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9/11 - It Doesn't Add Up

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posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 01:55 PM
I think a good idea for us to do is to form a comprehensive list of the most blatant discrepancies in the 9/11 story. I suggest this because there are too many people attacking obscure discrepancies in the "truther" side of the story. Because we are attempting to construct an alternate set of events based upon the available evidence, we are bound to have errors. By exposing these minor errors, it makes all "truthers" look like loonies in the eyes of the easily manipulated masses. However, by presenting a comprehensive list of the most indisputable evidence of conspiracy, it is harder to disregard, as even one major discrepancy would destroy the official story. Here are what I consider to be pretty indisputable facts that suggest conspiracy:

1) The speed and style the buildings fell. Free-fall speed and straight down. Also the visible explosions.

2) The hotspots of molten metal whose temperature was hundreds of degrees above the temperature which jet fuel burns.

3) Building 7 and its obvious demolition.

4) Bin Ladin tape.

5) Physics.

6) NORAD's lack of response

7) 9/11 Commission Report and the circumstances under which it was compiled.

Feel free to add more to the list, explain more about what is already listed, or attempt to dispute these things. However, even if one of these cannot be adequately explained according to the official story, then the official story is flawed, suggesting conspiracy.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by italkyoulisten

I think that Atta's passport which survived the infernal hell that melted steel is omnihilarious.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 05:41 AM
It was the goverment they used lies to cover up was they realy did!

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 06:09 AM
Text BlackWhether 911 was in fact planned by our government is of no consequence to anybody. All the conspiracy theories added up, only amount to the fact that even if we had solid proof our government was behind 911, and yes we have blown up our own so we could start a war with another country, so what? What would you do if you had actual proof? Nothing! You'd walk around and say you were right, and go about your life. Would you do anything if the government wasn't held accountable? Chances are "no". Why does this country not understand that their complacient and apathetic attitude is really whats bringing this country to its knees. three hundred and fifty million people with three hundred and fifty million different opnions, and I say opions, not convictions, and all the most of us do is want another person to think the way we do so we can say we're right. There are so many issues in this country that we could protest against, but if we all stormed Washington, I guarntee that you'd have millions of people protesting against each other. Well done government.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by patnmike

This saying comes to mind:

"United we stand, divided we fall."

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by patnmike

It certainly seems that way. Many of american's knows all this, but very few do something about it. It is as people would be paralyzed trying to hope that yelling about the matter helps. Besides, I bet that when the criminals of 9/11 are wanted for trial, they'll be long gone. All you have left is an artificial war on terror, and those who ignited it will succesfully retire.

I hope this is not the case. I hope you people there actually do something to tain the best you've set loose.. No matter if wtc happened because it was inside job or because self created terrorism, you people who know about this stuff are responsible to do something.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 10:21 AM
Check this thread:

with this link in it:

There are a ton of things that dont add up and here is the list of most of them! Have fun with the research, there is a lot of material to cover.

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