posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by MemoryShock
Well I have no clue how they work, but let me tell you this in more detail so you understand...
I was walking in St Kilda, near the harbour, and there were 2 or 3 of them standing there, approaching people in a very forward manner, they almost
seemed desperate, i walked by and the guy approached me and shoved the pamphlet in my hand, and he started asking me if i know anything about
I found it amusing at first, he asked me my name and i told him, i mean what harm could that do, but then he started asking me where i worked, what i
did, where i lived and i started backing off, i didn't give him any "personal details" except my name
So how does he get my mobile number and tells me when i answer, oh hi, you might not remember me, but we spoke at the harbour about scientology, you
remember ? so you interested...
I blow him off with some excuses, he calls me quite a few weeks later again, and then again a few days later, and says the same thing, he then says we
should meet up cause he has something he wants to show me that he thinks i might find interesting...
thats exactly how it happened
[edit on 26-2-2008 by Vimes]