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BIOTECHNOLOGICAL UFOS? What do you guys think of this video?

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posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by Chaos Lord
George Noory mentioned on Caoast to Coast AM the other day that there have been reports of UFO's in the Stevensville, Texas area that had the traditional UFO with lights on it than transformed into a Jelly Fish type object with lights within it!

I know! I've been following the story and I love it! I've seen similar videos and some people are calling them space serpents.. I have some video of orbs that transform
from orb to light.. and sometimes the orb seems to cover itself in a black shell and then it'll fly around for awhile and transform back into a streaking light then back to an orb...
so interesting.. they seem so curious and intelligent.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by 1nL1ghtened

Originally posted by snowstorm
Are these things alive? like a combo of bio and tech?

i cant seem to make the link work!!!

Hi snowstorm and welcome to ATS. You certainly have some interesting photos here.

I have some points of interest here that are bothering me about this whole incident and they are as follows:

* First, curious you find it necessary to include your political affiliation in your "movie" unless of course your just trying to establish a timeline of when these pictures were captured... if that is the case a time and date would be sufficient.

* Second, you claim you took the pictures because "you liked the way the clouds looked"... I find this also extremely curious as it was pitch dark or night time and NO clouds can be seen in your pics.

Now, that being said... as a new member of ATS I'm sure your aware that we pride ourselves in "Denying Ignorance"... my comments are in no way an "attack" against you or your submission, I am merely stating that the few things that jumped out at me right away.

I'm sure your aware of many people trying to perpetrate hoaxes. When I see things like this it raises warning flags for me.

We will wait and see what Jeff says about these particular photos before any determination of authenticity will be acknowledged or refuted, but in the mean time, when submitting "evidence" its best to keep it clean and un-altered, that is IF you want a serious, professional, evaluation of the "evidence" you provide.

To answer your question, IMO some and I mean a very small percentage, may in fact be BIOTECHNOLOGICAL. Many reports have stated that the "ships" are in fact "alive" and possess their own conscience or AI if you will.....

[edit on 24-2-2008 by 1nL1ghtened]

Okay I find it interesting that people wanna analyze the pics rather than answer my question. I also find it interesting that you wanna question why I make my movies a certain way. and I find it interesting how I sometimes I'm thought of as a hoaxer cuz I include my political, spiritual and artistic thoughts/talents in my movies. I mean, what? Can't a girl share her video/photos/talents in any way she chooses?

I'm not really interested in having my pics analyzed cuz really all I wanna know from
every1 here is if they think UFOs could be, might be biotech.

Okay? I give you my word, I'm not a hoaxer. Everything I show you is real.
I will always admit if I've added fx. I have no problem sharing the truth. It's what I do. Just like, I have no problem sharing my opinions. It's also what I do.

and guess what, I got another pic of some kinda UFO in the same vicinity... but this thing is triangular.. I'll be making a video today.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 11:20 AM

Okay I find it interesting that people wanna analyze the pics rather than answer my question. I also find it interesting that you wanna question why I make my movies a certain way. and I find it interesting how I sometimes I'm thought of as a hoaxer cuz I include my political, spiritual and artistic thoughts/talents in my movies. I mean, what? Can't a girl share her video/photos/talents in any way she chooses?

I'm not really interested in having my pics analyzed cuz really all I wanna know from
every1 here is if they think UFOs could be, might be biotech.

Okay? I give you my word, I'm not a hoaxer. Everything I show you is real.
I will always admit if I've added fx. I have no problem sharing the truth. It's what I do. Just like, I have no problem sharing my opinions. It's also what I do.

and guess what, I got another pic of some kinda UFO in the same vicinity... but this thing is triangular.. I'll be making a video today.

You have to be fair to people that are questioning your pictures. They have legitimate questions about them. If you only wanted people's opinions on whether or not UFOs can be biotech, you could have left the whole video out of this thread and just asked for people's opinions on the matter. I wouldn't take the questions so personally, or as an attack on you, but rather as people being curious, just as you yourself are.

It does at times get frustrating when everyone cries hoax the minute someone posts a new thread, but if we all believed everything everyone told us, none of us would be on a site like this

Back to the original topic...I'm not sure where I stand on whether or not UFOs could be "alive"...unfortunately I've never witnessed one personally, and I'm just never sure who's pictures and/or stories to believe. I think it could be very plausible that they are...I don't think anything is too far fetched to believe when you consider the kind of technology an alien race would possess in order just to build crafts able to come visit us as often as some people claim they do.


posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by Michelle129

Okay I find it interesting that people wanna analyze the pics rather than answer my question. I also find it interesting that you wanna question why I make my movies a certain way. and I find it interesting how I sometimes I'm thought of as a hoaxer cuz I include my political, spiritual and artistic thoughts/talents in my movies. I mean, what? Can't a girl share her video/photos/talents in any way she chooses?

I'm not really interested in having my pics analyzed cuz really all I wanna know from
every1 here is if they think UFOs could be, might be biotech.

Okay? I give you my word, I'm not a hoaxer. Everything I show you is real.
I will always admit if I've added fx. I have no problem sharing the truth. It's what I do. Just like, I have no problem sharing my opinions. It's also what I do.

and guess what, I got another pic of some kinda UFO in the same vicinity... but this thing is triangular.. I'll be making a video today.

You have to be fair to people that are questioning your pictures. They have legitimate questions about them. If you only wanted people's opinions on whether or not UFOs can be biotech, you could have left the whole video out of this thread and just asked for people's opinions on the matter. I wouldn't take the questions so personally, or as an attack on you, but rather as people being curious, just as you yourself are.

It does at times get frustrating when everyone cries hoax the minute someone posts a new thread, but if we all believed everything everyone told us, none of us would be on a site like this

Back to the original topic...I'm not sure where I stand on whether or not UFOs could be "alive"...unfortunately I've never witnessed one personally, and I'm just never sure who's pictures and/or stories to believe. I think it could be very plausible that they are...I don't think anything is too far fetched to believe when you consider the kind of technology an alien race would possess in order just to build crafts able to come visit us as often as some people claim they do.


Point taken Michelle & I understand why people are skeptical of my video/photos.
I just want to assure everyone here that I'm not here to trick you. I research the subject of UFOs n Aliens everyday of my life & I seek truth, like most of us do.

The reason I'm not very willing to share my pictures to be analzed is cuz they are
mine and I know I've discovered something amazing. Maybe it's selfish of me but
that's how I feel. I will share some basic data though.

I took the photos with a Canon PowerShot SD750 Digital Elph, 7.1 mega pixels
I believe I had the nightshot function on cuz I wanted to capture the clouds. This camera does not capture clouds very well at night but I keep trying. I had no intentions of even wanting to capture a UFO. I didn't even notice the UFO in the shot
while I took it. I just saw orbs.. When I got home and transferred my pics to the computer that's when I saw it. You can see some traces of clouds in the photos but they didn't come out like I wanted. I really would like to buy a camera someday that takes good nightshots... but for now, all I have is my new Christmas present, Canon Powershot SD750.

I'm now analyzing the photos myself on another computer. I've discovered in the first picture there appears to be a beam shooting down from the UFO. In the second picture, the beam is faint and it seems to penetrate the large orb.

Thanks to everyone who answered my questions about biotech. I think this is
definitely A.I. and I wonder what I'll capture next... I wonder what these things are up to.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 02:34 PM
Hi Snowstorm!

Very interesting video!

Just wondering but what video editor did you use for this?

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by snowstorm

take a chill pill dude was just saying it wasn't necessary sheesh
oh and the fact that you call this your" project" doesn't help either. anyway
i do see a shape to the ufo does any one else?

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 09:36 AM
If you post the original pictures here that would help a great deal. Form what I see in that video I have no further questions to ask but "Why you were taking pictures of clouds at a night time (which is according to what I see in the video is pitch black)?"... Of course I was not there so I can't tell if there were any clouds to be seen on that day and well... we all know how good youtube videos can be after they were compressed. So once again... the original pictures would help a great deal.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 03:58 PM
You see the media fighting back because they've got Barack's back? lol is that what you said in your song? You have got to be kidding.

Don't be so gullible, Obama is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Nothing will "change" if he is elected. The wars will continue and so will the destruction of our currency...

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 04:30 PM
Cool video,

that looks ALOT like a video that was out last year getting alot of attention. Some kid in texas (I think?) was filming a UFO that was floating over his house. The thing looked alot like what is in this video... alot.

People were saying it was government craft. It definitely looked large.

Are UFO's biotechnological? Whistle-blowers (supposed insiders) say yes. Some say the technology operates in tandem with the consciousness of the E.T.'s. They say this is because the minerals and chemicals that exist in extra-terrestrial solar systems are actually conscious material, living matter that can be formed like steel.

One of my favorite theories are that not all UFO's are 'ships' but are actual, extra-dimensional beings that are visiting us in our dimension. Now, I like this idea. But how could we ever prove it? People have seen UFOs react to their thoughts, etc. but first hand accounts are hard to press as evidence.

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