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Contact,What will you do?

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posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 10:03 AM
After readind a few threads about 2012,And the showing up of aliens,I was just wondering what will you do? Now in comparrison to 911 i rememeber where i was and what i did the following day.I watched it on T.V then went to thinking il probobly do the same thing if E.T shows up,Even if they showd up in the city where i live id still watch it on T.V id be getting a better view of events.So what will you do if they do show?

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 10:25 AM
I think John Lear said to RUN LIKE HELL! I don't know if I'd run like hell or not, but I'd definately start to move out. Into the most remote area I could find away from the ET's... I know of a lot of old mining caves up in a remote area in Idaho that would provide awesome shelter, but then again if the planet X passes those will probably collapse and kill me... Probably best to keep on the move in most cases and have what you need on you living off the land as much as possible. If they poison the food like I've read even that might be hard to do.. Chances are it will be instinct that will give us our direction and it's really hard to say if any of us would even have the opportunity to survive.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 10:28 AM
I thought they where suposed to be benevloent,at least that what dr greer says.if they where hostile what are they waiting for.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 04:32 PM
I'd watch on TV and maybe look for any clues as to what their genuine intentions might be (comparing notes to all the wild theories I've heard on the internets).

Assuming they were good guys, I'd then probably drop everything I was doing in life and go sign up for whatever galactic tour/exchange program they had to offer and get some serious sightseeing done.

Somewhere in there I'd also call all my friends and brag about how I was right all along!

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 04:35 PM
What would I do? I don't know, what are you supposed to do? I think if it ever happened they will not be hostile (for obvious reasons anyone with a brain could figure out) so I would do what I do, that is be a spectator.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 04:52 PM
If it was shown on TV then probably the same as the 9/11 incident. Just stare and think "OMFG!" There's nothing you can do. When it happens it happens. You can't defend against it. It's done.

You can only imagine what happens next.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by G-Ods
Considering the many commplications that we've had in the last seventy years or so--with wars and terrorism I guess we have a lot of practice for any upcomming events such as these which would boggle the psychology of a few not to mention the beliefs of many!!
My opinion--- prepare mentally and physically and hope for the best that is "IF" this situation occurs.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 05:17 PM
this is gonna be a one liner, i would watch it all on tv. Then i would like to ask all the hardcore religious people & others that thought stuff like this was in no way possible or ever be true ,how they feel about it & what do they think now? Also to those that laughed & thought this stuff was silly id ask whats so funny & silly now?

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 05:26 PM
i'd be on ATS posting on what i'd do if aliens made contact with us. oh fuzzy-slippers, is it happening right NOW...??

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 06:51 PM
i would feel extremely relieved that their is another intelligent species out there other than us.

i tire of my species,why was i born on this planet with this pesky primate brain??,i tire of our behaviour,our avarice,hypocracy,wrath,folly, agression damn it i want out!.

think of it,such an advanced species,all the things you could learn,a whole new civilisation to explore who most likely would have overcome all the problems that we have on earth that cause us so much suffering.would i jump ship?,i dont think so i feel id want to help earth as much as possible before i fly of with my little green bride in her warp 69 silver machine unto the distant nebulai and stellar nurseries ive always wanted to touch.

i serously doubt they would be hostile,why would such an advanced species need to be agressive towards planet earth?,what do we have they need to conquer or attack?,im sure theyd rather experience our culture than annhilate or enslave it.the only reason they would be hostile is if we were a danger to them,at present i seriously doubt that too,and by the time were able to be a threat we would hopefuly learned the follies of agressive actions.i mean if were still agressive as we are now in a 100 years time,what will be left of earth?,imagine the wrath that could be caused by advanced future technology,what are we gonna do?,endlessly fight each other with bigger and bigger guns untill all that is good is destroyed?.we must learn to respect and accept each other,respect and accept... remember that!.

think about it,we really must improve our wisdom,our knowledge is coming along fine yet our wisdom is lagging far far behind.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 06:55 PM
Well, I dont believe in the whole 2012 trend at all.

However, what would I do?

Use the best video camera one could, film, film then post it on YouTube for my 5 or 15min of fame!

Then id invite my new alien friends over for an awesome Margarita party!

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 07:01 PM
It would be a great relief to know that the universe was not just a waste of emptiness, with a blue planet, stars, and not much else.

That to me, would prove intelligent design.

Or dumb luck.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 07:17 PM
I would invite them to try all our best beer and alcohol....and get them as drunk as possible just to see if they
too..haha!!!! (Sorry but the scene of E.T. drunk is forever burned into my head...something about a drunk alien thats just funny!

But seriously...what could you do except learn and study them?

Are they here for friendship, violence, etc...then when thats determined it opens up a whole new reaction.

Violence: Find out if their immune to cold, heat, water, certain chemicals, etc...see if they can be killed with our weapons, or if they injure and die from common things just like us (stabbing, broken necks, trauma, etc)....if we're lucky they will all be like ALF and only want to eat our fighting necessary!!

Friendship: See if they have ways to clean water, clean the air, grow things faster, learn their technology and their form of science, etc...

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 07:43 PM
So to clarify most would watch it on t.v man thats funny when you think about it.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 08:04 PM
I'd say "about time", and then go to work as usual. I see no doom and gloom here. We can speculate till the cows come home about whether they will be friend or foe but speculation doesn't change the outcome. It just ruins your fun between now and then - should 'then' even arise.

To be honest I think we're more at risk from fellow man than we are from an 'alien' race. The guy down the road that intends on stealing your Widescreen Plasma when you take off into the hills is FAR more dangerous... hahaha!

Infact, your widescreen plasma is probably more dangerous spewing it's unhealthy levels of EM Rads through your body than a frail little alien will be!!!

I'm sure I could snap one of those little guys like a pretzel if he gave me attitude!

InfraRedman Out!

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by G-Ods

Ask question, and more questions.

See about flying one of the UFOs.

Ask to be taken to another planet where things aren't so messed up for a visit.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 10:50 PM
Durring 911, I was working for TIVO. It was sooooo sureal to have a hundred screens in front of me and watching the buildings crumble over and over again. in dead silence. so IF the ETs come I will just sit at home and watch it. but you know what? that day is never gonna come. at least in our life time.

NOTHING ever happens. NOTHING! People here talk about "disclosure" all the time. How long have we all been waiting for this? How long has that stupid disclosure web site been up? NOTHING! ever has been disclosed.

I think we should all stop believing in disclosure. maybe then and only then they can catch us all off gaurd. like 911.

[edit on 24-2-2008 by Frankenchrist]

[edit on 24-2-2008 by Frankenchrist]

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 11:00 PM
Even though I'm not that sort of guy, I would go outside and introduce myself. Maybe have a BBQ or something, show them my putrid meat collection.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 11:12 PM
I think it would greatly depend on the nature of the revealing.
Either way, I would rejoice at the fact that so many people would no longer feel like outcasts or nut jobs.
good or evil, it would definitely add to the spice of life!
I just hope if it does happen, Im there at ground zero; I would hate to start watching TV just to try and catch it happen, and when/if it does, I'll be running to ATS to see what everyone has to say about it!

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 11:14 PM
"What would I do ??"

well I guess that depends on the way disclosure is done
and where it is done. If they land in Washington, I surely
couldn't go up to one and ask to pick his brain and find
out all the stuff they know (providing they are way more
intelligent than we are).

I would like to meet one to find out the true meaning
of everything. I want to see what they have seen.
I want to know what they know, even if I don't understand it
at the time it is given.

I'd try not to be afraid as I don't really consider them to
be a threat to us else they would have killed us off already.
So I do believe there is some purpose for our existence.
If that purpose comes to be a meal on their supper table,
then I might change my mind.

But overall, if you could read the mind of a landed alien
and found out that we are truly mice in a lab, then how would we
as a public take that information rationally ??

It would be an earth changing experience to say the least.
Then we'd all go to ATS and write another thread with the

"Disclosure Over: What's Next ??"

or maybe the aliens will tell us what is next since they seem to be
the ones running the show

edited for spelling

[edit on 24-2-2008 by SimonSays]

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