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To save the earth we have to destroy everything!

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posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by skribal
Here in australia, we've got a bunch of people the history books call aborigines.
It's a word that disgusts me because it's basicly calling them animals.We white people came here, decimated them, tore apart there lands, their customs and cultures all but gone.

that was a great post. see, the white man should have joined the indians, natives in their journey. Not take it away and build in their land. Today, here in california we have reservations. Basically, american indians are jailed in their own land and they are bought. Simply by giving them a casino there and giving the leaders money. Yet, I drive by the reservations and all of the indians are living in trailer homes. trailer homes are the worst idea ever. they should all be picke up and melted down immediately. I say we go back, join the indians and live with them in nature. who's with me?

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by jedimiller

I agree, from what I've been reading the american indians (I still don't like the word native,and I know they don't like Indian!) Know a lot more about things then a lot of us care to....the Hopi indians, from what I've read they are connected to all the old nations intimately.I have heard about ancient mayan or aztec civilizations disappearing overnight, some say to the stars!
A friend of mine once told me that if dumb old white man hadn't come along the australian aboriginals would have gone to, as they are/were a very spiritual race of people.To give an example, watch an australian movie called "THE TRACKER"
when you have you will understand what I mean a lot more, it made me cry!!
and ashamed, even though I wasn't there, as it's set about two hundred or less years ago,though it is a beautiful movie, a little bloody at times but then, isn't history?

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by skribal

I have heard about ancient mayan or aztec civilizations disappearing overnight, some say to the stars!

That's an interesting thought. Do you think it could be possible that all of these ancient civilizations had one thing in common? The ancient egyptians, Mayans, Aztecs etc. They may have gotten to a point where they were worthy of joining the intergalactic community and were taken off of Earth? This may happen to our civilization or maybe we are not ready yet, we may never be ready. Maybe the Mayan Calendar is to tell future civilization (us) when the next occurance will be... 2012.

Sorry to go off topic..

I know it's a wild thought but just another one of many!

[edit on 3-3-2008 by fiftyfifty]

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 03:48 AM
Wow. you guys have some good theories.

but see, I still think that those older civilizations didn't actually dissapear. they had elders and thinkers who knew it was best to destroy the cities and star over. Perhaps moving on to another place and leaving everything behind. now you ask, could we do this in America? sure. We could all tear everything down. move out and go south. I think that civilizations decided it was best to erase their past by destroying it. What do you guys think?

I'd like to see this happen in our lifetime.

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by fiftyfifty

An old aboriginal told me that he had been told stories as a boy about a small handheld "pyramid" shaped "Item" that when pointed at certain places in the night sky would immediately transport you there!!!
I don't know, but I am very sure that great god would not go to the trouble of making all the heavens above if we all could not one day visit them.It's actually a dream of mine, in the afterlife, to spend, ooooh I don't know, maybe a couple of million years or so travelling around, I like that Idea!!, sort of red dwarf style!!
If you know what I mean!!

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by jedimiller

I'm so sorry, but I think that is a bit not quite the thing to do!! do you mean take off all our clothes and run naked in the forests? girls with hairy armpits??

No, destroying everything is what we have already done to well, It would be better to SLOWLY return to mother natures spirituality, and do it right, then to what ? smash it all down? don't worry about that nature will do that for us.
I do understand where your coming from, but do you understand where your trying to go?
I think that is the key, I still don't know myself, but I'm looking for a way that involves peace love and understanding, also compassion, and forgiveness, it's these things that the world today is missing, and as a result, we cant move the stars!!!

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by jedimiller

we are destroyuing it! mother #ing nature is. open your ears! listen to the birds! the wind. every little thing. open your chakras! go by the 13 moon calendar calculate back the mayan calendar. the day the planets/ universes align.! with the sun. seriously we have 'til '13

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 03:33 AM
Interesting idea Jedi, but I think you're going too far. I would put a stop to certain things, not all. Look at the things where technology has benefitted us. Like surgery and treatments of illnesses where people were left to die or where the treatments themselves led to death. I say lets stop using fossil fuels and things which pollute the atmosphere.

If you look back a few centuries or a few millenia things were really bad. Oppression of women. Slavery. Barbarism. Witchhunts and many more things our modern lifestyle has improved upon or eradicated.

I do however agree with you that in we are destroying ourselves slowly. This world ain't gonna last another 100 years. Pollution and destroying the rainforests are just the tip of the iceberg. And guess what's gonna happen? We're gonna be forced back into a middle-ages lifestyle (best case) if we don't find ways to get energy from other sources.

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 08:32 AM
I watched a program a couple of days ago called 'tribal wives' which was about the role of women in various tribes. It amazes me how happy these people are with minimal interferance with the western civilisation. Something which really made me think was when one of the tribes men said, they want their children to be able to eat without having to pay.

With our lifestyles everything revolves around money. These tribes are the happiest people in the world because they all work together to make sure that they have everything that they need.
to western/modern living,
to basic living off the land.

To destroy everything ourselves would not be a good idea but eventually, the majority of the planets population will die off and we will return to the old kind of living. It is highly unlikely that any of us will see it happen though.

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