posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 04:59 PM
I was seeing something too till walking fox pointed it out. Good job Fox, you solved this one for me at least. The Stump is very obvious now that Fox
pointed it out.
Now, I see the events as they might have happened.
Two guys driving down the road...
1st guy
"Hey, look at that stump, it looks like a sasqautch or something from this view lol!"
2nd guy
"Yes it does, got your phone camera? Let's have some fun"
Guys take 1st pic from truck making sure to have it at it's lowest qaulity setting.
2nd pic is placed in software for contrast.
3rd pic camera boy moves to the left of stump for an unobstructive view of the stump, careful to make sure the pic is inconclusive from this
4th pic is made from another vantage point and a few more feet further out.
5th pic is moved to the right of pic 4 capturing the same two trees that incase the stump in both views of the stump. A little closer now than pic
6th pic thanks to FOX, clearly shows the stump directly behind the guy standing there for the camera. Same as pic 7 with a regular camera. The
difference is, now you can clearly see enough pixels to make out what the object so obviously is - as pointed out by FOX, a stump.
To make matters worse, the BFRO investigator helped hoax pic 6 and 7 in my opinion as the piece of limb in pic 6 is not in pic 7. That means for
"Clear photo" that they know will show details had to be shot from a different but look alike angle. The only reason I could figure for this is to
cover the fact that the stump is so clearly visible. What could be a possible motivation for a BFRO investigator to involve themselves in the hoax? My
guess, is after you pay the expenses of 5 "investigators" to go the distance to meet this fellow and discover his stump, you don't really want to
admit such a thing lol.
Thanks much go out to Walking FOx for pointing out the obvious to me for I was surely astonished till he posted the obvious.