posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 08:55 PM
Originally posted by gulfstreamsalt
One of the things that is interesting about this study is the rats were fed the weight equivalent of a normal person drinking 1 aspartame pop per day
- strange isn't it - you would think people would be getting sicker quicker...
In a sense, we kind of are. Think about it, it would definetely give credibility as to why we have an obesity epidemic wouldn't it? Granted, obesity
not = tumors, but there are definetely some negative effects.
Before when I was trying to loose weight, my father told me to stop drinking anything with aspartame in it because, apparently, the body has a harder
time getting rid of it, so when you drink a lot of soda, it just accumulates over time. So even though you're wroking out 1-2 hours a day, you still
won't see the results right away (even if your'e doing everything right) because you still have this chemical in your digestive system.
I know I definetely saw better results once I stopped drinking soda and started walking regularly, I'm falling behind, I'll have to go back to
drinking water more regularly.