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Chem trails and the Holographic UFO

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posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 07:16 PM
There is in extent a Holographic projection technology within the Department of
Defence weapons arena.

Chem trails are laid out to create a temporary screen for Holographic projections .
Some of these projections most people are aware of already,
One is the Phoenix lights of 1997

This is a by-product of the Satr wars system brought to you by your sweet actor President Reagan.

How it works :

A chemtrail layer is laid out in a grid pattern.

Then a Lazer Projected image is projected either from Satillite, or can be done
from a Ground Mobile unit .

You may note the hugh triangle craft reported by witnesses, as having an almost opaque or transparent quality to the craft
Some have reported that the stars can be seen through the craft.

The technology is run in the U.S. at various times to record citizen reaction.
This is test run for a possible weapons application to be used in the field against enemy combatants. The test results are concerned with how effective
this technology is on the psyche of civilians and can be applied to combatants as well.

You may be aware that some of the Iraqi soilders came out of their bunkers running into U.S. soilders arms during desert storm as well as this current conflict.

What you may not be aware of, is the Holographic images that were projected for them to witness in hopes of attaining this exact effect upon them.

For those readers familiar with my internet handle,,, yes, this is Roger Snow

I will add more notes later
for i am tired right now

If given time, i will add threads dealing with the stores of Ophir Gold on White Sands Missle Range that was stolen by the D.O.D. in 1961-62

I will relate what i have found in myown research on the U.S. southwestern states being the location of the Gold King Solomons men with the Phoeniccians had mined and stored in sites such as Victorio Peak
The Phoeniccian Icons of their Goddess Tanit, that are still set up in various places throughout the Southwestern United States,,, and will add some of what i know about the theft of that gold being the prime motivation for the death of JFK.

The connection to Craft that Hovered above Victorio Peak Back in 1947
One of which went down around Corrona New Mexico and is commonly refered to as The Roswell incident.

What the Craft were there for over the peak as well.


[edit on 19-2-2008 by cynicalabsurdance]

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 08:31 PM
This is exactly what I was looking for excellent thread!

This morning around 5 Am I looked out my window (avid sky watcher) and I saw what looked like a chemtrail, so I ran outside and sure enough it is and it is right over my house. The strange thing was I live north of my city and I saw/heard no airplane and I don't live over a flight path (My City is the most isolated capital city in the world so there never is planes except the occasional jet which you can obviously hear).

Two minutes later I went out with a ciggie and I observed an unknown flying object flying a couple of miles off in the distance, I didn't think of anything at first until it sped up, went straight up and then just disappeared.

That chemtrail stayed in the air for over an hour because it was there when i left for work after 6 and it is pretty windy today.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by xion329alpha
The strange thing was I live north of my city and I saw/heard no airplane and I don't live over a flight path (My City is the most isolated capital city in the world so there never is planes except the occasional jet which you can obviously hear).

I grew up in Perth and only moved a couple of years ago and now work for the weather bureau. I suggest you call the Perth Airport met office and ask them if their upper air sounding this morning gave the indication that contrails could persist today. The jet you would have seen would be the Sydney to South Africa flight which leaves daily and should cross Perth or near Perth at that time.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 08:47 PM
I did not see a jet, what my post said is that if there was a plane I would have heard because of the rarity of them. This thing was no plane it was spazzing out in the sky and just vanished.

And I have never seen a contrail like that in Perth and i have lived here my whole life.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by xion329alpha
I did not see a jet, what my post said is that if there was a plane I would have heard because of the rarity of them. This thing was no plane it was spazzing out in the sky and just vanished.

And I have never seen a contrail like that in Perth and i have lived here my whole life.

You wont hear a jet thats crusing at 30,000ft, its way to far away. What suburb do you live in as a matter of interest, I am from the northern suburbs and see and hear planes all the time

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 09:16 PM
Although it does not relate to the particulars of what the OP is claiming, the following thread did contain some interesting information on the available holographic technology:

One part of the question is whether or not the technology exists. Another part is whether or not the atmosphere can be adapted to properly present a holographic image.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

I live in Whitfords on the coast, the strange cloud I observed was not 30,000 feet in the air it was right above my house and it was not caused by a plane as I stated in my other post I hear a plane whenever it passes over.

I would know the difference I lived most of my life in Thornlie and I was use to seeing the planes landing gear when they came in to land.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 10:42 AM
So, how do you OP know all this? Are you a researcher, or you got information from some inside source?

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 11:18 AM
Well thats one explanation of chemtrails that I have not thought about , but now that I do (even thou I live in a god forsaken country that would never see chamtrails cause we are 50 years behind any normal country when it comes to military research
) I think that this is a very probable explanation and could actually work (at least from the logical point of vew)..

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 01:47 PM
Jack Hill
It was used on me back in 1996, north of Phoenix , out on the carefree hiway
while camping,

The second time it was used, i investigated how it was done
the third time, i found how it was done,

Incidently, here i have to tell you that it does not have to be a case of laying down chemtrails .

It can as well be a mist sprayed from a chopper.
For an onsite shorter duration display.
How i discovered it:
In my case, Military intel set up a Faux abduction of me.

Replete with their operatives wearing latex alien mask and the suits to go with them and the Glowing craft floating nearby ( Holographic Craft )

Many cases of Abduction can be properly placed on these operations and Projects.
Some are straight out of the MK Ultra Brainwashing files.
I want to inform readers that these so called abductees are ususally
People with a back ground of the MK Ultra Trauma Based Brainwashing and mind control experiments that were conducted on over 40,000 people of my generation here in the U.S.

After the theatrics, i received some classified documents on their operations and experiments in this arena.
The agents that brought them said they were directed to do so, but, can you believe really anything in the black-ops?

More later

[edit on 20-2-2008 by cynicalabsurdance]

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 01:56 PM
Wait wait.. just wait a minute!! Are you saying to us that you have official documents that proves things like you're describing??

Can you PLEASE elaborate more on all this? What else can you tell us about those covert operations with soldiers using alien masks? Do you have any proof of it? I'm like

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 07:39 PM
Ok Jack, you are going to have perhaps a thousand questions on those documents, However, these documents cover more then one event and more then one arena.

This thread i will stick with the subject of the thread title.

To answer your question on the Docs, those are back safe where they came from.

On the question of Latex oversuits and other props as well as Technology used
on civilians they Target with a Mock abduction, that should be overviewed in
an abduction thread, should it not?

Also Jack, those who witnessed the Phoenix lights, have seen the proof ( evidence) of the Holography, they may not have known how it was done,
none the less, they saw the proof.
I think my overveiw on this subject is pretty much completed.
I will begin a thread on the Technology used for Orchastrated Theatrical abduction scenarios as a Brainwashing Project .


posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 08:31 AM
Well I'm pretty interested in everything you're telling to us. And you caught my attention since you said you got documents about issues like you're describing. I don't recall any event where abductees realized that their captors were in fact military personal on alien suits! Well, only in a X-Files episode...
I know you understand cynicalabsurdance that the things you're talking about, if true, are terrible. That's why I believe that if you hold any official document as evidence, you should consider bring them to light!
In the other hand, I'm surprised because the lack of general attention about this thread.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 12:25 PM
Hello Jack
Given the appathetic consciousness prevalent in soceity, we should not be surprised at the lack of interest in what the Governing bodies do to U.S. citizens.

Try a Google search using a keyword of: greenbaum speach
Its a long read, describes the results of MK Ultra brainwashing.

Understand please, not many who have had the experience can relate that it was Covert Operatives of the intel agencys that they were abducted by.

It's NOT a simple military squad, it s a combination of personel gleaned from at least 5 seperate entities ( or agencys) of the government.

C.I.A, D.I.A., and so forth, under the ospices of the NSA.
Elite squads trained for these operations.

Children, U.S. children were used as labrats in MK Ultra experiments.

Later I'll describe some events.

[edit on 21-2-2008 by cynicalabsurdance]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by cynicalabsurdance
Hello Jack
Given the appathetic consciousness prevalent in soceity, we should not be surprised at the lack of interest in what the Governing bodies do to U.S. citizens.

[edit on 21-2-2008 by cynicalabsurdance]

Maybe the lack of attention is related to the lack of evidence. That's why it's important that if you can actually prove it, maybe through those documents you had/saw, it could be a completely different matter!

Anyway, my personal opinion is obviously that the military isn't going to inform the general population about everything they do... you know, "national security" and such. But, we both know that conducting such class of experiments over the citizens is a crime...

Interesting thread!

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 11:36 PM
The intent of creating this thread was not to evidence , but to relate a Technology.
To focus your attention on the status of classified Documents, can leave you missing the Gestalt of the subject matter and cause digression of the topic
material into an area that cannot be relagated unto a positive conclusion.

Validity of my dialog can and will be questioned, though that is individual choice, and not my concern.

Simply, This Technology and its use on Humans , needs to be given a venue of exposure, I chose this site as one of those venues by which to reveal what i encountered.

If my venacular and delivery seems a bit terse, then i excuse myself.

I was Tortured by having a Defibulator attached to my Temples and turned on and off during an interogation of me concerning a treasure i found on White Sands Missle Range, this was done by the same individuals involved in the Iraqi Prisoners Torture.

Sometimes i get a lack of patience with people now
It is hard enough to write and relive the momments i was put through
while i attempt to help other victems by revealing to them the Technology used on them.

This thread is a source material for a purpose a bit above simple entertainment.
Not saying that is how you perceive it .
I know many would love details on documents and what is held from the public view,,, but actually Jack, most would simply view that as nothing more then momentary amusement.

I have a wealth of useful information that can help people who were abused by MK Ultra Trauma Based Mindcontrol/brainwashing
I have the extreme urgency to help them with that knowledge.

Three names you may reconize that were Victems of this
1. Whitley Striber ( author of: Communion )
2. William Cooper ( author of: Behold a Pale horse )
3. David Icke ( Journalistic investigator)

David Icke was Victemized by MI6

and William By MK Ultra Intel-agents.

Whitley may find comfort in my expose' on Theatrical abduction operations.
However, reviewing the Documents is not nessacery for it to help him.


posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 11:52 PM
Originally posted by cynicalabsurdance

Many cases of Abduction can be properly placed on these operations and Projects.
Some are straight out of the MK Ultra Brainwashing files.
I want to inform readers that these so called abductees are ususally
People with a back ground of the MK Ultra Trauma Based Brainwashing and mind control experiments that were conducted on over 40,000 people of my generation here in the U.S.

I am particularly interested in this information. Who, what, when, where, and how?


posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by cynicalabsurdance

SERIOUSLY Why would anyone believe a story like this? You really want me to believe that you have all the answers don't you? Your saying that this technology (chemtrails used as a screen for holograms) was used in Iraq? Your saying it's responsible for the Phoenix lights? You sir are FUNNY!

Some people treat this site like Fantasy Land. I am open to sightings and theories but insider information would never make it here for a variety of reasons. One simple reason is this. Say someone really did have inside information, they would probably be in a position to gain this info and if thats true then they also have bonafide credentials and those credentials could get media attention. The last thing a person with credible information looking to get the word out would want is it to be lumped in with the kinds of stories that make people laugh. We all know that this site has some of that. A whistle blower is looking for CREDIBILITY. Think about that the next time you read about someone with firsthand knowledge giving their "facts" about anything that would probably be very classified.


posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 03:36 PM
Hello Enthralled

Research material is hugely available web wide.
seek, you shall find.
However, this thread i will attempt to keep on direct topic of Lazer based holographic Technology.

A Sinclair, you exude greatly in your admonishments the stunted consciousness
that is basically a result of the Western Civilized Lineal thought consciousness
that is resultive of the instituted programned parameters set in motion Aeons ago when a Church and state deemed such to be conducive to the control of masses of Living beings, and profitable to their selfangradizing agendas.
That established and propouned upon control modulation is directly responcible
for a large portion of the destructive to life thought pattern that makes Mind Control possible in this world, if by no other means then by the destruction of faith in others and care of each other, as well as concern over abuse directed at our fellow beings.

Again, if the text was unclear as to staying on topic, i will attempt to concisley verbally illustrate in a context in which the focus of such may not be miscontrued.
I am a witness to the technology
revelations on the technology is direct focus of thread.
I am "NOT" an insider of anything, and have never stated such.

Intent and motivation in my creating and posting the thread, is "NOT" to open a door for argument, but more as a didactic educational discourse of this technology as witnessed by myself during its use upon myself.
As well as to bring it to attention to others who may be also influenced by its use on them.

Digression of thread.
Sorry people

Obviously the wrong choice on my part for a venue to expound upon this material. Goodbye

posted on Jun, 25 2012 @ 08:27 PM
Evidently, someone spoofed Clyde Lewis of the Radio Show : GROUND ZERO
into believing they were Intel agents and sent him the text of this thread
which is 4 years old

Clyde went on the Air and began repeating the materail above and stated it came from 2 gents who did not wish
to be put on the Air

I was listening to the show live at the time
and called in to inform him that i posted the materail over 4 years ago in this forum
as well as other forums

he was being misled

it's in the archives of the show at ground zero radio if you wish to hear it.

it will make you laugh
Sensationalism of talk shows

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