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Ronald Weinland (nothing yet...)

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posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 07:22 AM
So Ron says God postponed a whole two years of tribulation.

I guess the writer of Revelation wasn't listening to God very well.

Ron is becoming so evil he'll have a heart attack soon. Just like Herod, God will have had enough of him

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 01:00 PM

Ron also stated that things don’t have to happen in January. January is the 5-month point by which the scattered nations of Israel are to be conquered by the beast power. Ron pointed out that the last three weeks of Jesus’ life is when he conducted the most significant part of his ministry. So it’s clear that Ron will spiritualize the 5th trumpet at some point so he can drag his timeline out somewhat more.


Ronald The Liar, False Prophet, Anti-Christ Weinland, does not have much confidence that any of his claims will be fulfilled. That is not to say that bible prophecies will not ultimately be fulfilled, but that Ronald is clueless in his understanding of any of it, or the timing of it.

So far, RW has fulfilled NOTHING in relation to the Two Witnesses' role as stated in Revelation.
He however has fulfilled another prophecy, that of 'false prophets deceiving many'

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 06:50 PM
Emperor Weinland Has No Clothes

Many years ago there lived an emperor who cared only about his clothes and about showing them off. One day he heard from two swindlers that they could make the finest suit of clothes from the most beautiful cloth. This cloth, they said, also had the special capability that it was invisible to anyone who was either stupid or not fit for his position.

Being a bit nervous about whether he himself would be able to see the cloth, the emperor first sent two of his trusted men to see it. Of course, neither would admit that they could not see the cloth and so praised it. All the townspeople had also heard of the cloth and were interested to learn how stupid their neighbors were.

The emperor then allowed himself to be dressed in the clothes for a procession through town, never admitting that he was too unfit and stupid to see what he was wearing. For he was afraid that the other people would think that he was stupid.

Of course, all the townspeople wildly praised the magnificent clothes of the emperor, afraid to admit that they could not see them, until a small child said:

“But he has nothing on”!

This was whispered from person to person until everyone in the crowd was shouting that the emperor had nothing on. The emperor heard it and felt that they were correct, but held his head high and finished the procession.

Maybe, if any of the member have kids, maybe one of them will point "Nothing happened!"

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 03:16 PM
In his latest sermon he seems unsure. Here's the point.....

The Two Witnesses of Revelation, the most powerful prophets ever – still don’t know when the 2nd Trumpet will sound.

And people still follow him?

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 04:09 PM
I'm flabbergasted, that people can't figure out when a "prophet" is a true prophet or a false prophet.

Mose....had 10 for 10, and was explicit (ahead of time), as to plague, exact days plague was to come, exact locations, to whom plague was to fall upon.

Ronald Weinland - ZERO. (really less than zero, as he's had numerous failed prophecies, and basically shamed himself into never uttering another one again, unless it was so vague and ambiguous as to be useless)

Do you know what will happen to such followers when they see somebody calling fire out of the sky? They will snap to attention, and follow him instead.

Unfortunately they'll be following another false prophet, THE False Prophet, because they refuse to do their homework, so they can actually figure out if one is a true prophet or not. The bible has guidelines for this, they refused to learn of it or apply it to Ronald Weinland, they will not apply it to The False Prophet, and will accept the Mark with eagerness.

(hint: one does not determine if a prophet is true or false, by the miracles themselves, nor even if the prophecy they speak comes true...did you know that? the bible tells you how...)
edit on 4-9-2011 by SirPaulMuaddib because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 08:40 PM
Christ isn't coming bacvk on 27th may 2012, he told me himself!

But he did say Ron would be answering for his errors before him, before then.

Ron will die of a heart attack for the date arrives. It's the most graceful thing God can do for him.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 03:25 AM
It hasn't happened yet. Thata because God changed the time and gave him more grace !!!!

(see even I can learn from Ron)

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:07 AM
Ronald the insane his Last Great Day Sermon today, says he woke up in the middle of the night during Atonement, and this thought was given to him : May 27, 2012 is NOT the day of Christ's Second Coming.

Look....this man is being led by demons. He can not tell the difference between up and down.

Those who follow him (and it wouldn't surprise me if they all still followed him after May 2012), will continue to fall into a bruised...will get out of the ditch....only to follow him into another ditch....and another ditch....and another ditch.
edit on 20-10-2011 by SirPaulMuaddib because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:04 AM
Oh man, the guy is completely pathetic.

I suppose it was too much too ask that he get to the date and admit he's wrong.

He's so wrong his delusions are deluded.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 07:12 AM
Ron might call up Camping to discuss false prophecy!

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 04:01 PM
Ronald Weinland….should be asked by his followers, if he believed with the conviction he says he believes, and demands his followers believe as well, then why hasn’t he sold his house and emptied his bank account for the “final push” that would be required to blare his message to the world.

The answer. He doesn’t. He says “Christ will not return”, “My job has not begun”….and then back pedals by saying he believes everything in his book.

The only objective and measurable “success” Ron’s had is at being a successful Opposite Prophet.


posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 04:05 PM
I'm over this. He can't win because he's not a prophet. But we can't win because he'll never admit he's wrong. (except that I said he'd be dead before May 2012)

Thats the trouble with cheats and liars. If this was OT he would have been stoned by now.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 03:50 AM
I am so pleased that on 8th November RW put the following in writing...." He has revealed that His Son is to come as the prophesied Messiah on May 27, 2012. I have not given this, but God has given this!"

In spite of not a single prophecy coming true in 3 years he is sticking to the may 2012 date. So FINALLY, he can fall on his own human misinterpretation of some evil spirit delusion.

Only 7 months to go. The Bibel says a whole lot of things have to happen before he comes so it will all have to happen now in spite of the fact RW has been so so so wrong so far.

I still maintain he'll get to 28th may and come out with a different story but I still suspect he'll die before then anyway.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 03:57 AM

Originally posted by SirPaulMuaddib

He says “Christ will not return”, “My job has not begun”….and then back pedals by saying he believes everything in his book.

Just to be clear, did he state that he believed or that God had told him that Christ would not return on may 27th etc, and then did he back pedal and say that that wasn't the case?
edit on 9-11-2011 by Herkumite because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 06:33 PM
He is double minded.

He sort of hinted that at first he thought God inspired that thought, but he back pedaled and said he believed everything in his book that he teaches would come true.

It's a mind game. He is "telling" his members that Christ is NOT coming back on May 27, 2011, without actually telling them Christ is not coming back.

It's rather like being in a sinking ship, and the water is coming up, and flooding the boat, and the Captain is yelling that the ship is not sinking....and the passengers believing it.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 06:41 PM
from his site
"God’s Final Witness
In two short months, the world will be thrust into the seventh and final phase of this end-time. This period will be marked by well over fifty percent of all Bible prophecy being fulfilled..."

He's been saying this for the past 3 years. His failure rate is 100%.
On what possible basis is what he's saying now, have any more potential for success? None.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by SirPaulMuaddib

He sort of hinted that at first he thought God inspired that thought, but he back pedaled and said he believed everything in his book that he teaches would come true.

It's a mind game. He is "telling" his members that Christ is NOT coming back on May 27, 2011, without actually telling them Christ is not coming back.

Now you have me confused. Did he actually say that or not, meaning did he say he believed or that God had told him that Christ was not going to return and that his job had not yet begun, and then say that wasn't the case? Just wondering if I missed that because I did happen to listen to that sermon he gave and I didn't hear him say that, from what I gathered, I thought he simply said the thought was "broadcast" to him but that the thought actually came from Satan. Sorry, and I don't mean to be picky but it seems you may be taking his words out of context to make it look like he said something he didn't, which would actually be bearing false witness, and if that is what you are doing then you can't then berate someone you believe to be doing exactly that. ?? From what I heard in that sermon, and from what it says in his latest posting, he is not as you claim "telling his members that Christ is NOT coming back on May 27, 2011, without actually telling them Christ is not coming back", it seems he stated over and over again the exact opposite of that, meaning that Christ is most definately coming back on that date. Perhaps you are simply reading what you want into it. ??

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 11:54 PM
When he said, the "thought was broadcast to him", the way he said it, hinted that he originally thought it was from God, and yes, he later said he thought it actually came from Satan. (I am not the only one who thinks this, it is reported that a number of his members "read it" that way as well)

"he is not as you claim "telling his members that Christ is NOT coming back on May 27, 2011, without actually telling them Christ is not coming back","

He is playing mental gymnastics with the members. He in telling them that Christ is not returning May 27, 2011, he is planting this seed thought into their minds. So that when Christ does not return May 27, 2011, he can back pedal his back pedaling and say "See...I told you"

Yes, of course he later back pedaled and said he believed Christ is coming back May 27, 2011.

My point is, that he's engaging in mental psychology.

edit on 9-11-2011 by SirPaulMuaddib because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 09:11 PM


November 10, 2011

COVINGTON — A Union, Ky., minister was indicted today by a federal grand jury in Covington for attempting to evade thousands of dollars in income taxes.

A Union, Ky., minister was indicted today by a federal grand jury in Covington for attempting to evade thousands of dollars in income taxes.

The Indictment alleges that Ronald Weinland, 62, attempted to evade taxes in the amount of $357,065 over a period of five years starting in 2005.

Robert Weinland’s alleged acts of evasion included filing tax returns, understating his gross income, using church funds for personal expenses and failing to claim those funds as income on his income tax returns, and failing to report the existence of a bank account in Switzerland. He also allegedly failed to report any interest made on that account as income.

Kerry B. Harvey, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Kentucky, and Christopher R. Pikelis, Special Agent in Charge, Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation Division, jointly made the announcement today after a federal grand jury in Covington returned the Indictment.

The investigation preceding the Indictment was conducted by the Internal Revenue Service. The Indictment was presented to the grand jury by Assistant United States Attorney Robert K. McBride.

Weinland’s appearance before the United States District Court has not yet been set. If convicted, Weinland faces a maximum prison sentence of five years. Any sentence, however, following conviction would be imposed by the court after consideration of the United States Sentencing Guidelines and the federal statute governing the imposition of sentences.

Christ said, give what is to Caesar, to Caesar, and what is to God, to God.

If convicted (right now he is only charged), then Ronald Weinland is guilty of a crime as well as a sin, as he has disobeyed both.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 06:29 PM
Ron is guilty of so much more. Once investigated maybe some sexual stuff will surface too?
edit on 11-11-2011 by daggyz because: (no reason given)

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