How ya doin' I'm a Tattoo Artist, custom tattoo machine builder.
I am interested in multiple subject's in this forum and am looking forward to having intelligent conversation with like minded individual's. SEE YOU
There are lots of members here who are very helpful so if you have any questions as to where to look for tutorials, etc, I am sure some will come
along behind me and point out such.
As a tattoo artist I am sure you are pretty creative. Can't wait to see what kind of an avatar you come up with!
Sooner or later you will find a use for TinyURL!™.
Don’t forget to set up the “Comments” section in your profile, so folks can drop by to say,
“Hi!” All it takes is a “Howdy” from you to get the ball rolling.
Hi bloodlines and welcome. A tatoo artist huh? My teenage daughter would love to meet you, I'm still recovering from her getting the top of her ear