living doing that...


posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 06:53 PM
this may seem a silly thing to say on an internet forum, but a depressing number of people seem to have forgotten that things called libraries, exist, and they contain books.

many of these books contain information which is likely to have been verified and qualified to some degree (if only to prevent law suits)...

unlike the internet which is a big free forall with proper froot-loop-crackpots able to create valid looking websites with startling headlines alongside genuine researched and considered sites. and people are unable to tell the difference.

many people seem to adopt the tabloid mentalities, of 'never let the truth stand in the way of a good story' and 'he who shouts loudest gets heard'

is there a 'researching stuff 101' on ATS? i haven't found it if there is? if there isn't it really ought to be a compulsory read!

just my $0.02

(the curerent 'if you don't agree with me then your wrong and i'm right' thread is the chemtrail/contrail 'discussion' (read: slanging match))

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by ZeroGhost

That is a rant for me as of late. You have to choose words wisely and pull back on the reigns (

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by jbondo
My friend MrPenny seems to slide them thru much more often than myself.

I think that's a compliment. Is it?

Be firm in your convictions young man....and you too can be a curmudgeon. And if you don't agree with me....maybe this thread isn't for you.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by MrPenny

Not only is it a compliment, it's envy my good sir!

Must be my timing, maybe it's not a good idea to zing one off in a thread loaded with SO posts as he may notice.

It's hard to hold back rap-ear wit though.

I really find it difficult to get my point across when people disagree with me. I'd prefer they didn't post at all. Or very little...yes, very little will be tolerated...on occasion...and by that I mean never.

[edit on 28-2-2008 by jbondo]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by jbondo
The best way to learn, adapt and gain respect is to RMPL (Read More Post Less).

The only problem with that method... if everyone followed that method, there would be little posted for you to read

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by Blaine91555

Brilliant thread Blaine91555!

I don't even know you and I already like you! Thanks for promoting balance here at ATS. This is one observance that can be proven 100%

I like your style!

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by Blaine91555

I call it a egomasterbation session. They don't actually want to weight anything against the feather of truth. They just want to sit around and stroke each others egos about how smart they are since they agree and usually end up sounding pretty retard to outside observers.
Happens alot in the 9/11 threads. Try to get an word in edgewise and your in for a insult ride.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by zorgon
The only problem with that method... if everyone followed that method, there would be little posted for you to read

Fortunately, there will always be those with quick trigger fingers to provide some entertaining content.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by zorgon

There is a minority of members that should definitely be OPing all the time (such as yourself(although I rarely agree with you) and then there is the majority who are better off reading the minority OP's 80% of the time and responding 20% of the time. Then there is a group of people that should never post under any circumstances.

Me for example; if I really want to I can launch a good OP but on an average day I'm better off just reading. I feel that 95% of my responses are good ones but there is that pesky 2% where I should have kept my fingers off the keyboard. Lastly, the 2% where I like to amuse myself by penning whoosh posts. I'd like to do that last 2% more often but would get busted down to private. The fact of the matter is I have a life outside of ATS and if I spent countless hours researching and OPing, well, you get the idea. If I'm going to go to all that trouble then by golly I prefer to be compensated for it. That's not to say that it's not worth the time on occasion to put the time in. I do have an internet business of my own to contend with and coming here has actually benefited me in many respects.

Trust me Zorgon, even at the rate I am projecting there would be an abundance of OP's and response posts.

Again, JMO as I am knit picking. Kinda like I do while driving as I never make a mistake on the road.....*braces for lightning strike*

[edit on 29-2-2008 by jbondo]

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 09:42 PM
I agree with the OP. The 'if you don't agree with me then leave' type thread does appear to be on the upswing. Particularly with certain self-described 'Christians'. You can keep posting, but they ignore you, or put you on ignore. This is bad thing IMO. ATS seems to be going down hill a lot lately.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by rizla

Yea! I say we grab our pitchforks and torches and go after all these terrible Christians!

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by jbondo
reply to post by rizla

Yea! I say we grab our pitchforks and torches and go after all these terrible Christians!

Good lord man!! You don't want to be saying things like that! They'll be screaming 'Persecution' from the roof tops all month.
Besides, the 'Pitchfork & Torches' schtick is more their bag...


posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by jimbo999

In case you didn't know, I am a Christian.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by jbondo
reply to post by jimbo999

In case you didn't know, I am a Christian.

Don't argue with me. I am right. God told me I'm right. I don't need to justify anything I say because God is on my side. If you continue to disagree with me or question me, I will first be rude to you, then I will put you on ignore. This action will cleanse me and make me feel more pure.

But seriously, how do you know I'm not a 'christian'? Like I said, my problem is with certain self-described christians who are currently bringing down the average IQ displayed on this board (and it was never that high to begin with--what with all the Nbiru/2012 loonies). Seriously, I'm thinking of quiting the board. Are there any alternatives to ATS?

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by rizla

Dude, I never labeled you as being a Christian or not but lets be honest, we both know you're not.

I'd venture to guess that you don't like Christians and need to blame someone for your issues with ATS. Am I getting warm?

Although I'm not a mod, I say by all means, if you're dissatisfied with the board to the point of wanting to leave, then by all means leave....

If you want to look at it from another angle I could say that Christians get attacked here on a daily basis and it bothers me greatly. I would rather be attacked personally than to have my God or my Faith attacked. However, I found that if I just avoid the Christian bashers (and there are lots of em) my experience is not that bad here. There's plenty of room to navigate if you redirect your periphery.

Think about it.....

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by jbondo

One problem - some people confuse dislike of the hierarchy and upper echelons of a religion with dislike of the religion itself.
In other words, some people are perhaps a little too sensitive.

Take me for example - I dislike the extreme hypocrisy which pervades the hierarchy of a certain christian sect.
That doesn't mean I dislike the sect, it means I dislike hypocrisy - I apply this to governments and other organisations as well.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by WraothAscendant
reply to post by Blaine91555

I call it a egomasterbation session.

I call it a "hit and run or predetermined press conference".

They have an announcement to make, usually taking place on a "soapbox".

They stand up there, make their announcement and either 1. get off and leave or 2. open up questions/discussion for those who have been prescreened or given "prop questions/comemts". LOL

[edit on 5-3-2008 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by budski

I am not one to accept what someone else says as speaking for me no matter whether they be from the government or Billy Graham himself.

I'm just not so sure that the poster before you wasn't trying to be a bit PC in his disdain for "certain Christians". Then again, maybe I'm wrong as I've been wrong at least once before.

I know what you're about and understand your point of view and can agree on certain levels. Plus, I respect you, which helps....

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by jbondo

Well thanks jbondo - the respect is mutual

I know what you mean about the other post - I was just stating my own case as the subject had been raised.

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