posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 05:23 PM
From time to time I have mentioned my Uncle Levi, and I have no doubt I will mention him again . That being the case I thought I'd share some of his
wisdom here on it's own thread, filed under " for what it's worth.
I guarantee it will be applicable.
My Uncle Levi was the primary male figure in my life as a child and young man. He taught me how to hunt, how to respect, use, and care for my
firearms. He taught me how to fish, trap, make a camp ( hot and cold) and generaly how to use the wilderness but also to respect it.
Maybe one of the most important things he taught me, was unintentional, and he couldn't have spelled it, nor probably pronounced it. He
inadvertantly taught me how to establish and maintain an ecosphere, although in his day it was called a homested.
He lived for most of his life on 10 acres of land. On his 10 acres he raised a garden for his home,a little livestock and enough grain and corn to
feed his stock.
This doesn't sound too remarkable on the surface, but the pragmatic wisdom of his methods is what is pertinent here.
Every year he bought 2 beef calves and two young hogs. he raised the calves and hogs all year until they were grown, using grain, corn and
houshold " slop". At the end of the year he would sell one calf for cash and butchering on the second calf. The cash he put aside to buy the next
years calves. Same thing for the hogs, he sold one for butchering, and cash. In this way he always had a freezer full of beef and pork.
The surpluse grain and corn he would sell for next years seed stock.
He had 12 chickens and one old ornery rooster. They were free to roam the yard and scavenge, but primarily were fed from the garden or grain he
His reasoning on the chickens was 6-8 for eggs,4-6 for the kitchen.
The only livestock he owned with a guranteed life expectancy was one dairy cow, that he kept for fresh milk and butter.
Many have asked and discussed how much land or how much stock to set up a sustainable homested.
Thats what caused me to tell ya'll about my Uncle Levi
Mods feel free to move this thread if you think there's a better spot for it.
Ps. My Uncle Levi never seen a computer in his life. I think he would have a good laugh about his nephew sharing his thinking with people scattered
all over the world. If ya have any questions feel free to ask.