we dont know why ufo's show up in populated areas which are easily visible to folks. that to me lends credit to one of maybe 3 things.
1) those testing the aircraft dont care of a few claimed sightings of a ufo, because at the end of the day, they wont get a good clear video of it,
and the mainstream media will not play it over and over all day, like they may do britney spears, and the story will just fall off the map, so to
but still, where did the technology come from. i find it hard to believe that, with all the scientist in the world doing all kinds of research, the
government of the u.s somehow has some super special technology they came across behind the scenes, and has been working with for over half a century
now. the most likely cause it would seem, is reverse engineering from an alien space craft. plus, ufo's have been reported all through history. i
would even argue to say that the aliens have always been here, and contrary to popular belief, are not coming from outer space.
2)they are alien in nature, and for whatever reason, they want to be known to an extent. this would make no sense to me. there is no logic behind
partially showing yourself like they do. if you really want someone to know we are watching you, or we are here, you would just land in central park,
get out and let people see you, and then hop back in, and take off. assuming that such beings do understand logic. maybe they dont, and there means of
communicating with us, is by means we just dont understand why, similar to why a child acts up to get something, rather than just ask. we assume that
because they have advanced technology, they are similar to us in human ways, with our rational, and logic, and well, maybe they just arent, and just
because they have advanced technology, and are mentally advanced, doesnt mean they think like us, and so in turn, would not do things that we think
are logical/rational.
3)its all a ploy, and bull, and we are just being manipulated in a vast conspiracy to control human beings that much more. contrary to popular belief,
i would say this make the most logical sense. given the fact that we live in a world, where the only reason poverty, crime, war, religion, etc.,
exist, and continues to exist, is for ultimate control.
there is no reason gangs should be bullying people in our country the way they do. initiate a gang kill plan, and that problem is over. sounds harsh,
but just for sake of argument, lets roll with it. war on drugs is bull crap. they can halt that, and or damn near put an end to it if the government
wanted to. poverty, pfft, is money even real nowadays, its just digital numbers in a system somewhere. poverty, hmph, lets fix this, put it on my tab
with the other trillion dollars that i will never pay back. basically, as you all should know, many things can easily be fixed in the u.s alone,
contrary to some snot nose runt who would rant off some confusing statistics to keep you drooling in a daze of confusion.
but why fix those things, because in fixing those problems, they will be giving us to much free time to actually start thinking again, and using our
mind, and realizing that, not from a supernatural point of view, but just from a regular point of view, that we are gods, a very strong army, and no
longer will we let a few manipulate hundreds of millions, but the hundreds of millions will now come together and dictate how things roll in search of
a greater good, and they dont want that.
aliens are the biggest thing since slice bread. what better way to continue the manipulaton, than through instilling more fear into the weak sheep.
now they really can keep us preoccupied. no longer am i concerned just about thugs, the economy, money, my childs college loans, etc.., but now i also
am worried about aliens. i think you would find that most people would not break down, but they would just end up giving up more of their life, and
personal power over to those they think are seeking the greater good.
excuse the long post. i would say, that given the current state of manipulation of humans that goes on worldwide, than it does sound more logical that
this is all a great plan, played by god knows who behind the scenes for longer than we know. religion, the creation of the money system, etc.., it
just seems like a well orchestrated game, but for what. who knows. i think occams razor should not be applied here, which is, an alien ship crashed,
we reversed engineered it, and we by flyin thangs.
random thoughts
sometimes this life just seems like a big video game. lets create religion and see how they act. cool. how about some internet and wars. cool. hmmm,
aliens, now that would be interesting. lets also make another planet that the aliens come from. nice. hate to be so joking, but even if there was some
big huge conspiracy going on, would you really ever find the source of it, and if you did, who the hell cares. life is a big game, you either walk
through it normally and die, and hopefully resurrect for a new experience, or maybe try to find a few hacks so you can play longer, and harder, but
in the end, nothing more than a game. no big reason behind it all, but thats cool. so many different variations can hypothetically exist, so many
different ways to play. i for one am entertained. now all i need to do is find the dimension where it is normal to be a super powered ninja. how cake
would that be.
you can only blame reptillians, demons, the government, illuminati, etc.., but for so long. how long do you think peace could last on this planet,
hell, how long do you think that peace could last in the u.s? point being, a perfect world wont exist, times change, people change, the world changes,
and it will never all be good, and it will never all be bad, to much of anything will cause a ripple in the tides to shift the balance. why? who
knows. my simplest answer would be to keep the game going. life is a big on going analogy of the world around us, and so i compare life to a video
game, in the sense that, how long could you play with one character, on the same easy level setting? not very long im sure, before you up the
difficulty, and or create a whole new game with more characters, more complex puzzles, and higher levels of difficulty. no shocker that we as human
beings, hell, as conscious entities, do the same got darn thing. our biggest enemy is ourselves, but also our best friend.
good day