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Leaked images of Nibiru orbited by Planet X taken by South Pole Station Telescope

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posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by Melbourne_Militia
Does anybody else feel like there is a convergence of theories and that this may be just one part to the entire conspiracy "theory" itself pertaining to all ideas that get posted on ATS?

I know what you mean...i've been telling the people on these forums that there is no ONE TRUTH!!!!!!!

buy all the ones here who are "denying ingorance" ignore the facts that no single conspiracy will EVER be right untill ALL (viable) conspiracy's are taken into consideration.

everyone who reads this and thinks they are a truth seeker, take another look at your life.....your doing EXACTLY what they want by discarding viable theories because you can already comprehend the knowlage you have been given...take ALL facts into consideration, look at everything from a neutral a seeker of truth, i am not religous.....i just AM.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by Soylent Green Is People
Astronomers have discover many trans-Neptunian objects since that article was written.

The same astronomers also theorize there are thousands upon thousands of trans-Neptunian objects out there...and they discovered, what? 5 of them?
I wouldn't brag about that.

The whole Nibiru subject is interesting to say the least. I think the idea of a rouge planet harboring life that far away is absolutely ludacris, but the idea of a small, low mass brown dwarf with a mini solar system of its own sharing a common center of gravity with our sun around Mars isn't that far fetched. It's very possible a brown dwarf could sweep in every few thousand years, and surely one of its planets could harbor life.

It explains a lot, too.

It explains the asteroid belt - it could have been caused by a planetary collision.

It explains the retrograde, incredibly slow orbit of Venus - perhaps Venus was captured from that planetary system by our sun.

It explains the elongated orbits of Kuiper belt objects.

It explains the unknown gravitational perturbations of Uranus and Neptune.

It explains the retrograde orbit of Triton around Neptune - perhaps Neptune captured a planet/moon from the Nibiru planetary system millions of years ago.

Nibiru as a planetary system - not a rouge planet - makes a whole lot of sense when you really think about it, and it passing could solve many of the mysteries that plague astronomers and astrophysicists around the world. I'm not saying I completely believe in it, but it's definitely plausible.

[edit on 23-2-2008 by ChocoTaco369]

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by ChocoTaco369

Yeah, but where is ONE non-fake picture of it? We should have thousands if this brown dwarf exists at all.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
reply to post by undo

Yeah maybe.
But it's name literally means "planet of the Crossing," which they themselves named. This only adds to the curiosity surrounding the evidence, IMHO.

Actually it doesn't always mean planet. in fact the word means "a gateway."

it also means place of crossing and gate of crossing.
this is why nibru (enlil's city in mesopotamia) also meant
place of crossing and gate of crossing. jupiter was also
referred to as nibiru.

from a .pdf file by michael s. heiser (scholar of ancient languages of the near and middle east)

Read this:

“place of crossing” or “crossing fee” – In the Gilgamesh epic,6 for example, we read the line (remarkably similar to one of the beatitudes in the sermon on the Mount): “Straight is the crossing point (nibiru; a gateway), and narrow is the way that leads to it.” A geographical name in one Sumero-Akkadian text, a village, is named “Ne-bar-ti-Ash-shur” (“Crossing Point of Asshur”). Another text dealing with the fees for a boatman who ferries people across the water notes that the passenger paid “shiqil kaspum sha ne-bi-ri-tim” (“silver for the crossing fees”).

“ferry, ford”; “ferry boat”; “(act of) ferrying” – For example, one Akkadian text refers to a military enemy, the Arameans: “A-ra-mu nakirma bab ni-bi-ri sha GN itsbat”7 (“The Arameans were defiant and took up a position at the entrance to the ford [gate, crossing point]”). In another, the Elamites are said to “ina ID Abani ni-bi-ru u-cha-du-u” (“[to] have cut off the ford [bridge, crossing way] of the river Abani”). I think the “root idea” of the nibiru word group and its forms as meaning something with respect to “crossing” is clear, and so we’ll move on.8

Read this, it even lists astronomical sources for every occurence of the word Nibiru

[edit on 23-2-2008 by undo]

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 08:28 PM
I have read through this thread from start to finish and some of the posts have given me a few "ideas".
I won't call them hypothesies due to a hypothethis would require background proofing that i have niether the time, space, nor inclination to provide.

Anyway to the good stuff lol,

This may read as a little dis-jointed and for that i appologies in advance but there is so much rattling around my little noggin that its hard to be concise.

O.k, as far as nibiru being a solo planet on an orbital path with our solr system/earth and it being only 4/5 years away from us, so people have quite rightly asked why can we not see it already?
Well imagine if you will such a thing as what i will term a "phasing star/planet".
This planet may not be as of yet visible to us as it may be "out of phase" with our timeline.
In other words think of the planet/star to be one step behind us on the timeline and as things go on it begins to catch up and indeed exists in the same time frame/line as our solar system/universe once every 3600 years or so and then perhaps after a certain amount of time or due to an interaction between the planet and ours or the planet and our sun begins to fall back "out of phase" with our solar system/universe until it can catch up 3600 years later.
As Doctor Emmet Brown said - "you have to think four dimensionally".

Another idea comes from the sugestion that this nibiru is actually a miniature solar system e.g. a brwon dwarf star orbited by a few panets.
Some have again quite rightly asked if there is another solar system that will come in to contact with ours then why can we not see it or its effects yet and what about the massive gravitational forces.
Well imagine if you will that this nibiru system as i shall refer to it is on a 3600 year eliptical orbit on a plane 90 degrees to our systems direction of rotation/travel around the galaxy or galactic core.
When the nibiru system comes within its closest orbital distance to our system our sun my exert a stronger gravitational or even electromagnetic force on a planet orbiting the nibiru brown dwarf star in essence pulling that planet out of orbit of the dwarf and causing it to take on a temporary wild orbit of our sun and in doing so passing by earth and causing untold gravitaional, atmospheric or electromagnetic effects to our planet.
As the nibiru system begins to travel "away" from our solar system on its orbital path the planet that was pulled from its orbit of the dwarf star may become close enough to said star to once agian assume orbit of dwarf due to the proximity of the planet to the dwarf enabling the star to exert a great gravitational or electromagnetic force on the planet than our own sun.
The nibiru system oribts away from our solatr system to return in 3600 years to interact again.
It may be only due to luck that the planet has not collided with earth in the past although a collision with other bodies in our solar system may hve cause the formation of saturns rings, jupiter moons, pluto, and other anomalous formations in our system such as the Kuiper belt.

These are only ideas i formed after reading the posts of other members in this thread and as such i again make no claim of working hypothesies just ideas submitted for your perusal/consideration.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by Predicon

Why not just use Occam's Razor and say it doesn't exist?

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by undo

I see the arguments well. I don't totally think they refute the theories completely. Not mention it being a religious motivated scholar discrediting the subject. Moreover, this subject cripples the legs of most religions.

But when the author makes mediocre points that only disprove an angle, rather than the idea, I get thrown off.

For example:

thing is certain from the texts, though: Nibiru is NEVER identified as a planet
beyond Pluto.

So what. It supposedly has a different orbit, so it isn't relative to pluto that much.


posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 09:08 PM
Man, we are so screwed if this is true. I hate to believe in this. But the poster who mentioned how this could all be connected may be right.

As of lately alot of wierd "stuff" is happening. All of those things he mentioned. The fact that its 2008 the real Mayan 2012. World War 3 looking closer than before, Wierd Weather, Amy Winehouse winning a Grammy(s).

Lots of crazy stuff.

I hope this is just another farse prediction. Like all the other "civil war 07" stuff from Tutor, and whatnot...

I hope when/if this thing does come, its Aliens coming to show themselves (so i can laugh in the face of everyone i know who doubts them) and to take us away or fix us. I just hope they don't have a book titled "To Serve Man"

Humans are bad on translations....

Now this saying of "live each day like it was your last" is so true.

I cannot wait till 2012 or 2008 or whenever the crap hits the fan. Its gonna be a show, and we will have front row seats. If it doesn't hit the fan, then it will be even better. We will have the rest of our lives to look forward to.... or get nuked to kingdom come. Either way, the future will be "bright".....

[edit on 2/23/2008 by 3rdeye]

[edit on 2/23/2008 by 3rdeye]

[edit on 2/23/2008 by 3rdeye]

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 09:10 PM
I have to say this is the first I have ever heard of any of this. Can anyone point me to the best thread to introduce me to this planet??

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 09:18 PM
I cannot believe people still latch onto the Planet X conspiracy.

I suppose, as the saying goes, to each his own.

Edit: Look how paranoia is being utilized to make you all afraid.

[edit on 2/23/2008 by Masisoar]

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 09:19 PM
Its real without a doubt

whats to come about from it is unknown...people can make all the speculations they want but there are no facts to bring to the table at this moment while its distanced away from us.

All this talk of change is hopefully bringing some

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 09:23 PM
Few questions since my thread didn't get any Niburu response...

1. What is a dark star? I have never heard of them until today but the image looks very neat.

2. How do we know where this movie came from? Looks like it could've been easily rendered using photoshop.

3. Why would the poster hide his/her identity? It's not against the law to find new planets.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by AnAbsoluteCreation

This topic, as you should know, has been popping up every now on ATS over the years, I still see no concrete strong evidence on it, I used to believe, but I just stopped because every time it came up, it was the same theory or babble.

When I went to look this topic up, it was all the same, just changed a bit to seem believable for some crackpot author trying to make a quick fix in cash by publishing a book on "Planet X: The Planet we never saw coming"

I personally just don't want people to be ultimately taken in by this.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 09:45 PM
Um...words, words, words, words, words, nonsense, nonsense, doubletalk, crystals, useless words, bull waste.


[edit on 23-2-2008 by AnnunakiX]

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation

I see the arguments well. I don't totally think they refute the theories completely. Not mention it being a religious motivated scholar discrediting the subject. Moreover, this subject cripples the legs of most religions.

But when the author makes mediocre points that only disprove an angle, rather than the idea, I get thrown off.

That's where you're wrong. It doesn't cripple my beliefs at all. It could be a planet or a dyson sphere or an alien spaceship. You're assuming and that's not going to work. In fact, I believe the references to nibiru being a gateway support my STARGATES ARE REAL thread, right here on ATS.
So no, the angle this is because religious people think it ruins their religion is nonsense. It doesn't. It proves it, as far as I'm concerned.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 09:58 PM
well as strange as all of the niburi info is. I have seen in meditations a mothership.

Funny thing is it was the size of a planet. I remember being really wow'd over it. Like farout, this mothership is the size of a planet?

It also looked like a planet. Amazing cos within the artificial form there was a natural earth. I walked through it looking around.

Needless to say, the meditation definitely expanded my mind.

I saw the people (who wore uniforms) living there were 'hiding'... from someone or something.

I in another meditation came upon one of the people I had seen in the mothership. I was like "why are you living here now? "where is that wonderful ship?" (* I saw him in the Zetan's realm, well that is what I call it anyway - the Dalai Lama's realm) (they are remarkable in that they do not eat living things - really peaceful. They are vegans. I feel they are very 'advanced')

He replied "It had been destroyed and they had to make another one"

I was quite saddened to hear that and for a while after the meditation, I felt really sorry for them. Really amazing thing to see and beautiful too.

I don't believe from what I have seen, those that live on the mothership are in anyway misguided or the war gods that people suggest. They are very peaceful.

AND I also feel that if WAR comes, they will use the mothership to save as many people as they can. And that is dangerous for them.

[edit on 23-2-2008 by Thurisaz]

[edit on 23-2-2008 by Thurisaz]

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by lepracornman

But just last month there was pictures from the south pole telescope that adds new energy to the debate, would you not agree? Also, if you weren't aware, the pics were posted a few pages back.

I don't endorse anything, but a good debate will usually sink or float any unique idea.


posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 10:03 PM
Well, I have not found anything out that agrees with Niburi being around. Just that it is -72F wind chill factor down there and there are 10 days left before the telescope is shut-down due to the season, or they are going to minimal personel over the winter, I am not sure.

I see no mention of anything else going on and they just got the telescope up and really running from what I gather posted at the websites for the South American Telescope.

If measuring perhaps the ozone hole is something relative, I think that is mentioned somewhere.

[edit on 2/23/2008 by AmoebaSized]

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by undo

Moreover, this subject cripples the legs of most religions.

I said most religions. And it would be hard to find anyone to disagree that most religions would refute and conversation about an extra planet that the bible doesn't mention.

I'm glad it doesn't throw yours off though.


posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by AmoebaSized

You understand it is not a story-line they are actively promoting, right?


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