posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 06:27 PM
heh untill this thread i just thought it was me, i see these flashes every day, alot of times when im going to sleep, when im just sitting still, and
when im meditating, I have seen the black blobs alot too mistaked it for a spirit a couple times, due to the feeling that came with it, and then
theres the lil white glowing dots that are there for a split second,
but I also play alot of 1st person shooters, I mean alot, it could be residual graphics, or something like that, I know my visual reflexes are insane
now dunno if that has anything to do with it but 12 years of 1st person shooters maybe can do that to you lol....
I also hear the high pitch frequency with these sometimes that will last for a min or two, an well sometimes an im not schizophranic* just a bad
speller lol... the most thats wrong with me is a history of ADD and Digestion Problems...
and i read about Phosphenes in daily life i can clearly make a distinction of the two events... one is alot of flahy stars from rubbiung my eyes ther
other is random untriggered flashes i dont seem to control or trigger. as i am doing nothing more tyhen thinking when this happens. But im also
someone who has funny events where i have been able to remotly discribe places and people without being there by just talking to who is there.....( an
not talking about what is around them just talking to them about whatever to establish a connection. )
so. yeah. odd.
[edit on 24-2-2008 by Trance Optic]
[edit on 24-2-2008 by Trance Optic]