Ok so I'am a little slow . I want to put a picture on my profile. I've loaded
and put the ats code in and hit submit and now have an X under my user name.
GIF and JPEG file formats only with a maximum dimension of 160 pixels wide, by 320 pixels tall. File sizes are not to exceed 75k, and animated
GIF's are allowed. (Physical size can extend up to 400 pixels tall for images under 50k in file size)
I put it up under the member center I have the ats code and put it into the pic area . Do I need to put it some where else and then move it from
Open a free account at Photobucket to host the image online. You can also use
Tinypic without any account at all, but it uses cookies to remember your pics there.
Once you have done that, it will give you a URL code. Like http:// whatever. Just paste that in the avatar url spot in your ATS account settings. Dont
bother with the "img" in brackets either. Just the direct link.
But you have to resize your image it seems. So do that before sending it to the online host.
Resizeyourimage.com If its an animated gif, try gifworks.com
Well I don't think you will be to pleased compared to the original size
click this link and copy the url from the address bar. after that paste to you avatar slot img246.imageshack.us...
What caused my pic to stop being seen? I did see it for a day or so, now it shows what appears to be a broken page...what's the deal? Help would be