I've seen scarier, more whorey avatars. LOL. Good one master bates. I like the episode with Burgess Meredith as Henry Bernis. Hillary only frightens
cowards. LOL.
A flag, a star and a save image as. This picture is hilarious. That episode is not the scariest episode. I would like to see a Talky Tina Hillary.
That would be funny.
I would like to bring to your attention the fact that "It's a cookbook!"
That image says it all for billary clantons presidential nomination. She is Bi-Polar to the max with cackling one day and weeping the
next. Than we see her at her finest. God help us all if she gets the P spot.
remember seeing an episode....with disfugured Doctors operating on a patient.....She looked normal to begin with....but when the Doctors had finished
operating.....she looks like them....scarey and funny!
Very strange twist to the episodes always...love the Twilight zone...
Great pic, maybe rush limbaugh would be a good one too.
My favorite episode has to be "To Serve Man".
This is the one where the huge bald aliens, The Kamamits, show up on earth with the book to serve man.
After the planetary exchange program begins the book is finally translated as to serve man AS A MEAL!!
I think Night Call would be the scariest episode ever. It is where this old woman gets all these creepy calls. I will not ruin the end, so watch the