posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 11:01 PM
The only true solution to a country that is split along the lines of the Confederate States of America, including the Midwest, is a SERIOUS secession
movement to avoid open warfare once the communist agenda is imposed on one half of the country that voted against this agenda. Coming from a
technically occupied nation to this day, there has been talk of this idea for years. A peaceful and legislative exit from the union from sovereign
states would be an ideal situation. Unfortunately, this is impossible. When asked in 1860 by Lincolns' cabinet, " Why not just let them
go?"...his reply, "what about MY revenue?". Therein lies the answer that there will never be a legislative exit from the Union.
My family served under the CSA in a regiment that suffered the highest attrition rate in the Southern ranks. It was NEVER about slaves, it was about
sovereign states choosing to remove themselves from an oppressive Federal government that was a cultural war that transferred from Europe. Just look
at the voting lines by the states, still the former (and illegally occupied) CSA votes as a block. The South has the most concentrated African
decedents than any other area of the country. Why still then do we consistently vote for less Federal involvement? Never forget that FREED Africans
fought against and hated the union( You will not learn that in public "school"). Some I know still do till this day hate the north. Less than 1.5%
of the Confederate Army owned slaves and the Confederate States of America BANNED the importation of slaves. Hell, we both are still pissed about
Sherman...the result? Two poor classes that have yet to recover. Always the stepchild of America since 1865.
If the states choose to leave, it will bring the yankee , union, NWO , boot down on any state that cuts the revenue of the hordes that are at the
Once the hangover of this one world lapdog socialist starts to bring the hammer down on the 1st, 2nd and 3RD amendment (yes the 3rd I said that), it
is far too late. I feel for the African decedents that have been duped into thinking that ANYTHING will change for the positive...he is nothing more
than the elitist that has been groomed to wipe his a*& with the Constitution.
This is going to get racial very quick, I do not understand why African decedents that are conservative by nature, would vote for a left wing
communist that is opposite of their base church Southern values. Unfortunately, I think this is about race. Which it should never have been.
Slavery was WRONG, and it would have been banned EVEN if the South had won.
Good luck to Montana and the rest of the sovereign states of the Republic.
Secession NOW!
African Confederates
African Confederates