posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 10:32 AM
Ok this is now weird - now have same problem again.
Is no one else having this? Click on anything that is over on BTS and I get is this page....
Only with BTS and when using firefox, no probs with ATS or anyother site on the internet - it kinda fixed it's self once before, I didn't do
anything.. Started doing it again now, I've reinstalled firefox, i'm using the new beta release now as well, neither version will play nicely with
It's hust annoying really, should I really want to see BTS pages I have to use IE (liek I'm using now to post this), so often when I get that page
^^^ I just hit the back button and look at something else.
Am I just being a bit dumb here?
what makes BTS different from ATS?
Edit: And I need firefox to put in all the little red squggles under my spelling mistakes (which I'm deliberatly not correcting - but I usually have
twice as many as above!)
[edit on 11/3/2008 by Now_Then]