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Top psychiatrist concludes liberals clinically nuts

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posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by Choronzon

Yeah lock 'em up in the psychiatric Gulag like the soviets used to do!

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by chromatico
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

Where's the shame in taking advantage of it? It's what you pay your taxes for.

I would rather deal with it myself and not pay the taxes.

If the people behind creating such dependency were really concerned with liberty there would be a way for me to opt out.

Besides, the cops are what you pay taxes for. What good are they if you're hurt in an accident? What you want is an ambulance, paid for by your insurance or out of pocket.

If people stopped calling 911 for every hangnail, suspicious person and fender bender there wouldn't be nearly the amount of wasted money and time that there is.

What costs more, me not wearing a seatbelt or calling out the firemen, police and paramedics because some old lady bumped my car at a stop sign?

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 07:01 PM
I wouldn't call it a mental disorder, more like a state of mind...your expecting something to happen with or without your involvement. I'd call it a "daze" because your beliefs are at an all time high when you have hope but at the same time- without hope, your doomed for failure. Its not black or white- its in the gray side of life.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 07:06 PM
Damn,and here after all these years I thought everyone was nuts.

Thanks for posting this article,I needed a good laugh today.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 07:09 PM
I wonder if the next study will find a Liberal gene, or a conservative gene. Science and political bias should not mix, ever.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 08:31 PM
The Lack of Compassion of the evil right wing psychos is what is truly nuts.
The Psychiatric community is nuts. They do not know what the nature of the mind is.
I had a friend who's mother was the head of the Psychiatry Department at Harvard.
It was the most insane, suffering, dysfunctional family in the history of the Milky Way
galaxy. Most of these people who call themselves Psychiatrists are the biggest joke.
They don't not know anything about wisdom, they just make crap up. It's a sad cliche
that everyone knows the most mentally screwed up people tend to become Psych majors.
It's unfortunate that some of these people are motivated by how they can manipulate people
rather than heal them. Huge research grants are paid to universities to study how to coerce
people into buying crap or Psy-ops in the military. Why would anyone take their pathology
seriously? Most people who take the pharmaceuticals prescribed by these so-called professionals
end up worse off. They try to make a virtue out of depression. The Psychiatry profession in
America today is Medieval and hideous. Just full of nasty turds.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 11:33 PM
I AGREE. If you think I am giving up more of my hard earned money to support more social programs you are INSANE. I will stash my money in a # swiss bank account before that happens.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by sc2099

Yea, everyone in the country getting the healthcare they require... what a terrible idea to force on everyone.

You liberals should be ashamed!!

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by andy1033

"Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded," says Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, "The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness." "Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."

This "Top veteran psychologist" actually wrote this tripe? He's very scary. I guess I need to work on my goose stepford and believe everything I'm told as truth. Geez, challenge authority and you're a lunatic liberal? As if every Liberal applies for food stamps. I wonder how many Conservatives receive social security. The nerve!

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 04:05 AM
just wow
a thread which facilitates liberal bashing, how nice

i've heard that there are psychological differences between liberals and conservatives...but i've never heard anyone actually labeling one side as "functional" and the other "dysfunctional"

how shameful...
this guy is a quack.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 04:14 AM
Freedom within any "free" society is one of the most complex and delicate theoretical puzzles you could ever try to plot a system for.
Anyone who thinks they have THE answer is most certainly holding a delusion and that could very well lead you to label them delusional.
But the type of logic employed by Dr. Lyle Rossiter could be used to conclude that any belief system is actually the product of a mental disorder.
He may be good at winning debates, but just because you are better at arguing, it doesn't make you right.
Most Liberals (wikipedia explains there are a number of different types of Liberals) are wrong and believe things which are not true, but being wrong doesn't make you delusional.
Dr. Lyle Rossiter's belief seems impassioned and there is definitely some animosity there. Could it be that the political beliefs of Liberals are opposed to his own? A psychiatrist so biased commenting on the subject would be nothing more than a very skilled persuader.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 07:58 AM
I refuse to pay for someone else's healthcare. Period. I pay for my own, why should I pay for someone else's? Should I have to pay for the deadbeat dad's healthcare? Or the crackhead's healthcare? I dont think so.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by jimuna26

But how else will the unemployed drunk be able to afford that liver transplant?

I love how it's suddenly my responsibility being an fiscally responsible employed individual to prop up every deadbeat/vagrant/addict not only in this country but in Mexico and in Africa and all over the damn world.

If a bunch of people want to pool their resources and give hand-outs by all means they should be free to do so. Likewise I shouldn't be forced to. Maybe if I wasn't being forced to with threats of imprisonment or death I would feel more charitable. It's a little hard to feel charitable when you can go to prison and lose everything you own for not carrying the 1 in a return.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by jimbo999
reply to post by andy1033

Nope. But a case could be made that conservatives are nuts, most certainly


Yeah, if you want proof of that, just listen to Ann Coulter for 30 seconds.

That'll convince ANYONE that conservatives are nuts!

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 09:48 AM
What a crock... the fact that you guys beleive this nonsense puts your mental stablity into question, not mine.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 10:11 AM
Oh look, a book by a hack on WND.

Aren't there ATS rules against advertising or something? 'Cause that's what that WND article is... in fact that's what a good 3/4 of WND "articles" are.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

That well named idiot Michael Savage has already written a book referring to liberalism as a mental illness.

If Savage is sane because he is a conservative... I would rather be mentally ill any day.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 10:28 AM
He has no idea what he is talking about, like most head shrinks. If he thinks he can take half-baked psychological theories and apply them to geo-politics, he is a simpleton. If wanting a compassionate and responsible government is a mental dissorder, then what is wanting a cold and indifferent government that expects its citizens to fend for themselves and abandons them to survival of the least ethical, cut throat captitalism? What about a government that launches colonial wars for profit and to benefit the top 10% of its population? What about a government that is actively hostile to the environment? I guess those are halmarks of sanity.
Bravo idiot.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 10:34 AM
I wonder is this quack saying that people like Karl Rove are the norm. Is it normal to lie a nation into war like Bush, Cheney Are the actions of Skillings, Fastow and Ken Lay of Enron the example we are all to hold in esteem? If that's the norm give me the lunatic fringe.

Universal Health care would reduce fees paid to Drs. and Pharmaceutical companies and Health care in general. Why do we pay more for legal drugs that any other country in the world? Are we being gouged by medical care? It would pay for itself if Heath care was reined in but that would violate the free market wouldn’t it? But we'll bail out the sub prime lender? We already did bail out the BCCA, Chrysler Motor Company, United Airlines, Agribusiness and so much more. So I quess it's applied when it benefits the wealthy and not when it doesn't. That's a very sane approach.

[edit on 27-2-2008 by polanksi]

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 10:41 AM
Wow what a one lined filled thread!

Ok lets back up and look at the big picture here people. "Liberals" are wrong for wanting too much out of the government.

"Conservatives" are wrong for wanting too little out of the government.

Middle ground yall middle ground.

Don't strip mine the government breaking the backs of taxpayers so that everyone has everything they want. Thats just silly. You got to work to get what you want.

Now on the other hand don't shut everything down cause it causes your personal taxes to go up cause some people (I SAID SOME) people need some help getting on their way.

Nether way is a disorder Nether way is completely wrong. We just have to come together and compromise and reach effective solutions to the nations problems and not be shelled into stereotypes. I don't want a huge government and I also don't want a government that is ineffective.

I want my guns, AND I want a woman to have the choice to be able to have an abortion. I want murderous criminals executed AND I want children to be able to go to college in order to better themselves.

It's all about compromise people. It's all about the pursuit of happiness, It's all about being near the middle and not falling for the garbage being spewed by the extremes at both ends.

Remember all things in moderation.


[edit on 2/27/2008 by whatukno]

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