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I had an epiphany at the liquor store today! This is how they'll get you to take the mark.

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posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 09:24 AM
I have always resorted to Jedi magic when dealing with store discount cards.

I look at the cashier and tell them:

I would really appreciate it if you would scan your card for me; my personal card is at home.

And then I wink...

If they ask for a phone number... I give them one... just some random one in the local exchange.

9 of 10 discount applied... no mark of beast on right hand or in wallet.

Sri Oracle

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by Sri Oracle

Interesting I have been using somebody's bookAmillion card for coffee for the last six months.

And for telephone I been using the same one for the last 11 years, the only thing is that it has been no longer in service for the last 3.

I don't give away my personal cellular phone to nobody, unless is necessary then my husband work phone is good enough.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by Illahee

And right now you probably have a "Master card" or a "Visa" from the master to trade at the store. Whats that? can't serve two masters?

-As i read this, I slowly pull out my Visa/Banking Card, it's all I have to use, no need for cash anymore. Direct deposit checks into the account, and every store/ shop real, world and online takes this card.

So it is essentially my mark, I carry it in my "right hand" when I use it. I'm not so sure Revalations should be taken literally, I mean I think there are plenty of metaphors in there, I don't think we'll be seeing any dragons with 7 heads, and , 7 points on each of the crowns on those seven heads, which rest 7 lions with 7 teeth each, ect, ect, yadda yadda (havent read the book in ages, but you get the point.


Low and behold I slide this card out of my cashless (thin) wallet, and look at the numbers, and sure as I'm holding it now- there it is, 666 in a row, in the numbers on the card. I'm not talking theres 3 , 6's on my card, no, these are all together in order, and start at one of the number breaks. Look extremely suspicious, although I've never really noticed it till now.

beautiful huh?

Good thing I am an atheist eh?.

But somewhere, always, in the back of my mind is always that thought, what if? I really don't wanna spend eternity in flames. I've had sever burns from electricity, n my stomach and leg, and let me tell you, burns hurt like a mother pucker.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 11:41 AM
Technology, ah what a savior of humankind. But wait a minute. Its the very thing we so love but yet it can be exploited from a thing of peace and harmony to a thing of suffering and horrors.

Let me run this by you, every technology implemented for the use of humankind has an ulterior motive lurking beneath it.

We will be reduced to a tracking number coded in a chip implanted at birth so the human being can be tracked from beginning to end. Your profile will be created from day 1 till you become an adult. you will be analyzed as to worthiness in a world of deceptions from your indoctrination years. you will be categorized in a psychological profile as to your mental functional abilities. and when the day comes for you to join in with the rest of the slaves.

You will perform purchase of materials by walking through a chip reader in every retail location which will have a digital frequency scanner at the entry/exit door performing a scan of frequencies assigned to every product in the retail facility as well as the human target upon exiting.

GPS positioning will track you walking out doors as well as ground movement by frequency locator's positioned in doorways, street lights, traffic signals and parking meters to name a few.

Your tracking chip will record and upload your heart rate, perspiration and temp to proximity locator's. Your speed of movement, position and direction will be recorded and charted. the chip will have capabilities to personally hear and send personal audible exchanges to a proximity tracking station networked into a data records facility.

You will be enslaved to the very technology you so loved while growing up.

A simple example.

I drove truck for Schneider national in the 80s. They had GPS on every truck in the fleet. they could track you no matter where you tried to hide. the onboard computer tracked your speed, shifting, rpms, idle time, mpg and break time by them instructing the driver, the truck has to be turned off to save fuel when not driving. They had a bonus package (More nwo bs to get you to go along with the plan) where you could earn more money by following there driving criteria. No following the plan exactly, no monthly bonus (I never seen a bonus, so you know what kind a guy I am).

After every trip they had you dump the computer data which would printout and had to be handed to the driver manager for them to rail on you so not to pay a bonus. I don't follow orders well and snickered in there faces when I handed in my data report. The dot (department of transportation) at the time embraced this new technology and reported they would not be using this as a tool to discipline drivers. Guess what, they do now. They want to be able to plug into each truck computer to download data to track the truck, match driving time to log books and hand tickets out for revenue.

Technology is our friend......

Edit to ad: Onstar was queried to whether cops could have the honor to call in and shut a car equipped with onstar off when being chased by the cops. Intrusive!

[edit on 21-2-2008 by WorldShadow]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 12:24 PM
So, um, what's the problem? I never use cash. I've got this cool card that links to my bank account. It's very handy. I don't have to worry about being mugged and losing my cash. I know that they track my moves, because all fads and trends begin and end with me. I started the Hawaiian shirt thing back in the 80's and again in the 90's. 3 years later, everyone was selling them. Then I lost my job in the early 00's, and 3 years later, we fall into a recession. Coincidence? I think not. Now that I know their plan, I can plan ahead. So if I start using cash only, I won't know what is coming in three years.

Point is, if you don't use your cards, they won't be able to sell you what you need.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 12:37 PM
Since these chips would also have info on the shopper each person could have a different discount. Single mothers may get a greater discount on food and diapers, for example. Stores could also increase the discount obtained by the shopper based on past purchases with the store. The more you buy from that one store the cheaper it will be for you to shop at that store.

These chips could be pretty good for us. They could be a way to make sure those who are in need get provided for.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 12:48 PM
Like I've said, where do I go to get one of these fancy chips implanted? Personally, I want people to know where I am, in case something bad happens. My cell phone already has a GPS locator, which is great.

I would like to be able to walk into any supermarket, bag up what I want, and walk out the door without standing in the check stand line, with the bill taken directly from my bank account. I would like to be able to sit in my car and without a key, push a button to start it, because the car knows it's me. Same thing with my home. Man, I would love to not have to lug keys around everywhere. And if some lowlife broke into my house, I sure would like the police to be able to track that sucker down in less than 20 minutes and toss his sorry butt in jail. Also, having my complete medical history available in a scan would sure help prevent doctors from giving me something I'm allergic to.

I don't know what monkey business some of you folks are up to, where you're going, or what you're buying that you need to worry about the cops coming to get you. If it's illegal, maybe you shouldn't do it.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 01:03 PM
Can somebody please explain this barcode/666 thing to me, 'cause I'm not seeing it. I must not be looking in the right place.

And I certainly wasn't trying to say that it wouldn't be convenient, I was merely trying to point out the biblical implications. If you don't believe in the Bible, then surely there's no problem with it, unless like NoHup said, you're doing something wrong.


posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by tevis69

Ring! Domino's Pizza, may I take your order?

I'd like a large pepperoni with double cheese and olives, please.

May I have your NID number?


Thank you, one moment please.
I have your number verified. I'm sorry, but your cholesterol level is too high for double cheese.

But I like double cheese.

I'm sorry. May I recommend our vegetarian, no-cheese special?

I don't like pizza without cheese.

Your physician has reported that your cholesterol is too high, sir. There's nothing I can do. Where would you like your vegetarian special delivered?

My work address is...

2435 North Shepard Drive. Would your secretary like to order a pepperoni pizza for herself?

My secretary?

Yes sir. Our sensors show that Delores is there with you. My you two are working late. Should we forward an advisory of your overtime to your home address? Your wife might be worried.

What? No... I already called her. I just want a pizza.

No, sir, the records indicate you have not called her number in the last 12 hours.

That's my business. I just want a pizza.

Sir, would you like an ambulance?

An am... what? why?

Your heartbeat is 102, and your blood pressure has risen considerably over your physician's recommended range.

I just want a pizza. I'm fine!

Strange, Delores' vital signs are also showing elevated levels. We are sending two ambulances for you, sir. Your pizza will be delivered to your hospital room. We will also advise your family of the emergency, as a convenience to you.

I don't want any ambulance! Wait!

Also, please have yourself dressed properly. The RFID signatures in your clothing show you and Delores are naked. Thank you for calling Domino's Pizza. Click!


Consider yourself enlightened.


posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 02:08 PM
If your God is going to punish me becasue I paid for something via electronic funds I need to find another God.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by TheRedneck
Ring! Domino's Pizza, may I take your order?

More like this:

Text on phone: Hi, Mr. Nohup! It's Domino's. It's Thursday again, and we're cooking up a batch of those four-cheese pizzas you like. We're also having a promotion. Buy two, get a liter of Coke Zero free. If you haven't already eaten, would you like us to send a couple over? Just press "6" and we'll have it to you in less than 10 minutes. Thanks, and have a nice day!

P.S. -- I guess I just don't have anything so wonderfully important or special or shady going on in my life that I'm worried about people finding out. Most information about me pretty much anyone could already find out with just a little research, and I certainly can't imagine why Domino's would be interested. And I don't really worry a lot about somebody seeing me naked. So what? Big deal. Anybody bothering to monitor me in detail is just going to be bored.

[edit on 21-2-2008 by Nohup]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by Dr Love
Can somebody please explain this barcode/666 thing to me, 'cause I'm not seeing it. I must not be looking in the right place.

There is some debate on this 666 barcode thing where the letters F and an H appear. This has been pointed out as meaning F for forehead and H for hand the two places where the code should be implemented.

Explanation from another source

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 05:32 PM
I use this link, because in all fairness the creator of the code get a chance to answer questions.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 06:04 PM
What about the time someone re translated, multiplied, divided, deep fried, honey roasted, and re/misunderstood the reference to the number 666 in the Book of Revelation and came up with 616.
So STOP WORRYING PEOPLE, you can now have 666 tattooed all over your bodies with impunity.
Funny how 666 still keeps cropping up on barcodes and stuff though isn't it?
Still, there is nothing to worry about, as the number of the Beast is now 616.
Yeah, right! LOL!

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by TheRedneck

Mr. Redneck, I assume you live in the south. You will be OK. Only people in California will need to worry about their cholesterol being too high. We southerners would never agree on implementing a law that would require our cholesterol to be with normal limits before we could order food. More cheese please!

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by TheRedneck

lol I could've sworn i've heard that conversation somewhere before... but where i can not say at the moment. Did you make it up yourself or did you see it somewhere else too??

o and to everyone spewing on about 666, i remember reading somewhere that it's actually not the sign of the devil or w/e. Apparently there was a screw up and its 555. Now if only i could find the link for that...

And I still don't see what the big deal is with it? seems like it would make life a hell of alot easier. And besides with the end of the world coming in 2010-2013 with the planet x emerging, alien invasion, and god know what else i doubt any of us will live to see it implimented

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by AshleyD

However, this would give the government way too much control. Even if we take the 'tracking' feature out for now, the government will know ever little penny that is being spent and earned.

Don't worry, they already do! Every time you use your credit card / debit card the transaction is recorded and tracked. Ever notice that the coupons you receive in the mail seem to be targeted to the things you normally buy? It is target marketing and it works.

The gov uses the data as a demographic survey of the populace and to keep track of individuals of interest. To top it off your employer supplies the gov with your earning statement so there you go...what you earn Vs what you spend and where and for what.

So just make things real convenient and people will beg for it. Tell them how much safer they will be. No criminal can steal your money, ID or credit/ATM/debit card because you have the super secure implant! In trouble, need help just dial 911 and our sats can locate you, and help is on the way!!

It is only later that you would find that the added security will be used to enslave you. But no worries, just pledge allegiance too the NWO and as an added benefit your buying and selling power are secured.

This is only a possible scenario of how they might implement it, because the first part is already history.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 03:33 AM
What says we have to follow the laws of today? Why can't you and everyone else start a new system apart from this one that allows everything the NWO won't? I don't see how everyone can just fold under this NWO! We know it's happening and yet we just let it happen... Tell you what, I'll go to the store and buy everyhthing tomorow, then I'll make my own money and you can have some, use that and we can buy sell and trade in our own system and the NWO can kiss my clinton!

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by tevis69

I paraphrased it from something that was played on Coast to Coast AM. So the words were mine, but the concept belongs to George Noory (or whoever it was did it for him).

Credit where credit is due.
But it seemed applicable here.


posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 05:30 PM
A cashless society means complete control of your finances by the PTB. Step out of line, and your ability to buy and sell is cut off. Or maybe they’ll be forgiving and only deduct a certain amount for missing that political rally or failing to be in front of your programming box for the nightly reeducation. Not to worry though, people in government are infallible and without sin, and would never use such incredible power to their benefit and your detriment. Nor would they ever demand that you take an oath to some global ethic in order to be able to participate in the economy. It’s also completely impossible for an implanted chip to cause some ‘grievous sore’, so no worries then. Enjoy your convenient submission to total control.

BTW, Dr L. I would give much more credence to epiphanies at the liquor store to those of a few hours later.

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