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NSPD-51 and the Potential for a Coup d'état by National Emergency

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posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:22 PM

NSPD-51 and the Potential for a Coup d'état by National Emergency

January 27, 2008

This paper addresses the possibility of a coup d'état by national emergency before the end of Bush's last year in office, citing recent institutional actions that can be reasonably interpreted as being consistent with and preparatory to such an undertaking. These actions, all occurring since Bush's reelection, include among others: 1) claiming by executive order emergency powers unauthorized by Congress;
(visit the link for the full news article)

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Related Discussion Threads:
Bush's Martial Law Plan Is So Shocking, Even Congress Can't See it

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:22 PM

2) contracting for the construction of high capacity detention centers throughout the country; 3) conducting nation-wide mass arrest exercises; 4) obtaining from Congress removal of legal impediments to the indefinite detention of US citizens without trial; 5) obtaining from Congress the authority to use federal troops for domestic police duties, by nullifying the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878; and, 6) obtaining from Congress the authority to use national guard units, without the consent of state's governor, in that or any other state. While these and other actions cited here have alternative, plausible explanation, and those participating in them may be entirely unaware of the darker ends to which their work may be put, nevertheless each is troubling and collectively they demand serious assessment as a potential threat to both our constitutional republic and its democratic governance, especially in light of the Bush administration's record of unlawful behavior. The reader is therefore asked to give this careful consideration because the eternal vigilance necessary to protect our liberty is better served by reasonable suspicion than by enduring trust.

What part of a continuity plan needs to be so classified that our own elected Congressman who have the proper security clearance can't see it?

This article is very worthwhile reading, please visit original link. It expands more on the Prison Planet article, and is well sourced.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:47 PM
Re-post from deleted thread...

I don't see many people putting up with this. Sure they may be unconcerned with what goes on in the world and care only about other things, but when those doors come down and the guns come in, I really don't believe they will go "Oh my I guess they are here to keep us safe."

And no, I don't think this because I fear it might be true, I know it's not true. We've had to many stories. Everyone is taught of the atrocities of the Nazi's and how they took over. Once again, when the doors come down and the guns come in people are going to say "What the! This is America!"

I don't care what anyone says, the sheer amount of people in this country who won't blindly take this is overwhelming. Not to mention every single other foreign country out there. What are they gonna say? I know people in the UK won't wake up, look on the news and say "Oh the Americans are being hauled off to camps eh? Oh well time for coffee!"

The Nazi's succeeded due to alot of mis communication, and mis info. EVERY citizen of America knows the story of their fore fathers, knows that we have freedoms, and is proud.

Lets just count the known groups that would resist...

Every single conspiracy theorist out there.
Every Ron Paul supporter and libertarian
Every single person who has supported civil rights movements.
Every single person who knows their rights and the Constitution.
Every single poverty hating, fight the power, lower class person.
Every single gangster in every ghetto, all over the U.S
Every single member of the NRA and other Pro gun groups
Every single Christian who knows the Book of Revelations
Every single free thinking person in the nation.

Theres most likely more. In order for any of this to be a success so much more has to be done, things that would take decades, and they don't have that amount of time. I just think alot of people forget this kinda stuff.

If this happens, it's not going to happen smoothly. Success will be hell, specially delivered by all of us.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:55 PM
I think we are heading for another civil war in my opinion,
the elite's armies against the people and the people are gonna win!!

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
What part of a continuity plan needs to be so classified that our own elected Congressman who have the proper security clearance can't see it?

That would be the part that says Congress will be disbanded and all power goes to the President.. can you think of a better reason not to let them see it?

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by mythatsabigprobe

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
What part of a continuity plan needs to be so classified that our own elected Congressman who have the proper security clearance can't see it?

That would be the part that says Congress will be disbanded and all power goes to the President.. can you think of a better reason not to let them see it?

Well I don't know about better, but there are probably other reasons. And all of them not conducive to trust by the American people.

Whoa, Alex Jones just said on his radio show right now that Russia and China have now threatened to attack the United States. Umm...

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by TrojanNutzConspiracy

I think you mean Revolution. I can see however, the powers that be ever so gently nudging a building revolution into a civil war. They'd certainly prefer American citizens fighting American citizens, rather than American citizens fighting the government. After all, it's the fastest and most effective way to deplete our ability to defend ourselves against "all enemies foreign and domestic".

The problem, as I've experienced it, is that all of the groups mentioned above, who would undoubtedly resist, are all still a substantial minority of the American population. When they see their "door come down", and the "guns come in" and say "...but this is America", they'll simply follow up with "... so everything is alright...". If you really want to wake up Americans, we've got to go door to door, confiscating not guns, but remote controls, lazy-boys, and air conditioning. We'll need to raid medicine cabinets and eradicate the cocktails of antidepressants that so many have become enslaved by. We've got to teach our children to learn rather than memorize arbitrary BS facts. The people must be forced out of their habitual lifestyles of frilly foo-foos and $5 cups of coffee.

Take your average Americans freedom, and he'll get upset. Take his cable television and he'll revolt.

As long as we're comfortable, we're docile. As long as we can tune in and watch Brittany get carted off to the loony bin time after time, we're complacent. As long as we have TV's in the headrests of our Cadillac SUV's, we're apathetic. The story of American society is a tragedy, at best, but seems more like a botched social experiment, the results of which should be incinerated before starting anew. Incineration (figuratively) of our society, in my opinion anyway, is mandatory if our nation is ever to be what it was intended to be. We're a tattered house atop a crumbling foundation. Patching the house (or electing another puppet president) does no good, when the foundation is rotten.

Not a single one of us here can deny, that this country, our government, as they are today, are that way because we the people have allowed these things to happen. We may have been lied to, had the wool pulled over our eyes, etc., but that doesn't change the fact that in the end, we're responsible for our own society. Shame on us, the people, for allowing things to go this far.

[edit on 2/22/2008 by Unit541]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

I'd love to see an article on this threat.

Sorry but I hold anything Alex says with a grain of salt because after listening to his radio report on December 31 1999, and other reports I see that he is a big loon sometimes.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by filmmaker45

filmmaker45 You may be right about the people revolting BUT, those that do will be shot. Once people see this on the news, they will do what they are told and go along with the program.

I get the feeling no one cares anymore.
I talk about NSPD-51 to alot of people and they have no clue or understanding and dont care their intrest is in what Brittany Spears is doing.
I dont know what its going to take to wake Americans up.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by cashlink

See I guess it's just different view points my friend. Because everyday I see people all around me awake, and they are pissed. I see people everyday cry Revolution. And I'm not talking just about the internet, I'm talking people in my school, my neighborhoods, my city. People are fed up, and they are ready.

It takes one flick of the dominoes, and both sides have them. The Government has the same mentality. The spark something, they can impose Martial Law upon the people. Well we have that to! One flick and we are reporting to the frontlines.

Maybe I'm just to optimistic, but I look to the sky's with hope. I look at peoples faces and want only the best for them.

If that means getting shot, to fight the powers that be, then put my name on a bullet for me, because I'll take it.

I'm only 16, but I'm ready to march when everyone else is.

There are thousands of us in every state my friend. Hope is still alive!

[edit on 22-2-2008 by filmmaker45]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 07:15 PM
Well basically divide and conquer, a divided country is an easy country
to control.
They have been dividing us up for years, and why none of us will
ever unite to take our country back.

Hell we are sitting here typing into a keyboard ,do think they are afraid us
As long as we sit here and are typing at our computer keyboard doing nothing they are never gonna stop doing what they are doing.

We are slaves to machine.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican

Whoa, Alex Jones just said on his radio show right now that Russia and China have now threatened to attack the United States. Umm...

Dude you made My heart jump!!!!! I follow the MSM and thought immediately... How the F*** did I miss that...
AJ might have been out of context....

Man you had me for a second!!!!!

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by StoneGarden

Yep. Which is why I don't trust teh Jones on just about anything.

Just listen to his broadcast back on New Years Eve of 1999. He goes absolutely crazy with fear mongering.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 08:03 PM
Here's some articles I posted, which are worth the read, but I think maybe an entirely different topic...

The thoughts of a Take over at the Top would be a dream come true for many of the people on this Continent...

Originally posted by TrojanNutzConspiracy
I think we are heading for another civil war in my opinion,
the elite's armies against the people and the people are gonna win!!

This is inevitable I think, provided that our more Level Headed Government Officials are willing to take the Lead... If the PTB start putting these cards into play... then there will be one

Originally posted by filmmaker45

Lets just count the known groups that would resist...

And these will be the Revolutionists....

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 08:13 PM
Indeed they are the Revolutionist. And they are an army of many. Some people seem to think that people will just go quietly into the night. The fact is no. Millions will fight this, and it's gonna be a hell of a fight.

And who knows how many people who normally wouldn't fight, will see the fight and say "These guys have the right idea." and jump on.

I still believe that we are all too firm of a people for this to happen so easily as some would express.

I have hope.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 08:22 PM
Since people like Bush such as the Bilderbergers and CFR want to see the world's population decimated to a much lower number that can be controlled, I am concerned that whatever the contents of NSPD-51 may be, the real goal is to create a situation that kills as many people as possible whether that is through the bio-engineered Avian Flu or Civil Wars.

Since Congress will not demand to know the content of NSPD-51 or the Chain of Command protocols, it falls to you US citizens to demand to know what is in these documents.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 08:25 PM
This has been being meticulously calculated by The Decider and Dick Insaney for quite some time now. Dubya takes a lot of heat for his inability to string two coherent sentences together back to back, but make no mistake---When it comes to power trips and grabs...He is second to none. They have been plotting this out carefully for a LONG time. It is extremely unnerving IMO.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 08:28 PM
I am under the belief that the people will not revolt. They will sit and take it just like they always have.

During my interactions with the outside world, you know that place we all go when we're not on ATS, I've realized that most people just don't give a damn. I've lived all over California in the past couple years and everywhere I go NO ONE I talk to has any idea what things like the Patriot Act are. My wife and her family don't even know why we are at war. Everything the news says people believe.

This entire country, especially California, is concerned about nothing but money. Im somewhat guilty of this too. Its been pushed and squeezed into my tiny little brain since birth that the amount of money one has in their bank account is directly proportional to their rank in society.

The definition of a successful person is how much money they make a year. Everyone is striving to be joe millionaire and that $80k Mercedes you just bought shows the whole world how accomplished you are.
I guess none of this is terribly bad depending on how you look at it, but the thing the bothers me so much is that many of these people get their huge bank accounts by screwing other people over. Hence the state of the economy.

So along as you leave the bank accounts and tvs alone, those in power can do whatever they want. You'll get the vocal minority as usual protesting and doing their thing but that won't stop those that pull the strings.

These guys are experts when it comes to mind games. They could arrest thousands of protesters all across the nation and get away with it. Just give the media a bs excuse for them to chew up and regurgitate 50 million times and all will be well with the rest of America.

Keep repeating a lie and eventually most will believe it.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by Pellevoisin

I say we letter bomb them perhaps eh? Send in hundreds of letters demanding to know?

Is it illegal for public pilots to drop flyers from their planes? Wouldn't that be awesome, if we could get a few pilots to do some fly overs (not Washington D.C of course) and just drop thousands of flyers.

Oh and when you say Congress, are you saying that contacting our local Senators or Reps, will not work in this?

See I'm only 16, so of course I'm not a legal voter, but I'm always looking for ways to fight the power.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by filmmaker45

Put all the pressure you can upon your Senators and Congressmembers.

In the end I think all of you will have to march in the street and march in Washington, D.C. demanding to know (and demanding the arrest of Bush/Cheney/Reid/Pelosi for their complicity in undermining your Constitution).

I don't know about the legalities of dropping flyers from planes -- and strongly suggest no one do that until they know those legalities -- but boy oh boy do I like that idea.

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