I have to take issue…but not with you guys.
While you were interviewing Corrine (sp?), she stated Barack Obama is not a Muslim. While that MAY be true, now, it has NOT always been the case as
she made it sound.
“ The Los Angeles Times reported Thursday that Barack Obama’s campaign seems to be modifying its earlier affirmation that 'Senator Obama has
never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian who attends the United Church of Christ in Chicago.'
In a statement to the Times on Wednesday, the campaign offered slightly different wording, saying: 'Obama has never been a practicing Muslim.' The
statement added that as a child, Obama had spent time in the neighborhood’s Islamic center.
His former Roman Catholic and Muslim teachers, along with two people who were identified by Obama’s grade-school teacher as childhood friends, say
Obama was registered by his family as a Muslim at both of the schools he attended.”
Why do people like this man? Really? Why? Maybe Senator Watson from Texas can help us out. What do you have to say, Senator?
I think it speaks volumes. This is a state SENATOR who is a campaign representative! Shouldn’t he know? Shouldn’t he be able to spout off the,
oh so long, list of great deeds the man has done? This is a guy who has dedicated his life to politics and it is his job to know what is going on,
not only on the state level, but in Washington as well. All he can come up with is, “he inspires.” That’s pathetic! Motivational videos
inspire, New Year’s resolutions inspire, trainers at gyms inspire, heck, even roles played by the most ignorant Hollywood actors can inspire! I
guess they would be good candidates too?
I did hear some say, “He inspires people to believe in themselves.” He does? From what I see, the drooling legions of supports believe in him
and look at him as though he is our SAVIOR in this great time of turmoil. He is only a man…
He is a fantastic speaker and knows how to play a crowd. He knows when to inflect a word here or let another hang there. He knows how to stoke a
crowd by emphasizing words which mean nothing. Then, he lets the crowd build and frenzy upon itself.
He is a used car salesman.
He is also a man who refuses to put his hand over his heart and is married to a woman who said she is ashamed of the United States. None of that
matters or is justifiable...right?
People don’t want to face the facts there is much unknown about the man, from his MUSLIM upbringing to what he truly believes. They are so
enthralled by the man, they find ways to place what they “think” he means or what they “want” him to believe over what they know/don't know.
People are so willing to apologize for the man or ignore truths which will taint the perfect image they have of him. No one is perfect and no one
believes in every ideal as you do.
To think anyone person is the savior of the nation, is putting to much faith in them and it extrodinarily dangerous.
It's frightening.