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I seem to be having a problem viewing BTS using firefox.

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posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 10:16 AM
I noticed this when trying to link to the photos of members thread from my ats, I get the old ERROR: You've Requested A Page That No Longer Exists page.

Thought nothing of it untill I clicked the BTS tab from ATS, I get the front page, but it seems everything after that has the ERROR: You've Requested A Page That No Longer Exists page - even if I click the resient posts tab.

So I loged in again this time using IE and it seems to work fine (thats how I'm able to post this).

p.s. ATS works fine from my firefox browser - just BTS dosen't, think this must just be the last few days - has anything changed?


Edit: now I've posted this I clicked the tab in my ATS for this thread (using firefox) and it worked - so I went back and tried the members photos again and still got the error page - seems quite odd.

[edit on 26/2/2008 by Now_Then]

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 10:36 AM
Are you up to date with firefox?

I've never had even the slightest problem.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 07:28 PM
Up to date. Arrrr it's annoying!! Got a U2U telling me this had been moved to the computer help thread - clicked the link and got the error page!! got to use IE for anything BTS it seems... I've not changed anything this end. Can't work it out.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 06:24 PM
Bumpety bump!!

This is really annoying me now!! - tonight I updated to ver 3 beta... Still exactly the same problem

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 07:09 PM
Did you try dumping and reloading firefox?


posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 11:19 PM
Ok, just to make my strange little problem stranger - and me look a little dumb to boot! - the problem has gone and resolved it's self!... Really don't know how or why. Go figure

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 10:32 AM
Ok this is now weird - now have same problem again.

Is no one else having this? Click on anything that is over on BTS and I get is this page....

Only with BTS and when using firefox, no probs with ATS or anyother site on the internet - it kinda fixed it's self once before, I didn't do anything.. Started doing it again now, I've reinstalled firefox, i'm using the new beta release now as well, neither version will play nicely with BTS.

It's hust annoying really, should I really want to see BTS pages I have to use IE (liek I'm using now to post this), so often when I get that page ^^^ I just hit the back button and look at something else.

Am I just being a bit dumb here?
what makes BTS different from ATS?

Edit: And I need firefox to put in all the little red squggles under my spelling mistakes (which I'm deliberatly not correcting - but I usually have twice as many as above!)

[edit on 11/3/2008 by Now_Then]

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 01:06 PM
When you view in IE do you use the "view in IE tab" or do you open an IE browser?

Did you try posting this question on the firefox board?

Very strange indeed and as I said, never a problem with me. You know what you might try: After you try and open BTS and get that page, hit your reload button.

Or, you could try to enter BTS via a thread from your thread list in "my ATS".

That is of course if you haven't tried them already.

Seems lie for some reason that it's trying to go back to a nonexistent page instead of to the current main BTS forum page.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by jbondo

I will try the firefox forums a bit later now.. the problem did resolve it's self which is the odd thing, seems to be just me :shk:

I was not aware of the 'view in IE' tab - i'll look for that, but I suppose it simply launches an IE window - which I do manually.

Yep I try entering through my ATS, thats how I noticed it first, you know some threads get moved across, one day i'll post, next the thread gets moved and I hit this prob. I can go to the BTS main page, view the recient posts - click on one and 95% of the time get the page I screen captured above (I say 95% cos it seemed to resolve its self)

I'm no expert, but I don't like to be stumped like this :bnghd: .. I'm a big fan of the whole firefox ethos.

Thanks for the suggestions... I'll post on the mozilla forums in a bit - I'll post any thing usefull back here.


posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 07:48 PM
"view in IE tab" is an add on but once you have it you can just right click and choose it without ever leaving the page.

Kinda got lost in your explanation but what I was saying is to click on a BTS thread title in your "My ATS" page and enter BTS thru an existing thread.

Maybe that's what you said you did but just in case I thought I'd clarify what I meant.

OK, good luck with it and if I think of anything else I will let you know.

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