posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by Bigwhammy
yes it's not a laughing matter, but so many out there aren't taking it seriously. Funny thing is these CoS ppl are reeking havock all over the
world. It reminds me of the cults of the 60's and 70's. Seemingly peacable ppl until you question them, then they become quite dangerous. I find
it highly interesting that ppl can take the words of a SiFi writer as a profound spiritual guide. I'm a fiction writer myself, and I can tell you,
that's what fiction is all about, spinning the story to make the unbelievable believable, that's what makes it good, but come on, it's just a
story! That alone tells me that we are not dealing with rational ppl.
Back in 1978 Rev. Jim Jones forced and/or coerced over 900 ppl to drink cyanide laced koolaid. The news stations broadcast aerial pictures of the
bodies sprawled across that compound. I was a teenager then, but those images made a huge impact on my young mind. Recently, Scientology was brought
to my attention inadvertantly through a friend and the parallels to Jone's Town have left me slack jawed. I had heard of this religion before, but
only in passing and never with any great detail. I started researching it about a week ago and I'm amazed at how dangerous it is, and yet hardly
anyone I know has heard anything about it. That's not good.
I'm all for freedom of religion but history has shown that these types of radicals are masters at minipulating the system and the end result is mass