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Europe for an independent commision of inquiry of 911.

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posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 04:47 AM
For those interested,

Friday, February 15 2008 - 9/11 Commission
9/11 Truth Debate at European Parliament, February 26

On 11 September 2001 the United States were hit.
On 26 February 2008 the Truth Movement hits back!!!

Film & debate in the European Parliament about 9/11.
Brussels 26 February 2008 7pm, PHS 3C50 (this is where the debate will be held) – this event is NOT open to the public, only to journalists and the politicians. (Nevertheless, Belgian & French Truthers have their contacts and will make sure this debate is videotaped and put online afterwards).
Organised by the Italian Europarlementarian Giulietto Chiesa.

The documentary will be followed by a debat lead by Andreas von Bulow, Giulietto Chiesa, David Ray Griffin, Yukihisa Fujita, et al.
A few weeks after the Japanese parliament it is now Europe’s turn to open the debate on what really happened on 9/11. While journalists and politicians still support the official version of the events, defended by the Bush administration – in which the blame is laid on Muslims – the Europarliamentarian from Italy, Giulietto Chiesa, organizes an historical evening in the European Parliament in Brussels on Tuesday 26th February. He will present his film ZERO – 9/11: Europe for an Independent Commission of Inquiry.

This documentary is the result of 8 months of intensive research and interviews in Europe and the United States. It emphasizes the inconsistencies, manipulations, lies and omissions of the official inquiry. The film will be followed by a debate with Giulietto Chiesa himself (journalist and politician in Italy, member of the European Commission of Inquiry on the illegal prisons in Europe), Andreas von Bulow (Former Minister from Germany and specialist of the secret services), Prof. David Ray Griffin (Author of several 9/11 books) and Yukihisa Fujita (Japanese parliamentarian).
This initiative was prompted by the international Truth Movement, started by families of victims who clamor for a new and independent inquiry into the events of 9/11.

[Posted (in Dutch) on the forum of (direct link to the forum thread =]
Ed. Note: Special thanks to Mark Dermul of for English translation.

Source; Andrew Johnson.

[edit on 20/2/08 by spacevisitor]

Placed 'ex' tags on external material

[edit on 20/2/08 by masqua]

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 07:06 AM
This would be brilliant, of course. Let's keep our fingers crossed on the outcome. I am curious how many of those members will be calling in sick or otherwise.

Let's light a candle for all the victims involved in the meanwhile.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 07:18 AM
I wouldn't get my hopes up. No matter what evidence is uncovered, it will all be denied or discredited. 9/11 is going to end up the same as JFK. Most people will know that something fishy happened, but we will never know the truth.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by Karlhungis
I wouldn't get my hopes up. No matter what evidence is uncovered, it will all be denied or discredited. 9/11 is going to end up the same as JFK. Most people will know that something fishy happened, but we will never know the truth.

Well Karlhungis, the JFK tragedy was a pure American issue, but the 911 tragedy is an issue of many other countries as well.
So, maybe that good possible be of overriding importance.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by Karlhungis

There is a good possibility that nothing will ever come of this. What happened on 9/11 is not that relevant anymore. It's an incidental matter much as the Reichstag fire was after the general outbreak of war. Europe should be investigating and indicting Bush et. al. for war crimes.

War crimes trials have fallen off drastically since WW2 The idea that Europe is going to consider whether to hold a comission of inquiry as to just what happened on 9/11 is laughable. I would be much more encouraged if they had sworn out arrest warrents in connection with America's most recent outburst of "democracy" evangelism in Iraq.

America, since WW2 has slowly turned into one of the most morally repugnant regimes on the face of the earth. All the more so because it is a fall from grace. They have out-butchered every thug on the African continent since WW2. You have to study Nazi Germany to realize the magnitude and modalities of America's crimes.

They are well on the way to creating conditions where the notion of arresting people for war crimes doesn't even arise except in some fake tokenistic way.

If Germany had won WW2 there would never have been war crimes trials. America is relaying the foundations that Hitler tried to put in place. Nazi values march on in so many ways. I'm not talking about bone-headed anti-semitism, but the subtle things.

Bottom line. Too little too late.

Removing intemperate language.

[edit on 21-2-2008 by ipsedixit]

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