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Phil Schneider: a conspiracy theory

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posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 10:19 AM

Phil Schneider: a conspiracy theory

You can probably recount several of the "crazy" conspiracy theories you've heard in your lifetime. When listening to conspiracy theorists it is important to realize the possibility of reality behind seemingly far-fetched tales. There are those out there who want you to think that all conspiracies are far from fact, when in reality many conspiracies are closer to the truth than any of us will ever know.

In January of 1996, an ex-U.S. government geologist and structural engineer by the name of PhiY
(visit the link for the full news article)

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[edit on 2/25/2008 by Bigwhammy]

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 10:19 AM
This a brand new article. I just linked a lot of ATS threads. I haven't gone through them yet. Isn't he the one who claimed to have shot and killed a grey alien?

Here's a message from his ex wife:

She doubts the suicide story and contends it was a murder

The you tube video of his lcture that "got him killed"
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 10:27 AM
Yeah he is the wingnut who says there has been an underground war going on for years at Los Alamos. Yet people who have been there and driven on the Labratory site where this "war" is going on saw nothing. Heard nothing. Smelled nothing!

He is also the guy who says as he was lowered into the drilled hole where the aliens were, and he carried a Walther PPK pistol with a 9 round mag...even though they only came in 7 round magazines. He also had to load the magazine AFTER he got down there, which he says was tough in his bio suit. is a guy who says he served along side special forces, secret service and other black ops military soldiers and noone told him: "hey slick, you might wanna lock and load that weapon before we enter down a hole where there might be hostiles from another planet"...

And finally..he says his fingers got melted off by some beam...he shows his hand...low and behold...missing fingers...but then he says his chest got blown open and his left foot melted...yet to this day..NOT ONE SCAR or PIC of these injuries. Oh well...

[edit on 2/25/2008 by rcwj75]

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by rcwj75

Funny, I've heard many of his lectures, and I don't recall the stuff you're bringing up at all.

Where did you get that info from? Please direct me to the one video I must've missed in which he describes some of the things you are talking about.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 10:41 AM
Phil Schneider never gave us anything remotely close to hard evidence that passed Occam's Razor. Why do you think he was onto something?

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by rcwj75

but then he says his chest got blown open

1995 -Phil showed his chest at a lecture in Las Vegas. It's on tape, along with him showing his missing fingers. Can't say I ever seen an injury like that before!

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by bigbert81

sure is HIS lecture almost word for word what I said.

[edit on 2/25/2008 by rcwj75]

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by chromatico

I have serious doubts... yes he claimed the underground war and all of that. It's been so long I forgot the details until I just reviewed it. UFO digest must be hurting for material to bring it back up without anything new really.

He fits the conspiracy mold because of the timing of his suicide. That's really the most compelling thing about the case.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by chromatico

The way he talked with such conviction, made it sound as if he actually WAS there doing what he said.

Also, the fact that he was murdered after several attempts to his life, and all of his evidence he did have went missing.

Plus the different details that all lead to the same story he gives in his different lectures. Like it wasn't rehearsed or made up.

The way he didn't come across as desperate for people to believe. It was just casual talk.

I am peace officer trained, and I couldn't tell any sure signs he might be fabricating the whole thing while talking. It all seemed very genuine to me.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by MountainStar
1995 -Phil showed his chest at a lecture in Las Vegas. It's on tape, along with him showing his missing fingers. Can't say I ever seen an injury like that before!

I would love to see that vid...I an NEVER find any evidence of his chest or foot wound that he describes on the video I just linked to. Do you know where i can view it? Can't even find it on youtube.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by bigbert81

I am peace officer trained, and I couldn't tell any sure signs he might be fabricating the whole thing while talking. It all seemed very genuine to me.

I agree with you bigbert. The chest injury was evident. Phil was a walking dead man and had nothing to lose.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by rcwj75

Ok, hmmm let's see here.

He says they went down the hole to find out why a drill was breaking. He was a geologist, and we don't know the details, but he says they were totally surprised to find life down there, hence the gun.

As far as a 7 or 9 round clip, all that means is that either he is remembering incorrectly since it happened 16 years before, he had a special 9 round clip, he made a mistake, or he doesn't know his gun. It hardly leads to making up the entire thing.

And perhaps you missed his LEFT hand. The hand only had 3 fingers on it, so saying that his fingers being melted off is fabricated, is pointing towards being incorrect.

[edit on 2/25/2008 by bigbert81]

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 11:17 AM
OK, lets try this. HE says he was on the site as a geologist. Now, he also says he was on site with hundreds of soldiers armed to the teeth with weapons and that this "war" has been going on for a long time. So how does he not know there is life down there? And if all they were drilling was a hole, why all the firepower and special forces soldiers????? Your right we don't know the details..but when you give that much DETAIL in a sure makes it fishy.

As for the magazine capacity..ok I'll let that slide...he may have forgotten the round count. But, I won't slide on the loading a magazine after your down into the unknown, surrounded by special forces soldiers who if they were there armed to the max suggests hostile intentions/activities...don' you think?

And finally...I agreed he lost fingers...that part I did see...but after showing his fingers he mentions his chest and foot...but doesnt show it. Makes me wonder if the day he apparently showed the stomach wound if he had a good makeup/hollywood artist get him prepared. Why not show that injury at EVERY event???

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by rcwj75

I was taking care of an elderly woman with Alzheimer's, while her son and daughter-in-law went on a month's vacation. This was in Nye County Nevada. The son told me to watch the tape on the 'Phil Schneider's 1995 Lecture'. I watched it 3 times or more. Phil showed his chest on the tape. He appeared pale and sickly. This was not my tape, but I know it's out there. These people have since moved. I had no reason to believe Phil was lying. I even asked John Lear, if he seen Phils chest went he visited him. John wouldn't say, but did feel remorseful that he didn't spend more time with Phil.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by rcwj75

Well whatever. We don't know the details, or whether it was standard protocol to have guns around and following the geologists, or whether nobody expected anything, or whether they were just following orders, or anything. But this can be explained. Anyway, as far as the magazine goes, does he actually say that it was hard to load his FIRST magazine, or it was hard to RELOAD another?

But I hardly think that based off of what you're saying, can you completely disregard or discredit what Philip Schneider has to say just because he didn't lift up his shirt or take off his shoe.

[edit on 2/25/2008 by bigbert81]

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 11:34 AM
Underground bases and alien wars aside, I think that most agree that Phil was not the most likely candidate for suicide on the planet. Would he off himself to lend credibility to a fictitious fantasy intended to generate notoriety and revenue? I think not. I won't pretend to know what happened, but neither will I pretend that there's nothing fishy surrounding his death.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by rcwj75

Makes me wonder if the day he apparently showed the stomach wound if he had a good makeup/hollywood artist get him prepared

I can understand your questioning the wound rcwj. If there's a copy of this tape anywhere in Nye county I will try to get a hold of it. I would be willing to send it to Springer and we could examine it. Phil just appeared too sickly to have hollywood make-up artists mess with him. That's my opinion.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by Unit541

Oo, here's a good one...what if the government killed him to make it APPEAR he was onto something?

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 11:41 AM
For me the bottom line is this...Phil and what I find to be questionable details aside....

If there was a WAR going on and has been going on for as long as he says, with a race from another planet, and they have these advanced weapons and horrible smell..HOW IN GODS NAME DOES THE ONLY PROOF OF THIS WAR LIE WITH PHIL

Something, somehow, somewhere other then Phil would have to be evident. Especiall as the area became more populated. SOMETHING!!!!

Did phil know about something secret involving aliens and their bio make up, or chemical weapons knowledge that was happening ABOVE ground at the lab and they killed him because of it....NOW you got my attention....but I just cant buy into the huge underground war thats been going on for hundreds of years and cost a lot of human lives.

[edit on 2/25/2008 by rcwj75]

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by MountainStar

I would love to see it if it can ever be found. Not questioning what you saw, questioning the authenticity of the actual wound and Phil. As you said he appeared sick, and if as sick and in pain as much as he looked...suicide isn't out completly.

Trust me, IF..IF there was an underground war and a true race of aliens on earth I am all for wanting to see it and know about it.

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